Friday, September 11, 2015

Steps to handle Inflation – Artificial Rain, Police & Spies, preventing MNREGA work during peak seasons

In spite of repeated reminders/remarks in monetary policy by RBI for several years to state and central governments that interest rates required for India to go forward is entirely on inflation component and nothing else. Only if inflation relaxes will RBI easily improve interest rates. As having high inflation rates will affect common man as the deposits in banks wont yield earning and also business investors wont also be able to earn high rate of return of investment. So focussing on this Inflation problem with special team will lead to better relations between RBI and govt and easing of interest rates.
No central or state government has formed any special committee at state and national level to interact and handle inflation component. New team jointly by RBI, state, central govt, police, intelligence, MET, statistics office, farmers at root levels, tracking big farmers, lorry drivers community insight with spies needed.
If monsoon is less then inflation rises is general talk, but no attempts were made to create artificial rains in drought hit states using special aircraft, scientists, met department, air force, state department support. And prevent flooding and cloud bursts by MET department prediction to make the rain to dispense in sea itself instead of entering land. China and other countries have become expert in artificial rain but we are not making serious efforts.
State police and central police must form spies and intelligence gathering at village levels by making these spies working as labours to big farmers, lorry drivers to big farmers who transport vegetables between states, govt procuring agencies, village markets happening on morning and weekends to identify if these big farmers are hoarding vegetables, stopping supply or any activity. Intelligence gathering over years and the impact on economy needs to be analysed to see who are the root cause for this. Is inflation is done by set of agencies or group of farmers or political influence need to be analysed. Currently no state police has intelligence gathering in this domain
Farmers during off-peak season like non-monsoon, non-harvest seasons should be made to work in handicrafts, adult education for basic maths to calculate their salary and do bank transactions, language of their choice writing & reading, working in govt schools to paint schools/clean roads/patch work, rural infrastructure development like MNREGA should be taken up only during off peak agriculture season to prevent loss of labour during peak agricultural activities based on location and connecting with farmers to identify peak and non peak agricultural season. Farmers unoccupied during off peak season leads to communal fights, alcohol addition, etc,. The impact of MNREGA affecting non availability of labour for farming was known at grass root level by farming community but was not known to bureaucrats at Delhi. That is why spies as labourers or labourers passing small concerns also to certain groups who assimilate and pass on for better decisions and analysis impacts of any decisions and schemes launched. Police as spies as lorry drivers to work to know the work environment, delhi bureaucrats work as lorry cleaners to collect info at ground level on info on how some decisions by group of lorry drivers and owners and whole sale dealers affect economy at high level.

In the first time such a team should be formed silently without any media article as those who cause artificial inflation are connected across India it is worse than terrorism and needs to be handled with iron hands once information starts flowing to higher levels over time and then phone tapping on those people also helps once contacts of who are major decision makers at ground level is identified to monitor remotely 24*7. 

Daily price of each vegetable must be sent to central statistics office from each major market in each town, district headquarters, group of villages, cities, suburban areas from each state to assimilate changes and not wait for statistics data only at end of each month or quarters. Data assimilation with advancement in internet and technology through mobile or web browser also can be entered with photo as proof at market or audio.

the above will protect farmers who work genuinely but middle men who control the market entirely and create artificial supply and demand.

Some say few vegetables can be stored for several months using artificial techniques to increase price and to increase demand or to increase price around festivals as public will buy at any cost and refrigeration facilities of some food can also lead to price rise so Govt or police manned centres to dispatch food which are preserved must be created to reduce prices. currently only lorries are used to transport to areas when price increases, more aggressive strategies of using large air force planes which can be deployed in short notice or logistics planes in future if India post Air india JV considered then food can be flown to dump in markets of high cost and nullify artificial pricing using state govt to immediately move to markets and local shops and supermarket chains.

Strong laws to prevent hoarding and warning boards at markets or toll free number to report high prices can be kept or sms to report high prices should be kept so that govt can know that prices have fluctuated suddenly. Citizens who are helping mindset will also pass on information. So citizens, police data, spies, officials who work in disguise at ground level from centre and state can be used by statistics office, rbi and govt to take necessary action.

Once above are done inflation culprits will move out and RBI will understand our agriculture is stable and Govt efforts will take atleast 1 yr 6 months to analyse patterns on changes based on agents, climate, rain, drought, transportation problems, etc,. and slowly RBI can start focussing on growth only and inflation will become story of the past. Similar to US we will have low interest rates and low inflation and steady growth for several decades will start.

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