Thursday, January 28, 2016

Railways MRTS extension in Chennai– Extend by 30 kms along IT corridor to benefit 50,000 public travellers daily from Thiruvanmiyur to Kelambakkam, Fast tracking Chennai MRTS stuck between Velachery to St. Thomas mount for 9 years by visit of Railway minister to meet TN CM, New Trains from Tambaram Railway station should be flagged

The IT Corridor from Thiruvanmiyur to Kelambakkam a distance of roughly 30 kms requires extension of Railways MRTS project to enable faster and pollution free travel for more than 50,000 office goers daily. The people and Chennai will remain indebted to Railways, Central Govt & State Govt if the project takes off. The Railways can initially at least start a survey by allocating funds to decide on how the project needs to be taken up either above ground(with single pillar to avoid usage of less land along Old Mahabalipuram road median) or under ground. No land acquisition problem is expected since project is to be build either above or below the road. Metro is not likely to be extended to this region so Railways must come forward and work with State Govt to start this project. IT corridor residents and employees have been demanding this for decades but no one is taking up the cause. Since lack of MRTS in entire section currently people prefer buses but if extended fully it will be used by all.
The MRTS is currently up to Thiruvanmiyur only in IT corridor which is only 1/4th of actual distance if extended to entire IT corridor it will benefit many travellers who have to depend on own vehicles and Chennai state Govt buses for travel. Considering the traffic at certain junctions it will be better if we have MRTS to help ease of travel and reduce travel time. The cost of the project can go up to 7,000-10,000 crores. Please give big projects like this to major construction companies only to avoid delays even if cost is a bit high. Ex: L&T, etc,.
The cost for the project can be done by many ways or combining any of the options below –
a) State Govt (20%), Central Govt (30%), Railways (20%), Debt Raised by bonds (30%)
b) Japanese Funding for Debt with repayment later with shorter time frame of 30 years compared to bullet train and using Japanese coaches for MRTS section
c) Raise Equity from Renting/Leasing Existing MRTS Stations space for Development (20%), Crowd Funding from Public & IT Companies in the IT corridor and giving equity by sharing revenue from project in future or Debt raising by special bond for Chennai MRTS (20%), Rest by State, Railways & Centre. The cost is significantly low as cost of land acquisition is mostly NIL as being done on top or below highways only.
After Thiruvanmiyur the MRTS takes different route to Velachery and intends to connect to St. Thomas mount but stuck for 9 years. The distance between Velachery to St. Thomas is stuck due to land acquisition problems the case is over but waiting for state govt to help hand over land to Railways. Suresh Prabhu & Railway board must personally come over to Chennai and request TN CM to help hand over land after confirming the status with Southern Railway as the loss of not operating this route (7kms) is very huge for Railways as it connect 2 different of Railways in Chennai into a single common point St. Thomas Mount. There are other projects which minister can come to Chennai and discuss with state govt to complete projects stuck for long time.
Minister must also flag off trains from Tambaram railway station as starting point to south, within TN and north of India marking Tambaram as 3rd terminal of Chennai to ease pressure at other terminals for platforms and other facilities.

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