Saturday, April 2, 2016

RTI reforms – e-RTI, Amend RTI to make compulsory for state govts to create e-RTI portal or use existing RTI portal

RTI always help the Govt and nation take a step forward by increasing transparency and solving issuesby public themselves and to know on how govt is operating. Some times public are not aware of the constraints but RTI helps people like me to understand constraints and work out solutions.
Ask all govt departments to create an option in their website or title: “Frequently asked RTI” this will help greatly and avoid unwanted RTI to the departments and can save lot of repeated questions on daily work and annual funds provided by govt and used updated every week. The top 50 RTI questions if updated in this section will help greatly. The question and the answer if big can be put as a separate web page and the link or document can be put up below the question as answer. So repeated questions can be avoided and work effort and RTI effort can be reduced. So if somebody puts RTI they can provide URL of the website and give Qn. In website so that unwanted paper work is avoided.
For RTI requests, option must be given for entirely online reply the cost of unwanted postage can be avoided. The cost of RTI for which online reply is given can be charged at Rs.5 or at Rs.10 also ok but save paper & trees and unwanted manual work in posting and wastage of resources. Currently govt and RTI staff print the paper and then scan and upload to RTI website instead you can directly upload the answers online. The RTI website can be updated so that the concerned departments can fill in answers for RTI queries and neatly displayed in website with each question and the answer for easy understanding.
The 2nd appeal option must be integrated in existing website for easily filing 2nd appeal with details of appointment to be available online for video conferencing. The 2nd appeal procedure is not very clear to many people so make it simple.
Many RTI appeals are split into multiple departments and sent out but some of the departments don’t reply or delay the reply. Splitting up of requests is good but the other departments take lot of time to reply. Some method to ensure that all departments in given time if it is split up.
Most of the ministries and departments just send the answer but forget to put the question and then the answer. Ask all departments to put question with the answer.
The email id and option to clarify queries must be given as an option in the RTI website. Many public go to private people to file RTI since the procedures are not easily understandable.
Many state govt's have still not setup online RTI option. The RTI bill if possible must amended to enable online filing of RTI in all states. If possible existing system must be used to provide option state govt's to add their departments. State govt's must be given option to add all departments and reply online itself so cost is also saved and also public get replies to their questions. If only central govt departments work on RTI not enough all states must come forward to increase transparency. Compared to state govt RTI procedures I want to salute all central govt staff who had to put so much effort and hard work.
The above e-RTI programme will be part of Digital India mission and will further empower the people to question Govt. The existing portal is top class but try to amend RTI act to bring all states on board. Most states keep saying reasons that it wont be possible to convert all departments computerised. Actually RTI doesn’t require all departments to computerise but only reply to questions asked on the department.
States which are not part of online RTI tend to delay answers and postal method of sending letters to departments and keeping track is difficult. If it is online we can quickly ask questions and State Govt will also be on the toes to answer questions and follow guidelines.

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