Sunday, September 6, 2015



I have been watching budgets since my childhood and it is only this time it occurred that I have to contribute to the budget process to this government on the confidence and also the government wants to start work earlier compared to previous years on newspaper articles. Please consider the below points if possible after due internal consultation. I would suggest government for budget preparation instead of traditional methods of budget preparation with public sector employees must also ask state governments, media and public especially farmers, rural areas, migrants, urban population, travellers at major junctions like railway stations, bus stands to put up their suggestions and what is the major source of issue for them through joint consultation instead of just discussing with corporates and the same can be given to internal team to further sort out and prepare detailed blue print instead of totally depending on govt staff, PSB bank employees and finance team.  This is my partial list for consideration and will keep updating in my website My father is preparing list of railway budget and will send across when completed.

Tax – API to send sales data from shops directly to IT department server
Revenue sources – Increase tax on pizzas, burgers, aerated drinks and junk food, alcoholic drinks other than industrial use, cigarettes
Farmers – Crop insurance for farmers to save their crop from floods and drought. The crop insurance should cover their health, loans, fertilizer cost, machine rent or loan cost, etc, If crop fails for the season the loan component needs to be corrected or revised with the insurance fund. New insurance company must be floated after joint consultation with rural branch managers, NABARD, RBI, banks, and public consultation to keep the farmers engaged in farming and not to move labour or cities for construction jobs. I have sent detailed to pmo earlier through twitter and pmo website. This will be highlight of the budget.
Infrastructure – Roads in very remote areas must be changed to cement roads for long life with led lights and solar if possible or DC voltage supply instead of AC supply to increase long life and easy supply from solar to led directly with DC itself.
Metros - Chennai – Extension of Metro in Chennai to IT corridor should be considered either by Metro or Southern Railway from Thiruvanmiyur to Kelambakkam and report in 6 months.
SEBI – Demat accounts should provide Income tax payable statement every year, New demat company floated by govt to be used by public sector banks which don’t have demat facilities or are very poor and not to international standards
IRDA – Combining of some of the policies under health to avoid confusion to public and rating of each scheme
KYC & Nomination – Central repository of nomination details of each scheme for easy settlement in case of any eventuality
Defence – Drones to enter buildings held by terrorists, buying technology projects from public and students directly, cyber war fare centre to protect national assets in computers and more.
States – 2 flyovers for each state to reduce traffic, central bus monitoring centre with buses having web cams, walkie-talkie for conductors, 2 hybrid buses, New laser guns for police in states replacing British era guns (Security-Police), Water grid along national highways to move water from one river to another a small step towards connecting all rivers and more.
Disaster Management Team – 2 helicopters, 1 plane with special team. Free will to operate without call from state govt. To be used for railway accidents also. More presence in all states and more.
Railway – Previous year concept of running no new train didn’t go well with public. At least few trains will keep railway men on toes and more hard work. Wi-Fi in trains at Rs.10/100mb for long distant trains, chargers in each berth, Anti-collision system in trains developed by Konkan railway, laser devices on tracks to see if tracks are going down due to loose soil, small voltage along tracks to check track connectivity and tripping of signal to prevent accidents. Technology innovation through public participation and funding and purchase of ideas and more. Chennai MRTS extension from thiruvanmaiyur to Kelambakkam to be considered for IT employees who contribute to GDP significantly.
Airports – Airport express buses from airports to nearest railway stations, transit points for faster connectivity and reduce dependency on cabs and autos. Buses should be operated by AAI 24*7 with state support. Existing buses from states will continue to run. New land to be identified for new airports like Rameswaram, Shirdi, etc.
Banks – Reduce TDS on FD and increase limit on TDS to 50,000 to re-stabilise banks and collect more funds public are frustrated due to heavy taxation of common man and freedom to FII, More ATM cum money deposit machines for rural penetration with funding of 100 crores per bank from joint RBI –Govt fund where no nearby ATM for 5 kms, ATM at all govt schools and bus stands by PSB for penetration to interior villages and moving towards branchless banking and next generation will not suffer. Easy issuance of 1st credit card for salary accounts and less limits and future credit history to improve limits.
Post offices & Post Man – Allocation of funds for improving IT infrastructure for payment banks and also to enable easier payments of NSC certificates purchase through online post office, PPF, etc,. Banks and post offices to be linked through online mode for easier cash transaction and payments. Congratulate and separate 300 crores for payments bank of post office licence. Post man need not anymore go in cycle and will be given electric bikes at an outlay of 500 crores and mini vans to get space in logistics domain to compete with private logistics firms. 2 aircrafts with combined JV of post office and air India should be setup and more.
Medicines & Health: New institute for Unani, Ayurveda, Siddha, Vedas and homeopathy must be setup to analyse traditional medicine with graduation and research with high ends labs and public can purchase medicine online for cheaper medicine with no side effects and reduce dependency on pharma companies and to solve modern day diseases with low cost and no side effects. Around 1000 crores must be allocated.
Film Industry – Separate institute for high end Graphics, animation and 3D technology for students to pursue and graduation with degrees at low cost with high end labs. Servers to maintain old cinema and music for next generation to get an opportunity to see and restore from old cd and cassettes in central repository for all languages. Servers to be placed in 4 regions of the country.
Education: Kindergarten to be setup in all schools to keep children occupied from low age and prevent child labour and keeping children engaged with small activities and prevent disparity between private and govt. schools. Laptops for department heads of each school govt CBSE and state govt schools and other boards at least minimum 10 to be identified to collaborate teachers at national level through single portal and better methods of education. The websites must have English and Hindi primarily and later add local languages also. Adult education post 6pm at govt schools through tele conferencing without any teacher to those who are interested to learn and video based learning from youtube setup by govt for adult education on basic maths to count money, salary, MNREGA workers compulsorily in this scheme, using bank account, sending postal letters, money orders from banks, etc,.

