Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Economic Boost – New model SEZ or SEZ city in barren land or Vertical SEZ

Asking states to identify barren lands for development of SEZ. So problems of farmers is resolved. SEZ not necessary to be near highways. We can develop highways later also. Even if mountain with just rocks is there govt should bring down the mountain as no greenery is there and can be used for SEZ development. But waiting for land bill to clear wont help.
SEZ design will be designed jointly by central and state and a firm or country which invests maximum funds in that place.
In Hong Kong, China a building looks like a flat where it seems only people are staying but actually it is a manufacturing hub for diamonds, electronics, embedded. SEZ in India must be very space conscious if we have less sqft. available also we should have more floor around 15-30 for growing vertically instead of allocating acres and acres. Growing vertical easy and in given space they can do manufacturing in electronics, electrical, diamonds, gold, embedded, hardware manufacturing. In India we have a wrong conception that for manufacturing we need to have large acres of land we don’t need anymore car companies we need more small companies covering each sector minutely. Even if start building small parts for ships, aircrafts, radar component,.
Power and Water we can put easily if public sector companies like power grid, NTPC are made available funds by govt at cheap rate instead of depending on private and slow pace of clearance for private as too much corruption and demand of percentage share in revenue from state departments and locals. For SEZ joint team of centre and state must be formed to monitor daily
SEZ models should have a combination of manufacturing, IT, telecom, internet providers, hotels, handicrafts/household needs, banks, embedded,  electronics, housing – flats, housekeeping service, transport – separate buses, police – traffic, fire,  sports facilities – cricket, football, table tennis, tennis, badminton, athletics, basketball, etc,. as placing all together will lead to automation of manufacturing facilities using IT and telecom to provide employees and companies with call connectivity and internet at high speed and hotels to stay for clients and flats for employees to stay close to office and electronics & embedded companies for high end R&D to improve hardware of IT to go top notch and banks to provide services to employees and handicrafts to have the purchase by employees and for automation and sales through online portal by these IT companies. Sports for recreation.
SEZ are the only way as private are fearing corruption at various levels to develop property as states are asking share for clearance even if centre urges them to take up projects and slow pace of electricity and water to the land allocated. Thailand has a currency value more than us because the speed at which clearance is given for power, water to the land allocated within 15 days is unbelievable. In India we say skilled work force but clearance and setup of transformer also takes 60 days for power.
Indian infrastructure company team from NTPC, Power Grid, Electricity bodies, infrastructure secretaries, finance, states must send teams to Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, China – Shenzhen, Hong Kong to understand how fast clearance is given for boost in economy and how repeated spends on infra like roads, power lines, internet are avoided by building cement roads will all

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