Wednesday, September 2, 2015

OROP Issue

Openly showcasing the issues faced by govt of this issue and openly sharing the problems with media at press conference will solve the issues. Why does the govt want to walk alone when public can provide suggestions and understand financial implications and reduce some burden of the govt by speaking out in open and prevent reducing morale of defence services
Finance minister and defence minister must initially discuss with OROP protestors directly in office with at least 15 representatives and old staff and get complete picture of what they are expecting primarily renewal of pension later issue. You have one year to handle that. At least getting picture of 5 key things of OROP they want to have compulsorily and making it open to media for scrutiny.
Openly stating the financial implications will actually reduce burden of government and public will understand the issue
Openly stating that next if public sector bank employees, railways and other central govt come with similar demand the cost which govt has to burden. The amount in figures as per current rate you can specify and the implications.
OROP pensioners who are getting pension from next job after defence and those who have put 15 years of service and those who have put full years of service and those who were jobless after defence job if possible can be differentiated after due discussion with OROP protestors to enable easier implementation.
How much will it cost to review pension annually and bi-annually and once in 3 years must be detailed given to media and public for scrutiny. Govt suffocating with keeping issues close to chest wont help. We are here to help you with suggestions.
If possible put these details in we will help fix it in 14 days or less. We in the sense public, myself, media, newspapers, business newspapers etc,. Because many OROP protestors will have different opinion, many ex-servicemen will have diff opinion. The platform will help solve the issue. The problem statement and demand of OROP must be clearly mentioned and govt finance implications if possible in the issue in and we can help fix it. All possible details and combinations and statistics will hep fix faster and understand implications. The topic must be made wide media publicity and get input from all major media public.
PM should then give OROP protestors to hold off protestors with direct meet with heads and say give us 30 days. 20 days of and 10 days for govt to decide. If govt not able to take a decision with then should do voting by calling parliament to discuss to clear off issue and also finish off other issues in parliament. If parliament not feasible for discussion then PM MODI to clear the matter must hold cabinet voting and clear off issue. At least partial list must be cleared
PM & ministers and secretaries should use models of pension used in Canada, Australia, UK, Germany for reference also and say world over this is what maximum is done.

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