Complete Description of Topics
Tax: Major increase in tax collection with IT infrastructure to bring many shop and public under tax preview of shops who avoid tax can be caught. Definitely should be implemented with 300 crores initial outlay.

Computerisation with internet connection of retail shops with tax exemption with Income tax department software and API to send sales details to avoid tax loopholes the bill details can be verified in tax website if sent to tax department. Tax relief if partially or completely done with verification by banks and tax department. Tax relief up to 10% must be given. Target shops with less than 1lakh sales per day. Big shops have but to make them send data to it servers 5% tax rebate after tax department and bank verification of data sent to monitor remotely. The IT software can be asked to be made by 2 it companies simultaneously and govt can merge best features of both. Govt should allocate 600 crores for this inclusive of software manufacturing, data and server and personnel recruitment. The receipt for purchase of goods, salary of employees credited can also be notified with this software to get overall picture of sales, revenue, profit and loss statements. Each bill should have a unique transaction code associated with it,  a tax official after buying a product from the shop can use that to enter in income tax separate website to check if the data has been updated post 48 hrs if data not reflected that it department can raid that shop.
The above idea if implemented will bring in so much improvement in tax revenue and many loopholes which tax department is unaware of will come under it.
Increasing usage of POS at wine shops will improve banking and also reduce drinking by labours and also urge them to have banking accounts and savings habits.
All jewellery purchases should make pan card compulsory irrespective of price let it be 500 or 10,000 all must be bought under pan card rule. If rural places they don’t have pan at least the bank account number must be noted and marked in bill and send to it department api url to make a note.
Source of revenue:
Raise taxes on burgers, pizzas, coke and aerated drinks as they come under junk food. To promote milk based products and fruits based products by foreign multi nationals who manufacture here. Irrespective of pressure from coke or pepsi govt should hike the tax rates as they use water from our country and sugar content also the junk food causes diseases of heavy magnitude which affects everyone. To promote milk based products and natural foods available in the country the tax should be increased.

