Saturday, April 2, 2016

Protecting employees in private industry

Having a proper leave policy for all companies and compulsory casual leave policy, earned leave policy, sick leave policy. All leaves requiring supervisor or senior approval must be removed if an employee wants to take leave he should take. Some managers don’t allow their employees to take leave and put pressure saying they will be fired. Even in Govt some departments like bus drivers and conductors are not given leave. Police are not given leave.
Whistle blowers in private industry are fired silently. A comprehensive bill pending in parliament for whistle blowers is remaining for years u all MP want to protect yourself not people at any cost and ur political journey only. A separate whistleblower policy under the guidelines of Govt of india bill must be setup in each office and a team of 5 members must be allotted with representation from backward class as well, a state wise whistleblower office must be setup and a national level office must be setup. A company level issues must be sorted in 14 days, state level in 45 days and national level in 60 days so timelines are adhered. Till offices are setup they can use any of the offices of the Govt of india available and state level offices can be setup in any of the state govt office or rented place. The cost for state level offices will be borned by state govt and national level office at delhi or Madhya Pradesh must be borned by central govt. For all cases the representation can be either through video conferencing or by email also not necessary to be physically present. An employee if blacklisted must also be taken up these commissions till proper justification is given.
Paternity leaves must be increased for working fathers. This will help a lot as women get leaves easily and leaves for paternity must be made compulsory with dates fixed by discussing with several stake holders like families, doctors, working families not in MP group but in real common man group by survey conducted online and industries. This leaves should not affect the employees as job gap when searching for new job so if any company rejects an employee on this reason then action can be taken with a fine on the company to give to employee who claims and offer of job.
Important: When an employee is fired he must be given compensation for 3 months by default. If fired with no reason or if company could not be run the employee must be paid for 6 months. The amount paid should not be just basic pay but the entire amount given as monthly salary with allowances. With basic pay no one can lead life on fired. This will have a slow down process in companies firing in random with no reason. If misconduct also 3 months of salary needs to be paid. Some companies fire employees with no reasons or childish reasons so 3-6 months salary needs to be paid based on reasons due to office politics
Insurance for death, accidents, partial disability due to accidents at work or driving, health must be made compulsory. Even for MSME this must be made compulsory and similar to global standards
Pension concepts of any choice must be made compulsory for all employees. Either NPS or Govt approved pension system or private sector pension approved by Govt.
Most of the time contract employees are not eligible for insurance, health or any schemes. All contract employees of Govt or private must be made eligible for all schemes. So that industry keep hiring contract workers to not hire permanent so that they need not give all these components and if they die they hire new one and continue work without any humanity. So contract workers in any form of industry and govt must be taken care of. The benefits of permanent employees in health insurance, life insurance, pension, gratuity must be taken care of contact employees also.
The opposition demand for reservation in private industry will demotivate industry from setting up base as they depend on merit only. But the above demands must be implemented first as the basic of problems in private industry to some extend can be touched upon with further input.
Currently the jobs in private industry is more than Govt as govt jobs have reduced and PSU are not investing much for the last 15 years. Since govt after govt wants to take away their dividends to keep govt running. But if they retain the dividends to some extend they can use that to invest in more new projects in India and abroad and earn revenue in short and long term. But govt failures and economists in govt failure to find new avenues of revenue always leads to pulling more dividends from PSU whenever govt wants that too in the same year several times. The concept know as “Milking the PSU’s” have been carried over for several years and this govt is continuing the same because you also don’t know how to increase tax base or increase job creation in new areas or increase PSU revenue.
All those who are hired must not be fired within 1 year rule should come. Some companies fire new joiners within 3 months in training period it is not fair. Some companies ask candidates to give in writing that they are quitting on their own and also black mail employees that they will black list them so that no organisation can hire them.
The rule of putting bond on employees who join that they must compulsory work for 1 or 3 years rules should not be allowed. Employees must be free to quit whenever they want.

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