Friday, March 4, 2016

Aviation Policy and Industry

What does the aviation policy pending with cabinet has for the people other than the levy from key routes to help new routes and 5/20 lobby. Many airlines within India don’t tell the rescue and emergency activity details in regional languages. Most of them restrict to Hindi only leading to many not understanding anything this could be very bad when worse case scenario. So make a rule in aviation policy for airlines to comply by one year to tell emergency, take off and landing announcement, seat belt procedure in Hindi, English and recorded voices of all regional languages of India pre-stored in the airlines system since we cant expect air hostess to speak in all languages. So other than Hindi, English, the regional language of departure state, regional language of arrival state needed. 2) Similarly announcement of flights must be recorded in system like in railway station in airports for each flight and for that flight number based on location of travel to and fro 3) Similarly for international flights ask to comply to rule to say in Hindi, English and regional language of departure or arrival in India. It is simple rule but will have massive impact and help all passengers who are uneducated but need to travel a big way to not miss flights or look blank as they don’t understand any announcement of the flight or seat belt procedure or other procedure. Ask all airlines to comply within 1 year of announcement of rule. If international routes wont comply tell that Govt ready to help in translation. Ask all Indian airports also to comply within 1 year.
Setup Airlines & Airports Tribunal of India to take up issues public face with airlines and airports as there is no one to comply as AAI is deaf and airlines are money minded. Public and associations will solve their own problems you just setup tribunal or ombudsmen like in RBI. For example we faced lot of issues in Chennai airports earlier but after lot of media hype only some change. We cant always go to media or PM we want permanent setup so we can take of issues and get if resolved or claim fine from Airlines and airports for poor nature in few things.
Take levy on key routes to all state and union territory capitals other than North East will be big boost to connect to new airports. The routes from Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad, most state capitals to other state capitals other than NE. Use that to primarily fund 50% of the seats booked to connect to currently unconnected, NE and top 25 tourist spots in India which have airports and not used. Those tourist spots which have heavy inflow of tourists and has airports can be ignored. top 25 religious places need funding. Example: Shirdi(religious), Shimla(tourist), Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Andaman, Lakshadweep, Pondicherry, Thirupathi, Madurai.
For the 5/20 I am damn sure if you lift the 5 years rule Airport Authority of India is a stupid Agency of Govt which is not capable of anything. So just depending on AAI to enable clearance of airlines and expect airlines to follow all rules is damn waste. The few reasons according to me to prevent 5/20 is that a) Many airlines and politicians within India are waiting and eager for the rule to get over to start with just 3 or 5 airlines and fly abroad. It will be pure nonsense b) Why is so called 5AirlinesWala airlines are so hurry to run flights abroad, should not be allowed. They run in key routes and want to serve profitable routes. Their aim is purely profit and not to connect to all areas of India. Minimum 10 airlines needed it is not retail chain business. You open today and close next day. C) My only suggestions is have minimum 18 months as by 1 year the airlines data will be useful to analyse and next 6 months to see the performance and give clearance for flying abroad along with the rule of minimum of 10 airlines D) Many new airlines which jump into the boat when the rules are removed will lead to bunch of idiots setting up airlines and then closing suddenly leading. Some might jump just to give a try and it will be very messy and give bad name to Indian aviation industry. It might go to worse also. E) Job creation will be very minimal with just 5 airlines, they will hardly operate to 2 or 3 airports.  So you better change rule to 18 months with 12 aircrafts. Before changing tell to Indigo & Jet Airways and call new airlines and discuss with them if they are ok. If not explain above points to both of them. If the reply given by them is not sufficient on job creation, regional connectivity, investment in India, bad precedent to new companies with lack of experience that start and close business just to hide tax money and show as loss like Kingfisher. If really interested say you can change to 18 months and 12 aircrafts and convince both otherwise unwanted litigation and hue and cry. This will work out best on job, security, operations, unbelievable nature of AAI and several Govt's policies on this matters. Just because airlines want to save on oil cost by refuelling abroad and running only in high demand routes is not fair practice. Aviation minister might lobby for removing 5/20 to help his friends in Andhra actor politician's who want to start airlines and his credentials are yet to be proved as he back tracks on most of his talk and work.
Request Air India to start test flights to Shirdi from Delhi, Mumbai and Chennai every alternate day. You can use levy to develop the airport as it will be high demand definitely. Use levy also to fund 50% of the seats. Shirdi several devotees come from several places and lack of direct flights has helplessly made people to reach Pune and then to Shirdi by different modes of transport which is unwanted when the airfield which was successfully tested can be upgraded in a big way. Greenfield not needed AAI & govt can earn. Take Airport development fee of Rs.10 per passenger more than enough to develop. Do same for Thirupathi also by having direct flights from Mumbai to Thirupathi onwards to Chennai So for 50 seats Govt can use levy to fund airlines to stop over and go if feasible or run direct from Mumbai to Thirupathi as it is high demand in Train.
Somehow put Shimla on map of airports for usage from Mumbai, Delhi or rebuild airport or green field airport as private vendor will make efforts to bring airlines as AAI keeps on saying no money.
What method will Govt ensure that public only benefit by the levy amount and not some 3rd party or broker who will purchase in bulk and sell. So clarify on that needed how public will be benefited. So how will Govt identify the seats to fund per route will it be 50% seats in no connectivity route, 40% in less than 3 flights per day. And on competitive bidding of routes for funding, can 2 airlines be considered for each route for funding since if only 1 is done then it will again lead to same issue just one flight per day. Best scenario will be top 3 bidders at lowest rate with top getting 50%, 2nd 40% and 3rd 30%. E-Auction like Telecom will lead to getting very low price but airlines may together avoid also.
Lack of connectivity within the states is due to bus lobby which is preventing in spite of people willing to take a flight if available. At least ask State Govt's if they cant fund seats at least reduce VAT on fuel for those fuels,  Govt on its part can ask AAI and private operators to not charge any airport charges to passenger or flight for those flights to connect all airports within State.
Central Govt must ask all states to at least 20% of the seats base fare to help interconnectivity within states. Govt just want to work with state govt where its party rules other states are left behind. Govt should go after them and keep asking on why they are not interested. Interconnectivity within state will lead to pick up of business, faster travel, better economic growth in regions of airport connectivity with indirect employment. AAI must sit with non cooperative state Govts on this front like TN, Kerala, West Bengal, Bihar, UP and explain to them on a weekly basis otherwise it wont happen. Just walk in the park wont work. If aviation team really wants to do something you have to work hard with Sate Govts just working with few states with Govt and party links like in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh wont help
Why is Aviation minister not in twitter Mr. GajapathiBabu why is he hiding. Does he not want to listen to public grievance and solve I sent several times but Govt acts as deaf. Why AAI not in twitter

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