Green Tax for those using plastic products for packaging in hotels/theatres, plastic manufacturers, shops plastic bags for shopping, drinking water bottles a major source of plastic and plastic based products importers as plastic waste is as dangerous as nuclear fuel. Green tax can be used to setup recycling plants of plastic and each major city which has large dumping yards will have these plants. Green tax will be also used to plant trees along road sides and medians.
Green Tax will promote natural fibre or natural alternatives for packaging compared to plastic for packaging drinking water bottles, hotels food packing, aerated drinks in theatres, parcels, shopping bags.
Increasing tax on alcohol based beverages to be increased. Alcohol used in industrial purposes must be exempted. Cigarettes as usual should be increased.
The blockbuster hit of the budget will be crop insurance.
The govt should announce that crop insurance programme will be announced in due course to protect farmers from drought and floods. The programme must be done after joint consultation with RBI, state govts, NABARD, Banks employee posted in rural areas, Bank managers of PSB in rural districts, co-operative society banks, self help groups, NGO, public from etc,. to help farmers to cover farmers against repayment of loans for farming, equipment, etc,. in case of any eventuality or no rain or floods.
Demat accounts should generate the estimated tax to be paid. The same can be used to upload to Income tax website instead of us self-declaring. Public might do mistakes when self-declaring their assets as so many logics and clauses are there. So demat accounts based on long term gains, short term gains, losses from sale, profits from sale should self-assess based on IT rules and generate the income tax forms. Why does IT department depend on us to pay taxes when they don’t have a proper system to find how much we need to pay?
SEBI not accessible for complaints hence twitter and Facebook must be used and other social networks.
Public sector banks don’t have demat accounts and have poor IT infrastructure. Govt must form a joint JV with all public sector banks which don’t have demat accounts to create a new demat website and It infra to enable better retail participation in stock markets. Currently the websites of most public sector banks are pathetic with poor support compared to private sector. Govt must review all PSB demat accounts and fine them for poor infrastructure and give time to improve with better It contracts and fine operators.
Many insurance purchases are done as benami transactions. Hence all purchases should go through IRDA servers for better tracking overall sales of insurance in various categories and IRDA can intimate the customers on the benefits and return period and general ranking of each policy must be put based on returns, complaints, etc,.
IRDA currently not accessible for public. They should put up support through twitter and Facebook and other social networks.
Too many policies and clauses causes difficulty for purchases of policies. Health has several like hospitalisation, critical illness, disability, etc,. If all can be combined under health it will be much better. Accident insurance has life, disability, etc,.
KYC & Nomination
The RBI kept announcing that it will setup a KYC institute to capture and verify bank accounts. But RBI has been very slow in this process. If a single institution like aadhaar or something used to verify the KYC annually if required will help.
Nomination is a major headache in banks and purchases of fixed deposits, insurance, mutual funds, stocks etc. The nomination currently many institutes have only 1 person but I actually want to nominate based on percentage to each person in my family so that nomination is not stuck to one person. So Govt has to work with RBI to setup a KYC and nomination institute to quote that number once and used for nomination for any purchases instead of giving nomination for even small things and we keep forgetting and our nominees are benefitted easily and hassle is removed in case of any issues.
Defence: 800 crores  + 3000 crores
Drones separate funds – 300 crores
Mini drones to automatically enter buildings/aeroplanes/hotels held by terrorists and check the building and terrorist position and movements before attacks to save soldiers life and precisely attacking without entering building also with special devices.
Drones the size of bees are used with cameras to transmit to base station to know about terrorist position. This will help easier operations on conflict with terrorist
Drones which can fly for 6 hours to just take photos and send back to base stations must be flown over terrorist territories and to warn our army and air force.
Technology purchase from students – 200 crores to scout for new ideas and projects from students
Drones have been made by engineering students across India. Defence must allocate some funds to purchase projects which defence feels will benefit them and purchase after verifying software and tools used. This fund will enable engineering students to directly showcase their talent to DRDO by submitting applications directly at any time of the year. Around 200 crores must be allocated for this project to buy drones or any devices made by engineering or common public and professor or any person who wants to contribute his knowledge to save lives and save country.
Cyber warfare – 300 crore
More Defence academies must be setup to train more forces to train in different and new generation warfare like cyber war fare to tackle US and China and Korea and protect our national assets and secrets from spying agencies. ISRO data and defence computers must be safe guarded with this team. Govt functioning data and leakage of bureaucratic data which can be used by enemy nation is also needed.
Satellites – 3000 crores
Satellites of 1metre precision to monitor borders even at night time with heat sensor
Laser pointed guns and night vision goggles for defence forces. Most of the terrorists enter during night time and along rivers. Special photo analysing software at real time should be used to track our long borders humanly not possible so computers with photo analysing software must be used.

