Friday, September 11, 2015

Strengthen Rupee Vs Dollar

Rupee weakens every month due to heavy oil purchases and dollar demand by public sector oil companies from market
Public sector oil companies must be asked to purchase at least 10% of the oil using rupee.
Weak rupee might help in exports but still our exports have not surpassed our imports we need to use strategies of swap currency with countries for 10% to pay in their local currency of the country
Depending fully on U.S dollar for all transactions leads to fluctuation in rupee which RBI cannot handle on day to day basis.
In spite of our economy strong in the world our currency is weak at least 20% (10%-rupee payment, 10% - swap currency) we will be able to strengthen by agreements with oil producing countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Russia will help.
If we increase payments to high level US might be angry on us that U.S dollar is not used. U.S. government artificially runs its economy with US dollar as trading currency actually all countries can slowly overcome Dollar

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