Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Indian Pharma Industry

No major reforms were undertaken by current Govt in pharma industry
In US and worldwide pharma industry everyone fears the FDA. But in India no one knows the authority who monitors the drugs released. Here mostly the drugs are approved by bribes I believe. I don’t think you have capacity to identify new drugs which are most advanced. Even for a police case you had to send samples abroad to verify. PM and everyone keeps talking of India becoming developed country we have to go a long long way. It will take at least 2050 the slow pace of work and Govt must think faster than public and not public coming and pin pointing each issue.
There is a standard thought that when BJP comes to power only infra like road, railways, power will boom. Rest of the sectors like Govt jobs will decrease, jobs creations will reduce in private, no major reforms in education and other sectors and you people are proving that. Why cant your govt focus on all departments independently and do major reforms day after day at least one major reform every 6 months. The amount of expectation your govt created was like you will look into each and every aspect of corruption, every industry but no u were not able to.
In pharma industry several problems are there and I am damn sure none of the govt officials know what is wrong and right also because in India if a wrong thing is done for years it is assumed as right. There was a brand name which is an inhaler which was banned by FDA years ago but in India it was used for years and generations without Indian medical association or the govt bodies not even finding out. IF FDA had not banned in USA we would have still used it. Some public who are aware circulated in social media through friends then only those people stopped but still it is there in few shops also. This is one of the million incidents which happened in India on poor medicine evaluation and fear to ban medicines as too much lobby paid money to Govt agencies and they don’t work independently. If a politician has control of a pharma industry then the drug is approved as public cant go and test each drug.
Pharma industry will have to be scrutinised every drug approval must be stringent and not money based
Pharma drugs don’t have bar codes on the boxes prepared as we don’t know if it genuine or not
Many pharma drugs don’t have the logo or approval symbol on the drugs. People will forge that also so do properly. Work with FDA & global consultants and ask them to give steps to improve monitoring Indian drug industry as Govt and officials are outdated compared to global standards and practices of protecting their public.
All drugs must be given unique code which when searched in Govt maintained website should show details if it is unique or duplicate and if it has been banned or not.
Govt must promote Indian medicines like Ayurveda, Unani, Homeopathy by proper approvals and selling abroad for Forex revenue. The govt has not taken any steps to help Indian Practioners who support these medicines as they have scope to bring in forex revenue for India.
Pls create a discussion on pharma industry in Indian and global levels for growth of knowledge.
Pls discuss with doctors in various regions on what is their expectations from Govt. Some doctors have got themselves caught in the nexus of pharma industry where they are forced to sell some medicines to test in large scale in public. So work on how to help doctors reach out to govt for some medicines and report complaints against pharma industry executives who force medicines on doctors who cannot fight against pharma mafia. This group sells old medicines repacked, unapproved drugs, give lavish treats and vacations to doctors for selling their products which is unethical practices.

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