States: 1800 crores + 500 crores/state for flyovers

Announcing new metro cities as gazette notification, after delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai new metros were not announced. Announcing Bangalore, Hyderabad and other states initially will put these cities in global maps. Currently cities which are marked as metro cities are only referred by global media but other cities need to be put up for better reference by global media and corporates.
Laser pointed guns for defence force's and state police for point and shoot. Laser pointed guns enable easier completion of operations. Some of the constables in states use outdated guns of British era which needs to be modified. 500 crores must be provided.
Water grid long national highways to transfer water from rivers to the national grid to connect all states rivers along national highways and to supply water from rivers with less or no water with water from Ganga and Brahmaputra. 1000 crores must be initially assigned to start work and annual budget will be increased.
Central command centre for tracking bus movements in the city and state. Walkie-Talkie for conductor to interact from command centre to monitor traffic in city based on gps based bus movement using gagan software of isro and ticketing system with smart cards at bus stops, inside buses for seamless travel and improve state transport services and to find if buses stop in bus stop or not. Software and central command infrastructure will be provided by centre and maintained. Central govt will provide suggestions with data collected. Web cameras inside each bus in the state for monitoring centrally. If some states already have will be integrated into this. 300 crores must be allocated for this project.
2 Hybrid buses or electric buses or buses capable of running in bio-diesel must be augmented after due selection by central and state joint technical committee to reduce pollution.
Central govt must ask each state to give list of 2 major traffic junctions in which they require flyovers to decongest the traffic. The states must give 1 from state capital compulsorily. The same can be jointly funded by state and central with 50% each or more percentage of funds from central govt to build flyover in these areas to remove traffic. Traffic are major sources of waiting time and affect our GDP growth as employees go late to office and spend less time as they have to start early as the traffic at evening and night time also is high. This will be a major boost to our country. The project will be jointly handled by state and national highways to reduce corruption and remove dependency on private builders for this. At least one jointly build by state and national agency to build better rapport with states and one with private agency.
Disaster Relief: 2000 crores
Separate helicopters of 3 numbers and plane for disaster management team with special team from army, navy and air force for operating with them. Being in tsunami prone area and frequent earthquakes separate helicopters enables easy reaching of destination of last region.
Disaster relief will work at times of railway accidents also.
More disaster relief command centres and teams in each region and later expanded to each state.
They should be able to take up any issue without request of state and central also if they think many are affected and subject to availability

Chennai MRTS extension from thiruvanmaiyur to Kelambakkam to be considered on IT expressway in Chennai from Tidel park to SIPCOT IT park.

