Friday, March 25, 2016

Chennai MRTS Elevated Rail corridor extension to kelambakkam from Thiruvanmiyur for IT employees a distance of 25 kms for lakhs of travellers daily

The Old Mahabalipuram road in Chennai is the IT corridor of Chennai where lakhs of employees day and night work for the GDP growth of the country and pay taxes genuinely.
Every day at least 1 IT employee loses life in IT corridor due to long distance travelling and the MRTS corridor not extended for entire IT corridor and beyond.
The project if implemented under ground or as elevated will bring in revenue and also will be successful. The state govt is any way a part of the MRTS so the funding will continue to remain with share of state govt. The railways will have its part. The central govt can pitch with funds and an international consortium funds at low interest rates can also be used to extend the elevated corridor
The elevated corridor since it is in BG mode the carrying capacity is high and will benefit the public in this region also.
The elevated corridor for the distance of 20 kms will serve lakhs of commuters for easy movement. Even if the project is started now it will take at least 7 years to complete. But generally in India the project completion time is slow if executed by govt agencies but in China for the elevated maglev project in Shanghai 1000 pillars were erected in less than 2 years for several kms but in India for small portion of work a huge delay is there showing our pace of development and leading to slow and hold and go type of development with bumps all the time. Suddenly the state govt changes lead to delays, central govt changes leads to delays. Govt changes, bureaucracy change, fund distribution delays, engineering skills of contractors are outdated and traditional methods of slow development, modern method of construction are rarely applied by small contractors and politically supported civil engineering contractors. The technology and skills used for projects must be also be defined if possible for faster constructor and safe at the same time. Ask your project and civil contactors to visit China and learn on the speed of development after project clearance and latest techniques from global agencies.
The elevated corridor can be funded by JICA of Japan as they are one who funded major portion of Chennai metro and also they plan to integrate the metro and the suburban and elevated in India.
The project will face no land acquisition problems since it can be constructed on the medians of the roads and lack of any flyovers will not cause any delays but if constructed under ground the pace of work will be even fast and also traffic at road level will not be affected since the region has high density of vehicles going on a hourly basis.
State govt is planning to do a elevated road project similar to Bangalore in this section so if MRTS done under ground will not affect both but should request state govt to fund the MRTS instead of elevated road since the pollution of vehicles will reduce if MRTS is extended and services throughout night also for IT employees who work 24 *7 for the nation. The annual tax payment by this section is at least 0.5% of GPD combining tax payment of IT companies in this stretch, employee tax payment, indirect tax payment by other business which thrive in this region.
In future this project can be extended when the city grows but if this project is further delayed it will affect even more as cost escalation of project will become high due to cement prices, steel, station development charges. The project can be given to Konkan Railway also for completion as I have strong belief in them for completing in shorter duration tough projects at best cost or split between L&T and Konkan railway. Don’t give to small contractors as they have nexus with politicians and delay work significantly and poor technology usage for fast development.
You can also ask the IT companies or NASSCOM to come forward by working with their management and employees to provide funds for the project as it is going to benefit only their employees and their companies. The companies will come forward with at least 500-750 crores is my workout on funds. Each employee if they contribute 1,000-5,000 based on their roles and company management providing funds will benefit the companies as employees will come to office on time and they can stay for more time in office as they luxury of travel by train is there and delays are avoided and costs on transportation on the company side are reduced by crores on daily basis. Most companies operate more cabs, buses for transporting and several trips if reduced will lead to saving in diesel and costs running to tune of crores. So IT companies will fund. There are lakhs of employees in this area and the contribution by each one separately and company management. Example: 1 lakh employees * 5,000 per employee = 50 Crores per year and project will take 5 years so 5 years injection of funds at 50 crores yearly by employees and management combined will give 250 crores easily. Actually there are more than 5 lakhs travellers daily on this section in various shifts and indirect employment. The companies wont get hit as company’s as a whole with employee in that region put together give so it will be big success. The 5,000 split over a year is very less and wont impact employees. Locals can also give funds. Give this idea a try at least it can work.

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