Saturday, April 2, 2016

Preventing infiltration in borders

We have so many satellites but we are not able to prevent infiltration is so bad.
The satellites which can sense up to cm level are available globally we are building telescopes and optics to scan the universe. But not able to check our borders is not acceptable. Is it because some one in Govt wants them to infiltrate or our scientists are not cooperating.
Satellite image data if processed by a computer can easily say if an inaccessible region to army has been infiltrated easily. The region in oceans and mountains can be fed to computers to process the data. There are several image processing software available if put in series of computers with large memory running to TB and hard disk of space in several TB can easily process. It is not tough compared to rocket launch.
Govt must sincerely consider helping the ISRO, Science institutes to create these systems so that infiltration in Himalayas, through seas, border regions, underground tunnels are avoided in these region by thermal processors or from thermal imaging from top don’t say cant be done powerful thermal imaging solutions can definitely do at both day and night. There are several low cost technologies available but it is that Govt has not taken a decision on it.

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