WiFi in trains at Rs.10/100MB for usage in long distant trains using CDMA or best technology as GSM needs towers but CDMA won’t require tower I believe. Wifi in trains more important than stations.
Separate spectrum for railways for telecom maintained by IRCTC or joint venture of railways and BSNL for spectrum usage of BSNL which remains unused to use in trains for wifi connection.
Mobile chargers in railways stations waiting areas with desk to keep phone.
Mobile chargers in each berth instead of only one charger in sleeper coaches. Sleeper coaches are the ones entire india travels long distance. If sleeper coaches are targeted the impact of railways will be visible.
Sections of railways as identified by pm and railway minister like golden quadrilateral and internal major city movements must be quadrupled as soon as possible for even faster movement and reduce track dependency.
Electrification at massive speed in major routes still dependent on diesel.
The electrification and track laying must be split into 2 contracts to reduce dependency and contracts of 10kms must be awarded to analyse and speed up tasks.
Bridge constructions must be kept with Railways and directly choose person to do that portion but the portion of track laying must be held differently which don’t have any bridges in its route.
Mobile network boosters inside trains for signal strength for calls and SMS and 3g in train routes.
Lack of running new trains have made railways lack of targets and increase of revenue. New trains and routes and electrification will only keep all on the toes to perform more and we can at least achieve 10% growth in GDP. Hence govt should run new trains for all states of at least 3 nos.
Silent rooms in trains to attend business calls and work area to work with laptops in business routes and it employee routes
Railway safety budget allocated each year is wasted I believe as our trains are still not safe we need to use it to implement technology based solutions and asking private contractors for suggestions. Sensors can be used on tracks instead of plainly depending gagman to check trains by walking along tracking. Sensors with laser pointer to floor that is vertical and horizontal to check if tracks alignment is good or any change in tracks and beeps sent to command centre. The laser can give accurate variations in track height or any changes. Some tracks go down due to soil issues after rain or several years laser can be used to check height of tracks or if major variation in track height while train crossing indicating re-packing of tracks.
Train monitoring and train under carriage monitoring by railway staff at railway station entry and exit must be automated with special equipment placed beneath the tracks and at both sides for computer based monitoring. R&D team and private players must be used for these projects which are totally new. Private players should be used for ideas and solutions which are tough to achieve and they don’t have ready-made solutions. Most private players generally tend to sell what they have but they won’t be needed for us. We must ask them to make products which we need to maintain railway safety.
Anti-Collision system device is still not implemented in all trains which was developed over several years by Konkan railway.
Any track along dangerous locations like near rivers or on bridges or on poor soil conditions or in naxal regions or forest regions must be having a special track connector by which a small voltage of current should flow through the tracks and connected to remote signal transmitter and nearest signal about 3 kms away to sense if drop in signal or cut In voltage automatically signal should trip to red to stop train and railway authorities can be intimated. Still railways are dependent on gagman on these routes to monitor tracks they are also human how much can they track sudden floods or any unscrupulous elements cannot be tracked.
Alternative routes or new trains to re-direct trains in peak routes must be considered if any possible issues with some route due to any accident or issues.

Airports: 700 crores
Separate airport express bus service for passengers to reach home or catch connecting train from airport or major bus transit point. The bus service will be managed by AAI with 4 A/C buses allocated based on timing of flight and route to be decided. State transport should just give permission as issues of transportation from and to airports not well maintained. The buses will be operated in 2 popular destinations from airport to city. AAI will decide based on airlines passenger data of movement and frequent flyer suggestions. States can continue to operate their own buses also. Bus fare to be decided by AAI and public decision state can provide suggestions if interested. Chennai airport lacks bus transport inside airport to Tambaram railway station or CMBT or central railway station or popular hotels foreigners stay directly. Some of the routes can be changed once metro becomes operational and also bus connectivity at night is not there that is when most of the flights arrive. Similar analysis and buses provided for each state capital airport will help seamless travel. Future addition can be considered based on needs. 500 crores for this project
All these buses should have security, web cams, gps tracking and proper ticketing machines.
If buses are not possible at least A/C mini-buses with luggage facility to have last mile connectivity based on passengers who have boarded.
Private airports with govt stake for totally new locations should be considered based on heavy tourist movement like Rameswaram, Shirdi, etc,. Instead of privatising existing airports which were built with so many years of hard work with govt and related agencies. Private firms willing to build new airports should come forward with central and state joint stake to acquire land and to earn by holding stake in case the airports pick up. Identification of new international airports in the East part of India for better and direct connectivity with Asian countries. Cost of 100 crores for survey and identification of new airports to be constructed by private with state and central joint funding.
5/20 rule can be relaxed for airports which don’t have direct international flights currently to promote new international airports. The list of airports will be revised every 2 years.

