Sunday, October 11, 2015

Defence Manufacturing in India – Private Companies for Defence, Police

Defence Manufacturing in India is a goal set by our PM and is an ambitious goal since if you take any historic kingdom also those who manufactured their own weapons only won wars and reduced cost and customised to their needs. But Indian Defence companies are still only manufacturing trucks and our govt is procuring only trucks primarily from private companies even in that too much corruption is going on. Trucks cant win war only troop movement can happen.
Private companies which individually develop weapons and advanced technologies independently must be given more tax relief and those which go for partnership should not be given any such benefits. Tax relief will help companies as cost of R&D too high. Public should be made aware that tax relief for them is given for national security in mind.
PMO, defence ministers, defence forces representatives, Drdo, Hal, home ministry must have closed door meeting with all major private defence companies will help to get clear issues and fix major concerns and kick start production in India. At least we should start with small components like army suits, police, black cats, crpf, etc,. Asking private companies to manufacture only for defence wont help, projects for advanced guns for local police also is needed. If we don’t start now for major components then we cant suffice in future also, at least 5 years it will take for actions to take effect.
Private companies will be motivated if you ask them to prepare any weapon or defence needs on their own and then showcase to DRDO, Defence agencies, armed forces, ministry for review. They must be allowed to showcase without any tender or request from Defence this will promote R&D.
Private companies must be allowed to do joint ventures only with non black listed companies by govt of India and Defence forces.
Any private company which is able to create an aircraft carrier or 5th generation fighter or advanced helicopter or army accessories during war like night vision goggles, protective gear should be promised that Govt will definitely purchase if manufactured in India if cost does not exceed the maximum price of importing currently by govt of India. Since price of the purchase are available in  news and also price list of current price list govt can share.
Radar manufacturing in India must be promoted since many of our Radar needs will increase as many countries develop stealth fighters which don’t get caught in radar. Radar will only help deploy anti-missile from enemies but if radars are poor or dependent on external countries entire security is gone
Significant investment is needed to start manufacturing hence Govt. must promote by giving reduced tax for a period of 10 years or SEZ like model in specific areas for defence manufacturing in each state. The Govt companies like Heavy vehicles factory in various states only promoted the growth of manufacturing of indigenous weapons, similarly private must be allocated land in barren land in all states which comes up with land separately for this. States must compulsorily give land at free of cost no conditions for barren land with necessary security for defence manufacturing and approvals
Engineers recruited must be pre-checked by Police before deploying in these companies to prevent leak of information. Regular checks by police and random checks by IB/RAW must be done every year
Govt can directly give contracts or provide areas where the defence forces are facing issues and what technology is needed in India to be manufactured. If Govt can specifically request for specific topic it will help waiting for tender processes will not develop this areas as lot of cost involved and too difficult technology.
Engineers from all spheres of expertise needed like Aeronautical, electrical, electronics, embedded, software development, civil engineering needed to develop a small part of an fighter jet or aircraft carrier. Hence small parts of major equipment must be first developed, if each company can develop one part of jets and carriers we can assemble in India. Private in India if given samples they will copy but we should not leak to them we must make them competitive. Currently they develop Buses, trucks for army with trucks we cant win war, we need weapons systems like radar, etc,. By private.

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