Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Research in india - A Relook Needed with small changes

Labs in schools and colleges are closed post 4 pm or after school or college hours. This should not happen labs must be accessible with id card access or UGC can remove college license for engineering/diploma and arts colleges for physics/chemistry or any department for that matter which don’t allow students to go to lab post normal hours to self learn. Lab equipment must be available at student desk even if theory class is going on. All breadboards and equipment must be available in class room. Lab assistants must be available 24*7 even if no students is there at lab to help students with equipment's. Since labs are closed at night hostel students have no other task and go to drink or smoke. This is how college managements have spoiled kids and students growth.
UGC must make marks systems for students who solved a public issue by a method related to his degree. It should be unique. Every year or at least once in 2 years compulsory. All issues solved must be updated to centralised portal of UGC so all information across entire India are assimilated and students can refer and don’t copy. All projects done by students must be centralised to prevent students copy work from another colleges in another district and state and duplication of projects.
Internship at all govt agency other than govt security related must be allowed by applying through centralised portal. State govt bodies and agencies can participate by giving limit of students and intake possible to streamline internships at govt institution. Students can solve issues in vacations and free time. Internships at govt institutions must add value to marks to keep students engaged during vacations. Student if wants to select a govt body not in list can directly approach secretary or minister for approval and agency must help unless national or state security is concerned. Even some departments of police can be improved by students. Vacation time can be used
Mini projects must be made compulsory every year at colleges and overall marks for each year. Only theory not good. Keeping students engaged with practical knowledge
Make all UGC team and college HOD and professors to visit abroad institutions to know more in their own funds or college funds and get a look and feel of abroad institutions and the quality they provide. A ordinary resistor, diode is just less than Rs. 1 but if we break anything they fine immediately this leads to fear of not trying anything. At least one department HOD/professor/asst. professor/lab assistant & top 3 class topper/university topper student must be compulsorily sent to one institute abroad each year and the universities sent must vary every year if only one sent
Laptops of students not allowed at colleges premises. UGC must relax rules and not treat students as kids and not allowing phones and laptops by colleges must be revoked. Free Wi-Fi for all students and faculty and hostel students must be provided in all universities, colleges, schools for license
Presentation and speaking skills need to be improved to overcome fear and talk and research boldly.
Poor quality of computers in some schools and colleges. And software's needed for research are not available or funded by colleges/schools/govt. Only few company software's are free. But CADD or other manufacturing related are not free and too costly but educational institutions did not take effort to buy or allocate funds. At least 10% of total budget of colleges must be allocated to R&D
All Companies similar to CSR funds must be allocated at least 3% for R&D by all companies. Compared to CSR which is not compulsory, R&D funds must be compulsory. And companies must fund at least selecting colleges for R&D activities and everyone will go for Tier1 colleges actually they have to support at least 3 levels of colleges and 2 levels of schools. Most companies do not allow its own employees to do research they say only specific employees will do research others will do only task allocated to them. Govt must work with corporates and allow employees can directly with Govt out of own interest to do any research.
Science projects done by school/college/faculty must be showcased through an online science portal for entire India in a proper format with mygov team and these projects based on the issue they will solve must be considered by respective ministry to fund that person to complete the project in a location assigned to be purchased by govt and enable a share of the revenue and patent that technology for that person and Govt must take a writing that the project will be used for Govt services and to solve public issues. The individual can sale that product independently also to earn revenue but Govt will take little share in revenue to promote more such science projects to others. Science fairs in states and national level by centralised agency throughout the year to identify abundant talent and offer employment or R&D or support to complete project must be funded by centre. Currently R&D projects are supported but not monitored properly leading to some black sheep cheating govt with funds being taken but no productive output. Concerned heads or technical person or person with strong background in that field must support till end and must be available through a portal in workflow model or through email with response time of 5 days. If there is no one to support to that field Govt must ask the person to self declare every 15 days status of progress. Govt must take up the cost of patenting the work and security of work and not leaking. The patents filed by China, USA are high but India still a low one

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