Banking: 1500 crores
Lack of ATM and money deposit machines in rural areas for several kms should be addressed by RBI with its excess funds to motivate Banks by supporting banks which setup ATM in locations where there is no ATM for nearby 5kms by funding for transaction cost/ATM setup cost/ATM maintenance cost for a period of 5 years subject to a max of 100crores per bank to boost rural and remote banking services. RBI should accept only transaction cost of 10/ transaction done from the ATM of these locations or fixed costs per ATM to promote more increase in branchless banking. A bank official should be posted in these ATM to help public in rural areas understand the easier operation of ATM and money deposit machines. RBI should otherwise fund a venture with BEL or other govt agencies to develop low cost ATM cum money deposit machine in the same device which occupies less space and at reduced cost to supply to be placed at remote areas. RBI simply forcing banks to invest without giving any support with funding to boost rural areas is not good. RBI with its excess funds from various operations must also spend for financial inclusion.
Banks should work with state govt to setup ATM and money deposit machines at govt schools, kendriya vidyala, major bus stands which are transit points by RBI giving max 100 crore per banks for transaction cost or ATM setup 50% cost. Since RBI has count of transactions from ATM as it happens through its servers only. Instead of RBI giving funds to govt every year 1000crores for this will help. The money deposit machines should accept coins, notes of all denominations from Rs.10 to boost keeping accounts active by transactions. A/C not required in rural areas anyways fan is enough and solar to run if power shortage to be connected to inverter to run the on board computer in ATM machine
Reducing tax on fixed deposit. Earlier govt wanted all to invest in equity and many lose in markets. Fixed deposit reduction in tax on interest to 7% will boost savings and also up to 50,000 interest which FD no tax and get deposits to banks and out of NPA. 15g and 15h to be reviewed for providing tax loopholes
1st credit in account of salary with less limit quick approvals. Based on credit history review every 6 months it will be changed or increased. Currently getting first credit card is very difficult for even corporate employees
Reserve bank of India must enable neft and rtgs payments in night time also. If shopping through debit card is allowed then neft and rtgs must be allowed to handle emergencies and transfer of money to relatives during crisis and hospitalisation and stuck in remote location. So RBI support team should work 24*7 with support infrastructure of all banks working 24*7 to enable seamless transfer of money at night also and reduction of transfer time to 15 mins from current wait time of several hours.
Post office: 1000 crores
To become largest logistics or compete in logistics space 2planes and 2 helicopters for faster courier movement in India. Existing aircrafts or air india to be remodelled with 2nos of joint JV of post office and Air India. Total 4 aircrafts and 2 helicopters for remote locations and faster delivery and compete with other logistics companies which are entering India.
Around 500 crores for Courier boxes to be fitted in electric bikes for transporting ecommerce site products with electric bikes of 2nos max or based on demand or minivan 1no per post office of cities and district headquarters with 1 minivan for transporting parcels. Electric bikes will become more visible if postman uses leading to greener society. This will lead to public also buying more electric bikes. Currently postman are operating with cycles are not able to transport large parcels which are generally sent by e-commerce companies this will improve capacity of post offices and better revenue and low cost as they use electric bikes.
Post man doesn’t cash on delivery currently hence ATM card based pos devices must be provided to post man to collect cash or card payments with partnership with e commerce companies.
Post offices must be competitive priced for bulk deliveries to improve revenue.
Post office payment and purchase of the NSC bonds, PPF, monthly payment scheme and all other payment schemes should be brought within online payment facility like internet banking under the payment bank concept. IT infrastructure of 150 crores must be allocated for post offices for developing existing payment concepts and also for the payment banks. Debit card must be issued by all post offices in all branches in cities and some of the high density district headquarter branches. 100 crores must be allocated for this. Currently banks don’t allow to transfer money for PPF and others to post office directly. Banks and post offices must be integrated for payments from banks to post offices and vice-versa for seamless connectivity and reduce dependency of waiting for debit cards by post offices and reduce waiting time at post offices.
New post office scheme for boy child must be brought. Last time only for girl chidren was present. Chennai post office has started for male children similar to be implemented along the entire nation also. All govt targeting girl children alone is not enough.
Medicine & Health – 3000 crores
Joint research institutions for siddha, unani, Ayurveda, Homeopathy and other techniques used in villages, rural areas and tribal people, yogis who read from vedas, herbs and medicinal plants from mountains and others to re-energise and document and conserve all our old methods of treatments and to cure modern day issues and diseases. This joint institute must be setup in 5 places in india for each region north at Kashmir, south at kerala, east at odissa and west at pune and one at Madhya Pradesh. Any person expert in this field can be member and register as member of this institute. Govt will allocate 200 crores for 5 years post which Govt can expect return investment through patents and other new innovations and find cure to diseases like cancer, aids, etc,. and diseases affecting world population. Govt will also support sales through online purchase of the medicines and logistics support through post man to reach low cost medicine’s of Indian origin and other old practices to reach common man. Instead of depending on pharma companies which do cost escalation every year and other MNC controlling common medicine needs. This institute will discuss on various topics and separate website with world class lab and research facilities. Courses on PhD and others will be introduced here with degrees issued for students. Students can do internship here similar to world class medical colleges and research institutions.
The videos and documents based on level of secrecy will be maintained and patented to earn revenue for the institute, person who found and the govt which holds stake in this institute. Atleast by next 10 years this will be world best institute on pre-modern medicine to treat at low cost.
Broadband and internet:
Broadband limit or basic speed to 2mbps by trai as soon as possible and 1mbps as basic speed immediately since 512 kbps not enough from Bsnl.
And target of basic internet speed of 4mbps by 2020.

