Saturday, April 2, 2016

Expectations in Budget not fulfilled

Medical facilities – A) AIIMS to be setup said in earlier budget still not put in motion. TN is still waiting for AIIMS to be setup the delay has not been explained also B) Medical helicopters are a distant future for the people and govt hospitals for faster transportation of passengers. Govt could have easily ordered HAL or through tender to purchase 30 helicopters at 1 per state, fuel anyway states are going to bear if any state says no don’t buy for them. C) No initiative to promote, document Ayurveda, homeopathy, tribal & village medicines and supply to global market to earn FOREX
Banks – Consolidation of smaller banks with either large banks or merging of smaller banks. There is definitely opposition but atleast weekly sitting by appointing teams for that will help. Appoint bimaljalan to recommend first consolidation process with members of Govt, RBI as members. The new bank can be given a new name. Even after the team gives options it wont be cake walk you need to work but within 2 years u can achieve some breakthrough if you put a team and hard work. Allow big banks to stay but try to club small banks. It will be better if subbarao or bimaljalan are part of the committee

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