Thursday, October 1, 2015

New Thoughts on Govt Interaction with Newspapers/Websites/Magazines/Media directly

Every ministry must reply to online articles created by media within 5 hours with explanation if possible using their twitter or Facebook ID to reply to the articles/opinions in newspaper websites. Central Govt must at least target articles of top 10 newspapers of India in major languages using translators and replying in either Hindi or English primarily with point by point explanation and link of pdf docs maintained in govt website with reply to justify govt stand for decision. Trending articles in\news & opinions\editorials must be given priority. Top 10 news websites must be targeted.
For example Min of Finance can respond to most of the articles in business newspapers which will help global investors and markets to immediately get sense of govt stand. Markets react very quickly to minister statements or RBI so all major govt agencies if they respond to media articles directly in the media website and also separate portal in all govt agencies other than press release say Press Replies for important and key articles of newspapers, cover story of magazines with justification will go a long way in boosting image of government. No government ever in the history of India has done so if PMO, ministries of Central Govt do it will be a major boost and public/companies will understand govt genuine view point.
Currently markets and ministers make announcements and justification for improper and misguided media articles only at functions which severely dent markets and global image with improper news. If govt Ministry of information and broadcasting, PMO team directly monitor major articles which are trending and opinions and editorials in newspapers are responded aptly within 6 hours of posting so that the newspaper can also post in next day newspaper the justification given by govt. Govt can also respond to letters to editor articles also on case by case basis. Ministry also going through all opinion articles will benefit.
If I as a common man able to read 5 business newspapers and 3 normal newspapers then why cant minsters and secretaries, PMO not go through articles and directly respond in websites and maintain in their own ministry website also. Lot of issues will be solved and India will be super power by 2018 itself.
TV media news can be responded aptly by concerned ministry by tweeting/FB page of ministry directly to news agency or clarifying directly on twitter account of ministry itself. This will prevent wrong propaganda by media and public to not get carried away by improper justification given by panel members of news channels and anchors. Since most media companies are politics driven public are mis-guided. Misguided youth and public can cause lot harm than good for country. I hope you understand seriousness.

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