Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Indian Railway Stations similar to Airports– Escalators, steps, lifts in major stations, Moving Walkway to move across platform, Bar-coded Tickets for entry/exit of Stations to prevent ticketless travel with Automated Gates, Baggage scanner, Train & coach indicators on platforms, Scrolling Ads in LED to improve revenue in Train entry/exit NO sound, Internet/Phone in Trains with CDMA Technology

Indian Railways doesn’t make railway stations easier to reach and travel. Especially the foot over bridges are very high and difficult for elderly to go with all luggage and hence most cross the tracks in spite of the risk. Govt going for private investment just to maintain railway stations to construct the escalator instead of fob and internet connection and leasing of space to private vendors for food stalls, etc, when it is simple task
Please consider the following suggestions to construct world class railway stations. Allocate 10% of amount of a route revenue for station maintenance every year once with rolling fund and one time fund of 20% of current operations cost. Paid Internet/Telephone/Mobile, Laptop Chargers inside long distance trains important than stations. We don’t want fancy exteriors we want proper facilities inside trains and stations.
10 years before Railways had a contest for designing modern engines, coaches among divisions and many engineers did a great job. The aero dynamic shape of engine will give a big boost to diesel and electricity savings, speed, time of railways. Currently our engines/emu have a flat front portion if they had a nose like/aerodynamic shape it would save cost on diesel by moving through air easily. HAL/Air-force can help with testing on the improvement of performance of re-designed engines. Villupuram station has model engine which is superb but unused.
Railways and Govt needs to show that they are public friendly by immediately giving tenders or e-auction for construction of escalators for all state capitals immediately. Lifts in centre portion for those with heavy luggage to go, because in escalators it is difficult to climb with baggage and lifts will help disabled/seniors in wheelchair to move with ease, steps also in case escalators don’t work. In Chennai Egmore there is only one escalator at only one platform and there is no steps alongside escalator for emergency usage and mostly escalators are switched off. No lift in centre. And other platforms and exit they don’t have escalators for namesake they have put one escalator this what Railways did for 10 yrs.
Bar coded/QR-Code in tickets or app/Smart Code/Secret code to print tickets at stations can be used to verify in automated gates and each passenger can hold copy of ticket like airlines for proper checking. Automated baggage scanners post ticket verification. What ever system is there in airports please use same in all railway stations to check tickets to prevent ticketless travel. You can do trial in Chennai Egmore/Central, Mumbai. Japan handles more than our crowd uses some features. Technology & IT Vendors should be selected with IIT/Railway guidelines.
When we want to move from one end of platform to another, carrying too much luggage is difficult. Provide trolleys and moving walkway which is a horizontal escalator for easy movement for big stations and long trains to reach coach and also exit stations quickly to park next train
Many major stations and district headquarters don’t have proper information display in platforms, some don’t clearly mark platform number also. For crossing stations the train number and coach number must be displayed quickly. Once above facilities are improved u can charge Rs.10 per ticket for passengers using these stations. Anyway private will charge indirectly. Better u give facilities & take money from public.

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