Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Drought prone areas

Govt should release gazette notification on steps to be performed immediately after an area is announced as drought prone
Food materials packed similar to used by army and other defence personnel on duty in remote areas must be airlifted or transported by railways and trucks and provided to state govt through PDS and at Govt schools and KV. Tetra packed juices like pineapple, apple must be given to replenish the nutrients lost. Tetra packed milk must be supplied and milk powder must be given to feed children. Central govt releases funds to states I am not sure if the funds are used hence below suggestions
All schools in the drought hit areas must serve as food centres with food prepared by state govt officials by vegetables, rice, dhal, wheat and dough supplied regularly for 3 months to make food to feed all people in that region.  Those who can make food in their home must be given vegetables, dhal and rice to make food in their home and quantity for each family must be counted per person count. All families who benefit in this schemes with or without aadhaar card must be provided facilities. The details of families must be collected only post 1 week of this schemes so that the food reach the families suffering. Some might benefit out of this but not even one poor family should suffer due to drought in that region.
MNREGA workers must be employed to ensure lakes are maintained in that region so when rain comes next time water is stored in that region by increasing depth of the lakes in that region to store more water.
Other than this preparation of food packed food mentioned above must be given to all so that they can make food in their house. The packed food case must contain essential items for each individual for at least 2 days.
All panchayat which have been announced as drought prone must be supplied with food packets containing ready to eat food. All families which are affected by drought need to be given money in their bank account by using aadhaar or any other govt id. The value of money central govt gives should be at the rate of salary for one day of MNREGA work to bank account. The other family members for children half of that value must be transferred. Those children who don’t have bank a/c must be given to head of family or mother
The weight of each individual before starting of scheme must be noted to check if real benefit of food is reaching all people. Let media say anything but weight gain is the real indicator of scheme reached all people. Weight of children very important without slippers. Ensure no children suffers due to drought. Gradual increase in weight and then till next crop season govt should continue with food providing till cropping improves
To all families in drought prone areas govt must provide free seeds for cultivation for next season, free organic fertilizer, water supply to the crops ensured, crop insurance for already drought affected regions as farmers don’t have money to buy. The scheme of free crop insurance to only drought affected region will help really as they cant afford easily and 50% of lands under insurance can be achieved. Making of bore wells to supply water to the plants in this region since electricity is provided free of cost govt must ensure making of bore wells is ensured. Making of check dams in the rivers in the region so that during rainy season water does not go to the sea wasted. Making canals and pumping systems to refill water in the region by pumping water from river beds to the canals if height of water in river is different from canal height. Making minister visit these regions to ensure that the work is achieved with perfection. Currently Central govt just giving funds is not enough but ensure above food, water, next crop are grown.
Water connection must be given to all households and toilets in that area. The water for drinking purposes must be supplied from clearing a water plant by either putting bore wells or from nearest river bed and transported to that village by pumping water. The water may be available at any feet but must be done to take water and supplied to each house to reach inside the house compound. Water tank must be setup to fill water from centralised pump and then given to all houses directly to households for drinking and bathing purposes. Lack of water is a cause of concern in drought hit areas.

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