More spectrum for free WiFi zones and govt holding this will help.

More spectrum based satellites every year to improve internet ranking in global system from current 129 out of 198 based on ookla speed test net index and other studies referred in September issue of digit magazine
TRAI should setup office in each state or each telecom circle initially in all state capitals or adjacent places with overhead devices to monitor signal strength in areas and take up with mobile networks to improve services by sending reports to network operator with details of tower and other captured with these devices on vans. TRAI also should purchase mobile phones of various OS and brands to keep checking signal strength and data speed and packs in each state are different.

Adult education at schools and schools internet cafe with library for public after 5pm daily to public only browsing and downloads less than 10mb per link and unlimited browsing of information. At all kendriya vidyalaya and govt schools in remote areas and lowest ranked districts first.
The state and central grade schools admit students at later age for lower classes. The KG classes must be started in govt schools of state and central similar to private schools to prevent age differentiation and education imparity in future. Pls analyse with depts. with due consultation.
States must be asked for needs and suggestions which can benefit entire country which need to be included in budget. Each national party can be asked for suggestions for budget.
All head teachers of the schools for each department will be given laptops for better coordination at national level for both state and national level
Film Industry
First time in history of budgets Indian film industry will be allocated budgets.
Setting up of Media/IT infrastructure to preserve and conserve old cinema and music of Indian film industry across all languages and famous personalities. Around 500 crores will be allocated for the same. Indian public are crazy for film personalities and hence it will benefit Govt and the industry and public in good way.
Preserving the old music cd and cassette’s is difficult task and currently Doordarshan has been doing independently. So the same if moved to central repository with large server clusters for viewing by general public after due amount as it won’t be free of charge as the amount spend on maintenance is too costly. The public can hear songs in free streaming but with a limit and post that at very low cost they can pay to get membership to view songs and videos and movies.
Considering the release of more than 10 movies per week in India in different languages the govt should take it as a challenge and to preserve Indian cinema.
Animation, 3D and graphics institute will be setup after joint consultation with directors/producers/actors/institutes who use high definition graphics in movies. The institutes will enable more students to take up this as a career and reduce dependency on foreign companies to make the graphics for indian films and TV shows. The graduation and post-graduation should be available in these institutes. High end Labs and R&D centres and latest equipment will be provided based on committee setup with director Shankar, Rajamouli, and their team representations and other national award winners on excellent use of graphics and state producers, directors and actors councils.
Govt Staff:
NPS scheme must be looked into to have some percentage as fixed income and some in equity instead of completely
Minimum 30% can be in equity but rest in FD, postal department, debt of high grade must be considered.
Private Employees:
Private firms must consider adding inflation component to salary basic pay every 3 years atleast. Can tax department see how that can be done? Most companies annual hike less than the inflation component.

Venkatasubramanian B
Software Developer

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