Monday, September 28, 2015

Ease of doing business in india - ERP Softwares, CAG for steps for speed up and reduce corruption, refer thailand, indonesia

Going paperless Govt will benefit new companies, existing companies to start new sectors, young entrepreneurs across any sector. I don’t want all regulations to be removed just to benefit few companies. Let us have all 150 -250 regulations approvals but speed up through online approvals with documents sent by company through online through scanned format similar to visa approval and each department one by one shall clear files and separate team which works 24*7 at state and centre & concerned department must be created. Central Govt must give 500-1000 crores fund to assign an IT agency with NIC monitoring to create this portal at states, govt agencies, central govt offices, police, secretaries, RBI, Tax and training provided included. Remove investors visiting govt offices and saving data in computers to reduce forms and bribes significantly.
Currently getting approvals for a new business starts with local panchayat or corporation or city head, then police, then fire, then water, then power, then RBI in case of foreign funds or banks for loans, then tax, then state govt, then central govt agency and then finally background checks and then finance department approval. If too big even cabinet approval. These approvals at state level are highly bribe oriented and file clearance is mostly through brokers only.
Moving all states to paperless Govt with online approvals in workflow model where the regulations are verified by the documents submitted by the company through online with scanned docs without even visiting any of the govt office or lobbying through brokers with Govt or ministers. If the document submitted by the company is valid then the approval goes to next queue to approval for small approvals if any issue you can request for extra documents or give time frame to correct and come back but no direct talking. Any comments must be provided in the portal only no email or telephone interaction to reduce lobbying. Refer methods used by Thailand and Indonesia for faster business approvals for power, water and land.
Some approvals can be sent to multiple departments for single request some departments may not have relation. For example RBI, Tax, background checks by police and RAW can be done by independent agencies, power availability, land banks can be used to allocate land immediately every company must be provided order of choice of state where they want to start business and which state provides first approval leading to competition leads to faster approval and business procedures. Export, Re-Export procedures must be smoothened by customs compared to imports.
Auditor for foreign companies to guide their investments and processes and tax policy of India to be explained. Hence foreign entities and companies must either let govt know their auditors or allow them to choose from top ranked or listed auditors in India and state specific. Currently private companies are not willing to understand each company tax laws instead are looking for tax free options. Tax free options in long run will only affect us.  Hence they must be guided on proper taxation and they must definitely choose a group of auditors/registrants/head office before starting investment.
The process must not be available only for foreign MNC even for common public also who want to start business quickly which need approval even from local corporation/panchayath also. So this software must address regulations of each city, town, state and major investments of central agencies clearance. Adobe PDF docs, SAP or RAMCO or any ERP software's which cannot be fudged to achieve workflow based approvals and saving data for future review by any govt agency
CAG which is commenting so much on corruption must give procedures which should be adopted to speed up clearance and also avoid loopholes and prevent corruption also. If above procedures of using ERP software's will solve issue and regular feedback from all agencies and cag, tax and investors must be sought to improve the system once it goes live. Each state will have its need, the officers might understand only local language so translation of docs etc,. Every small aspect must be considered to solve the issue.
The time frame for each approval needs to be improved slowly based on old data of paper work model, once new model gathers steam the time taken can be reduced by putting new officers in teams which demand more work and operations 24*7 to clear issues. Anyway land, power will be major factors. How to evacuate power and finding barren land to avoid local farmers issue. Building highways post procuring barren land.

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