Friday, March 25, 2016

New revenue sources for Railways

Speeding up PPP development of Railway stations similar to airports by big contractors like GMR, Reliance, Adani and other mall companies like Phoenix To actively participate in the PPP as the development of railway station is similar to mall only. The malls have escalators in both directions to all floors similar from platforms to outside, malls have several food courts similar needed in railway stations, underground and parking facility for thousands of bikes and cars similarly needed at railway stations and earn from parking fee but if railway keep parking fee at very high rate like mall the railways will lose revenue as people will think better to go by bus as the cost of parking plus the travel cost will be triple of bus fare. So be careful on PPP on parking fee cost. Food courts must be combination of international , local and Indian food just allowing KFC wont be enough and not fair.
RO or mineral drinking water must be provided at railway stations with hot, cold and normal drinking water free of cost. Water bottle filling stations with coins or notes to refill water bottles will reduce plastic and cost. Refilling can be charged at Rs.5 per litre.
Ad revenue for PPP operator will be several folds by display of ads near coach display, on dustbins in platforms, on over bridge on top of platforms, entry and exit points, front and back of tickets & suburban tickets. Libraries and paper stalls. Separate stalls under IRCTC to give food at very cheap rates at key platforms since after PPP the stalls will charge very high than the actual train ticket. So IRCTC controlled stalls must be held by Railways under rules to have own stalls. Also IRCTC must hold some space for at least 20% of overall stalls so that it can compete with other stalls setup under PPP to keep prices low later also. Ads at the stations name plank will also bring in long revenues for them. Ads at railway station name at both ends can also be given but at very high rates.
PPP operator must build shelters at platforms, fans, lighting, etc,.
Cleaning of platforms, stations, toilets, water refuelling of trains will be major task to PPP operator at that stations. They must be allowed to use latest tech. Vacuum cleaners to clean platforms every 2 hours and every 1 hour at peak hours.
PPP operator must be asked to build underground railway stations or over ground to park trains as the capacity requirements keep increases at key stations. Just putting ads, stalls, escalators is cake walk for them to earn from ad revenue. They must spend like in airports for infra like increasing capacity of platforms by either building over ground or under ground railway stations to operate more trains.
Building of facility by PPP operator to scan baggage on all entrance points put private security of locals 40%, ex-servicemen 30% other states 30% and no other nationals(Nepal, etc,.) in the PPP of railways for security perspective.  Most private security give to Nepal and some state labourers they are not professional security guards. They cannot react at bad times. Hence private security must have 30% ex-servicemen at stations. Min 10 per station.
PPP of important stations across India and major tourist spots must be given immediately Example: Vijayawada, Varnasi, Kanyakumari, Rameswaram, Allahabad, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, all suburban stations in Mumbai, Chennai
Kolkata Metro need  not be given under PPP as it is already very neat. But you can give to increase any facility there are no stalls may be due to severe security constraints.
Inviting film stars to adopt Railway stations which are not planned under PPP model. I think PM can request stars over phone also to take up initiative as it will boost their films and social image also. Serious initiative to request stars to take up some stations for cleaning and upgradation of them. Railways must ask them to focus on non-urban stations as it will bring real change instead of actors eagerly looking forward to key stations of high revenue. Railways must approach actors with cost estimate of some stations which are remote but express trains stops for few mins but will make a long way. The cost estimate will help them choose easily and list of facilities which will be needed. Actors can commit for 2 years and can use stations for promotion of their movies with space allocated for banners.

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