Friday, September 11, 2015

Daily Transportation Issues Buses, Cabs, Metro, Autos – Control Center Needed, Web Cams, GPS, Smart cards, issue of change by conductors in buses

Integrating multi model travel control centres should be setup which will enable better security and understanding and resolving commuters problems faster. Best practices of states like Andhra, Mumbai can be used by joint discussion of the transport boards of all states to prepare draft of all best features to uniform implementation in all states. Each state are doing different ideas if all integrated into one central and states can improve further. The entire funding can be 50 crores per state and based on progress further improved. Centre might have  to do one time spend of 400 crores from Nirbhaya fund for Software, servers, GPS devices and ticketing devices centre can fund or use existing of some states. Web cams vehicle owner should do at FC.
Central nerve centre for all bus operations for all states must be provided with Central & States joint discussion and implementation with computer and GPS based tracking of buses, driver, conductor with walkie-talkie, web cam feed from buses to cover both driver face with background and front of the bus by camera from bus end, machine based ticketing with smart card based payments or mobile wallets or cash, vehicle condition monitoring with electronics based data feed sent to main office on tyre pressure, condition, engine heat, A/C cooling temperature inside bus, announcement of stops, toll free number, time taken for travel from one destination, time keeping, preventing bunching of same buses. The number of passengers travelling at real time should be sent by internet by the sim cards in the conductor device used to do ticketing. More ideas from world over – Hong Kong, Singapore
The software, devices, smart card, maintenance of software should be funded by centre. But the building must be jointly designed and developed with states.
In case of bus drivers driving fast based on computer algorithm the control centre can reach the driver of the bus directly and ask him to drive slowly and if any sudden traffic then control centre can ask traffic police to reach spot to clear traffic. Any mis behaviour or fight by driver/conductor/passengers can be easily monitored with webcams and SMS based complaints or IVRS must be introduced in multiple languages
Data collected from complaints, automated data from GPS in buses using ISRO-GAGAN software can be used to analyse the operations and better improve facilities at national level. Using analytics and big data centres to get insight & improve.
Private buses are cause of security concerns as less people board in long night trips and have curtains. Hence private buses must be asked to register in the portal you can create to upload driver data, photo, mobile number, assistants. They must give the web cam feed to control centre also compulsorily. Nirbhaya incident happened in private bus only. They should have hard disk to store images and videos separately in black box type concept in hard material to analyse if any issues or accidents. Images of HD can be transferred when possible and videos can be streaming live and stored every 30 mins in hard disk to store at terminus using high speed LAN cable to store at central repository.
Cabs/Taxis/Autos also need to have web cams installed with internet to live relay of data to these centres. Cab/Auto drivers misbehaving are common.
Single smart card for Buses, Metro, suburban railway, Taxis, Autos, Railways must be introduced with single IVRS and support network to recharge cash from mobile wallets, debit cards, etc,. To seamlessly travel and reduce dependency on cash to move towards cashless society and more banking and taxation. Entire India having one travel card superb compared to so many cards my wallets are full of cards and I cant carry all. Pls give integrated cards by global tenders and after discussing with new payment banks which might help resolve this issue with RBI, PS Banks.
The issue of change of coins or notes of low denomination in buses/train/bank counters is becoming a menace and mental agony in travel by public transport as each time. All conductors must refill change at terminal with coins before starting trip and low denomination notes of value 500 or 1000 of Rs.1/Rs.2/Rs.5/Rs10 coins for easy payments instead of conductors asking to get out of bus if no change or asking us to wait or shouting at us to give change. Banks near to terminus must be partnered to give change coins in bulk with RBI support. RBI must focus on this problem and provide adequate change to all terminus in all states and appoint any bank near which express interest to distribute coins. RBI has to interfere in this matter at root level to sort out issue which will immediately have positive impact

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