Thursday, October 29, 2015

Bio-Fuel Promotion Board Needed to Reduce CAD & fuel import, Jatropha/ Punnai seeds can be procured by govt to make bio-fuel in large scale in distilleries/breweries/refineries, Price difference of Rs.5 for bio-diesel in all pumps , Brazil successful model

Indian govt must form separate board for promotion of ethanol/bio fuel from sugarcane/Jatropha oil from Jatropha curcasplant strongly supported by APJ/ oil from Punnai (Tamil name) tree seeds (Calophyllum inophyllum) which grows in India. Board can form various reforms to Govt to implement
The 2008 National Bio Fuel policy must be revisited & additions to implement at grass root levels. Will reduce inflation, CAD, electricity, travel cost
If Punnai tree & Jatropha tree can be easily grown by all farmers to run their diesel motors to extract water, if household grow it in their house they need not use electric motors and reduce electricity bill and pump water to tanks by using diesel generators, corporates can save 5% of electricity cost major source of expenditure for them. Govt must give incentives for bio-diesel a level lower than solar/wind energy but a difference of only 1% to reduce dependency on diesel for water pumps, generators in offices/shops, A/C can be run if bio-diesel is used, farmers need not wait for current, power for local villages with generators can be run if all villagers plant in there area instead of distribution problem.
Govt has given Corporates tax exemption, but must make 5% of electricity consumption from bio-diesel & 5% from solar-wind combination in 1.5 years
Free Electricity program to farmers can be revisited by these methods of bio-diesel based generators and charging Rs.1/hour to check usage/theft
The Tax on bio-diesel should be less to keep rates less by Rs.5 at least from normal diesel to have long term impact. Only if state oil companies do this can Indian public and transporters come into bio-diesel usage for buses, lorries, cars, etc,. Either reduce central tax if necessary if states don’t cooperate as oil companies lobbies powerful in entire world. To break them only such concessions of having bio – diesel rate at less than diesel price will help reduce pollution and also Current account deficit will reduce since India major oil importer. Thermal plants can be run if done in large scale
Cars with bio-fuel no tax for 3 yrs. Indian Railways all diesel trains must move to bio-diesel by 2018 compulsorily no excuse.
Ethanol based bio-fuel costly but using our country specific plants the cost of 1litre of diesel comes to Rs.10 only and in large scale only Rs.5/litre
Brazil has been successful in extracting bio-fuel from sugarcane and ethanol. But sugarcane industry already affected in India. So we can use the jatropha and Punnai tree concepts as it is most suitable fro growth in India and much supported by scientists. Lack of policy from Govt to differentiate diesel price compared to normal diesel is the reason for non adoption. BRICS countries can work
Indian Railways and previous govt announced that jatropha will be planted across railway lines but nothing has been visibly been done.
Prosopis juliflora - Seemai Karuvelam (tamil), Vilayati Babul (hindi), common thorny bush (English) a shrub which extracts moisture content from air and planted by British to spoil our agricultural wealth is only dotted along our railway lines but if govt can ask our agricultural scientists to find a chemical which can kill these plants and prevent damage to our farmers land as these plants make lands dry also planting punnai and jatropha along railway lines and near railway stations and quarters of railway officials can be used for bio-diesel, space between tracks can be used to grow them and local farmers can use them to get the seeds and supply to railways. Link:
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