Friday, March 25, 2016

Reforms in Education

Quality of labs in schools and colleges is not up to global standards
The number of practical's or labs marks weightage must equal the theory marks
No degree gives weightage or even one paper for sports led to poor growth of sports and lack of weightage given by parents to it. Sports will be respected by parents and schools only if a paper is introduced in all degrees irrespective or what it is and made compulsory to record hours for that.
The cost of education in private schools are in lakhs in some schools but Govt has taken no measures
There is huge amount of black money involved in colleges, medical courses, school donation. But govt remained silent spectators as many politician's and real estate are involved. Does the Govt has the guts to take action. It is a big black money trade bigger than swiss money.
For getting seats in schools for KG classes also parents have to stand in queues for several hours and interview process of students and parents is being conducted.
Govt has no proactive steps to make sure Right to education is achieved in private schools as they internally manage and don’t give seats to poor students.
There has been no major reforms in current Govt and give one reason for why SmritiIrani must continue in current position. The only big move was putting flags in all universities please include schools also. Students during morning assembly if they see flag and national anthem is sung it will give more pride. No major reform taken up in making labs in schools and colleges to global standards or allowing research in schools without any extra payment by students.
Donation culture in private schools and colleges have led to huge black money and Govt has not taken any concrete measures in spite of so many people revealing per seat lakhs of money given.

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