Sunday, April 3, 2016

Animation, Special Effects & Make-Up Institute of India - 150 crores to setup 2 institutes and 50 crores for next 5 years, appointing Bahubali director and Endhiran director, Art director Sabu Cyril as 3 of 15 board members, Scope to earn dividends for the Govt in future by working for movies, 2 year course

The animation and special effects industry is worth several billions of crores and India has not fully tapped that potential. There is immense scope for revenue and lot of job opportunities to create. Globally at times of recession also film industry is the only one which keep running. Films are the only source of entertainment for many in the world
Currently some of the visual effects of small portions are outsourced to India but to go to next level Govt has to step in with some of the below suggestions
The animation, special effects, VFX, graphics, Sketching for animation, Make-up can create massive job creation potential even uneducated will benefit who has artistic skills.
Govt must allocate 150 crores  initially and 50 crores for a period of 5 years to setup Animation and special effects institute of India in at least 2 places in India. It can be a totally new institute with board members recommended by Govt.
My possible list of board members nominations will be Bahubali director Rajamouli, Shankar the maker of Endhiran and Art director Sabu Cyril who has worked with both Rajamouli and Shankar and master of this craft. The three are very passionate to make high quality movies with high end graphics. The above 3 members and other 7 must be to setup a board of this institute and put the money funded over a period of 5 years to systematically grow the animation and CGI in the country. The rest 7 can be identified from other movie industry who have created best graphics in their field or language. Make up artist Banu from south is also talented can be put up in board.
The institute must train students and professionals to groom their existing skills and create a course to train more students and use of CGI in all movies to increase quality of movies to global standards. The CGI at times helps hide mistakes in film making also so will help movie makers not get bad name for mistakes which are visible in big screen. The institute must create a 2 year course for students to learn and master the course. The computers required are high end and hence the amount will be put to good use. The software's required are also costly, the equipment if put to good use will help train students and current professionals who are thrown out of industry for lack of knowledge on latest techniques. The courses can be free for SC/ST and for others course can be prized at good price. The institute if placed in Chennai and Mumbai will be good as most of the movies are made in these 2 regions. Since Chennai is close to all regions in south it will be better if setup first and the Mumbai office setup as soon as possible.
The above board setup will design the courses, decide the software's to use. The same institute will also have R&D department to compete with global standards to find new software's, new techniques. The board will also interact and sign MOU with global agencies to learn and transfer of knowledge. There is huge craze for Visual Communications across students who end up in film industry. So this course will definitely be a good hit. There are several private agencies which work for movies but don’t take any interest in training new candidates and the courses are in several lakhs which are not feasible for many to learn. Hence this institute will play a major role.
Disney and other global firms have earned several billions of dollars in animation industry but in India neither are artists used to sketch animations nor their talent used or jobs created in IT field for use in graphics. Neither are camera techniques learnt we are still in nascent stage. Hence the institute will help learn new things. Govt in future can earn dividends for several crores if this initiative becomes successful. In current film institutes the scope of earning is less but here is the scope of earning is high since board directors can use skills of the institute to work for private firms. The board can also hire the passed out students to take up work for movies without them going out also and paying them salary. So Govt must take this positive step in futuristic cinema world and to reach global heights. If your ministers don’t understand consult actors in field.
The only condition for this institute is that it will do graphics for Govt schemes, Govt institutes & organisations, Doordarshan at zero cost. The Govt programmes and graphics and animation for Govt organisations must be made free of cost. In long run the students who pass out or working can be used to make better graphics and programmes to reach common man since visual feel and sketched books to students to teach digital literacy etc,.
The institute can do for movies and private companies also to earn revenues subject to approval by board. Govt must not interfere in day to day basis as long its revenue starts coming in 5 years. Govt must come in only in case of any major issues. VFX will bring in lot of revenue and lot of job creation from several movies as lot of movies nowadays use VFX for even title cards. Hence Govt should consider going ahead to help those students who have artistic skills and to also earn good paying jobs.
The institute can also design websites for film promotions, marketing of a product, etc,. Subject to board approval. The above is a nascent idea but it can grow up into Disney or a great institute of the world standards if provided right help by Govt and freedom to operate and create jobs.
The key point is most board directors currently work in movies so Govt should allow them to make movies as well take care of both and not push and pull them much as they are the only skilled talented persons in the field in India so Govt must ask them for recommendations and pay good salary to keep them in this field and help create jobs.

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