Friday, August 15, 2014

Movie, Music and TV Industry Growth - Use of Information technology


I would like to suggest follow suggestions for growth of Film Industry and TV industry as a whole.

1. Film Industry must be integrated throughout india by a website similar to All details of movies, TV shows and others promoted through this website. Even small films will getter visibility if the same is done. There are two versions to IMDb (internet movie database) it also has something called IMDbPro wherein the actor could be approached. This will help Indian actors being accessible to movies made outside India like Hollywood, etc,.

2.  Regular events must be conducted by TV, movie and theater personality for movie enthusiasts.Those who are interested in movie making, music direction must be provided training at low cost or workshops must be conducted to make them aware of the benefits to actors and industry people. The public must be made available of job opportunities available not only in acting, cinematography, direction but also in art work, electrical and others, etc,.

3. A job portal must be integrated within this website to help new comers directly be able to approach an actor with script instead of old techniques like meeting the actors driver or security and then step by step. If someone has the skills he must be able to approach the person directly.

4. If a person feels he is good in singing he can upload his song in this website through which music directors must be able to directly approach the person to sing in the movies.

5.  3D and animation industry has not grown to much extent in India. It is a major field to bring in Dollars of revenue to our government. An MOU has to be signed with China for join development of animation projects at large scale, something like a join production company with say jackie chan can be used to develop a new project in full animation leading to low cost and our youth and technicians can learn this technologies and apply them in future in our movies. Film industry must spend more on technology aspect.

6. Film fraternity must put in money so that new comers can take cameras in rent for low cost. New cinematographers who are registered can be used to make low budget movies. Movies must be talent driven and not money driven. Only producers who have money will make money and movies must be gone.

7. All movies which get less than 100 screens to release must be allowed to simultaneously release in DTH, DVD, online streaming in the film industry created website within one week. If after one week the screens increase the release of DTH,dvd and online streaming(very low cost at Rs. 50 per movie unlimited watching)will be postponed. If the film doesnt perfom well, immediately the movie can be released in all platforms simulatenously. This will lead to very low piracy and producers will be prevented from loss making. Even big actors should consider release in all platforms from 2nd week onwards. The number of movies are increasing and the hype to watch any movie ends in 14 days. So from 2nd week all movies mus be available in all formats. TV release should be only after 3-6 months pleasing audience who spend money to watch movies.

8. Online streaming of movies must be brought to new levels. Companies like Accenture, IBM, Microsoft can produce such high speed data transfers of movie watching using cloud computing. Atleast use TCS, Cognizant for developing the portal and the product must be build in such a way that the profit will help film and related industry grow and prevent piracy. Since online streaming will help more people from abroad watch the movies they are ready to pay money to watch movies of high quality. The charge for movies must be less say Rs. 50 per movie or whatever rate the pirated dvd are sold in the market. The DVD of movies also should not be Rs. 100 and all since people will watch and then will never use leading to electronics wastage. The system of online streaming with highly secure systems will help a lot. The cost of building the whole website initially might be huge but the growth and opportunities are much better. Currently google in youtube has this concept but i want film industry to earn more revenue to help new comers growth.

9. For music industry growth the website must be configured in such a way that anybody can use the website to hear to any songs or download at Rs. 1 per song. Or Rs. 365 for entire year. It may seem as very low cost but the revenue will grow much more. Itunes and other websites are making lot of money. If film fraternity develop on their own it will benefit the industry and dependent employees.

10. More support mus be provided for new comers. How to write screenplay, script must be put up in the website in multiple languages to help new comers to learn instead of demotivating when they come up something the first time without proper experience.

11. Old scripts and screenplays of old movies and latest movies must be uplaoded as sample copies. As it is with the correction the director has marked.

12. All directors must be members of the portal, they mus write articles on their movie experiences in the same so that others can learn from them instead of working on only promoting the movies.

13. Theatres are charging exhorbidant fees for online booking. Online boooking of tickets must be available in the website which film fraternity will develop.

14. Mobile app development for movies must be included in this project development.

15. The salary payment of actors must be done using this system and the salary paid must be put up in public, so that actors pay the income tax returns properly. If you are really towards transparency you can do this.

16. The process to get permission to a shooting spot also must be part of this concept.

17. All old movies including black and white must also be available in the website.

18. Movie fraternity must combine with DD podhigai to transmit movies in such a way that producers and the tv channel share revenue in 70: 30 model. Since dd podhigai is not able to bag any new movies the reach of the channel which was the backbone of tamil cinema once is reducing do try to help them out. DD national is promoting national hindi movies hence film fraterniy more than money should also be kind with partnership with all tamil channels instead of sticking to the one who bought the movie. Leading to swing in the peoples mindset that film industry is not united and money driven. Do change this by sharing movies in all channels. All movies must be available to all channels to telecast. Remove rivalry among channels to bring unity.

Thanks All
Venkatasubramanian B

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