Saturday, April 2, 2016

Sports – Pension Scheme to be reformed – Give pension to all players who have represented India in any sport not necessary to have won medal, Give pension to top 10 individual national sportsperson in the field not necessary to have represented India globally, all national record holders for more than 1 year must be eligible for pension. All ranking of each sport must be available online in single portal. Payment must be to bank A/C, New committee by P.T. Usha, Milkha Singh.

The pension for sports schemes is given for internationally successful players in Olympics, world cup, world championships, Asian games, commonwealth games. I already sent a request to increase aid to players but neither was PM or govt interested. Hope it will be resolved now.
The flaw in the scheme is that it is not going to encourage more sports players. The current scheme gives pension to Olympians and international sports winner. Those who represented India in any sports must be eligible for this pension to be funded by Govt of India. It is not about winning it is about participating and representing the country. Even for Sachin it took several years in Indian cricket to win a world cup in athletics and other sports it is even more difficult seeing the lack of support by Govt for sports. Even though cricket is widely popular other sports require monetary support to pick up. At the end of the day the player needs money to survive. Pension of at least 5,000 must be provided to those who represented India in any sport in international arena.
All India tournaments conducted by Govt of India top 10 individual players in that sport must be also included in this pension system because someone from that is only going to represent India some time in near future. If not possible also it is ok, Govt can be happy that it created the necessary system to support players. For group games like hockey the entire Indian team with substitutes included must be included in pension as they represent the country in global arena irrespective of they get a chance to play or not or they win or not. Govt must support them. They are also a face of the country. Govt must encourage sportsmanship by encouraging participation more than winning and saving their future from monetary distress.
Any player who holds national record for more than 1 year must be eligible for life long pension. Can any of your ministers go and beat any record or create any records in sports like athletics. So it should be fair to give athletics and any sports were records are created as only these players who will represent India. So record creation will enthuse players to take up sports seriously. The records if created in national meets or state or central govt recognised meets or govt recognised federations should be considered
The current rate of pension for sportspersons must be doubled. The amount of 10,000 for medallists of Olympics games will it in anyway motivate players. For bronze medallists of para Olympics is Rs.3000. So please double the current pensions for the 8 sections and categories and also add above categories mentioned. Why is para Olympics treated differently from normal Olympics. Increase Olympics medal pension to at least 20,000 seeing the very less no of medals in Olympics.
Make 10,000 as minimum pension for including those players who have not won any medals also but have represented India must be given pension with linked to inflation to increase automatically. In future you will not have players to represent also if you don’t give pensions and the players wont motivate others to take up sports. So please take care of your previous National players. Even with 10,000 they cant pay rent for their house.
The rules that if Govt gives pension he should not take any other scholarships from other govt agencies or private is totally flawed. Why should govt have such a rule, please remove it. A talented sportsman can take scholarship from multiple agencies. Why should a sportsman die poor?
Why does sports ministry not give any salary to sports players who represent India. How will they fund their expenditure and food intake and exercise methods. Central govt wants to always build roads but India ‘s pride and face of the country are most of the time is its sportsperson and defence personnel not their Govt functionaries. The age limit of 30 years after which money will be given is not acceptable once a record is done the funds transfer should start since sports ministry will forget and the system is not automated to pay. The form filling and paper work can be avoided till 30 years call it as assistance programme and then after 30 years keep it as pension.
No or very less funds were allocated for Fencing Association of India, Karate, Cycle polo, Indian polo, softball, Ice hockey, Indian bodybuilders. Give a tax exemption for tax payers to contribute to sports for Govt provided account. So that nobody can say they gave for cricket and claim tax relief. The amount should go for promotion of rare sports, build new facilities in India and at regional level. Pls don’t add cess and all. Just give a account to contribute and claim tax relief.
Need to allocate foreign coaches for winter Olympics related events to engage sports person from Himalayan region and ice capped regions to tap more medals. Currently India is very weak in winter Olympics contests in spite of many snow capped mountains and immense scope for medals.
The transfer of money should be automatic with aadhaar based bank account details and recorded information of athlete's representation globally.
Claims procedure for sports candidates must be automated and made online to claim travel expenses, boarding, lodging, sports kits, food supplement charges, medical insurance,  .Approved in 48 hrs and special requests approved in less than 3 hrs for important programmes for urgent travelling. Setup team to discuss needs and do. I have basic idea on this portion on funds for players.
Setup a sports committee under P.T. Usha, milka singh and other sports people from various sports with cricket represented by Sachin to give recommendations to Govt. The committee for sports is need of the hour as lack of Olympic gold medals and lack of efforts by finance ministry to allocate funds to promote sports. If all students want to play cricket year after year for which there is no Olympics medal and for a billion plus people everyone mocks us at saying we lack talent and post education no job for sports also. No central govt jobs gives sports quota for jobs they say sports quota separate why apply when normal application. Ex-servicemen and sports quota have been not considered seriously by anyone in this country. Pls have the committee represented by top and retired players and retired coaches of the sports as they will bold enough to say the concerns the current players will be afraid as they fear they might lose their position.

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