Tuesday, October 20, 2015

OROP – 17 member committee, OROP committee to be extended as govt – ex servicemen relationship for continuous development post OROP also, Last Draft must be released post discussion with 17 member committee suggested, fill vacancies for ex-servicemen

OROP needs a 17 member committee with 6 ex-servicemen(3 from group which met defence minister, 3 from other committees currently in India), 6 from current defence forces to claim what they need in future other than OROP also (2-airforce, 2-army,2-navy), 1 from finance, 1 from PMO, 1 from defence minister side, 2 retired judges. Govt must give preference to protesting servicemen comments. And include whatever possible don’t have any gaps as much as possible. Explain to them sit for long meeting like 5 hours for 1 week continuously to discuss and sort out. PM and defence minister can get updates on daily basis of the meeting & final draft reviewed. Start transfer of money to widows first have list ready on day of government order itself. Verify list and any issues in payment the 17 member committee can bring to govt notice
OROP committee must be further extended to have permanent govt and ex servicemen relationship to sort out issues in future effectively. Ex servicemen going for protests will harm defence forces and morality of defence forces. It should not happen again and the team must be continued if anyone wants to exit they should put suitable replacement and then only go. The meeting will be held every month to sort out any issues being brought up. Genuinely the committee must be extended to avoid future issues. This is a serious matter. So many issues ex servicemen face on daily basis. The entire above committee meetings minute of meetings must be shared for transparency.
Ex-Servicemen posts vacant in Central Govt must be filled immediately or separate notification must be done. Currently even RBI and other agencies have not filled properly saying not suitable candidate for lower cadre. Which is not fare. Please pick up list and get from all Public sector entities to sort out matter. There are several issues starting from quota on admission for their school kids, college everything they are diminished, they must be taken care. The joint relationship will bring in more matter to govt perspective. OROP is one step not the end there are many issues. Central govt must put out a notification to ask state govt if they an include quota for armed forces. Quota problem big for armed forces after 15-20 yrs. service where will they go, they will serve well.
Ex-servicemen are not given enough posting in security agencies. Old people, jobless people, migrants from Bihar, Assam are put in private agencies which don’t give security also. Govt must introspect on making compulsory that private security agencies must recruit suitable ex-servicemen for admin, security roles at least 10%. Non ex-servicemen cannot react effectively in tough situations.
Defence minister after discussion couldn’t change anything when announcing is too bad. He must be given enough powers to change necessary changes after due discussion. Just having discussion for name sake is not good, public are watching through media. PMO officials should give free will to ministers also not tie hands. If committee sits for 5 hrs daily for 1 week itself problem will be solved.
All relevant changes must be announced to media for last before time to give final go ahead. If they have any final changes do all changes. And monitor media based comments if any negative to change and finalise. And have last level meeting after one week to give government order with necessary approvals from PM, PMO, finance, defence. Continuously we will have elections so govt must ask EC permission to finish fast

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