Friday, October 23, 2015

Air India Revival – More Air India express for low cost flights in domestic & short int. routes, On board meals optional in domestic, Double or Launch new Direct short international flights to Singapore, Malaysia, Dubai, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Bangkok from metros, Bangalore, Hyderabad, West coast

Air India fares are currently highest primarily in domestic market and in international routes compared to foreign airlines. It is not due to staff it is due to poor fares of flights selected by management in order to support private aircraft. Our tax money is used to support the air India so please consider following suggestions. Management favouring international flights and domestic carriers by operating less or no flights in profitable and on demand routes. 
  • Special coupons for 1st time travellers/registered needed similar to OLA, Uber, etc,. To motivate passengers to get a feel of Air India allocate 20 tickets per flight for offer with no deadline for 1 year. 
  • Since aviation minister is not available in twitter or any format please make him first available to check his capability and credibility.
Private airlines save cost by cutting down on meals when booking tickets and maintain as low cost airlines. Hence air India must revive its air India express routes with less baggage allowance and removing on board meals and make it optional in loss making routes and retain only in prestigious routes. Anyway some will buy on board so no need to focus on meals part in domestic section totally waste of cost for air India. Instead reduce fares and compete boldly with private airlines. Only if air India starts the mission will we believe air India and govt. Till that we see as though air India is for MP as parliament not functioning, MLA, govt executives, air India officials to travel free of cost for no use to public. Reduce number of free tickets to MP, MLA first to the parliament committee on benefits then if no impact reduce for ex-air India. Air India and post office should aggressively do int. and domestic couriers also. Double the number of pilots by one year, refuel abroad to cut costs in fuel
Air India should run big flights in highly competitive routes and double flights at night time from all metros & top tier cities like Bangalore, Hyderabad, Thiruvananthapuram to international routes like Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Shanghai, Dubai, as these are major tourist/business destinations and very short compared to USA, Australia, UK and u can earn more. The above short international routes need direct flights as they are short and at night time domestic flights which are not in demand can be run as air India express in night times. For example Chennai to Bangkok is important route but air India has no direct flights and has lost market to Thai airways, similarly Chennai to Hong Kong is a major route but air India has lost market to foreign airlines. The worst part is air India is supporting Thai on stupid alliance policies. Keep aircrafts at Dubai, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Singapore, Abu Dhabi, London for intl. shuttles between countries & connect to Air India flights to India
Instead of focussing on direct flights for Indians, Split some of the international routes so that international passengers can get a feel of air India and reduce fatigue of non stop flights. Indians are very budget conscious and don’t depend and focus your operations only for Indians. A direct flight to Shanghai can be split into 2 parts a) India - Bangkok - Shanghai or b) India - Hong Kong -  Shanghai for tourist/business c) A flight to Australia can be split through Singapore/Malaysia, UK,USA via Dubai, UAE. D) Direct flights between UK – USA – Australia - Japan flights to  Target international travellers who want to experience air India, not Indians as Indians want to experience other flights primarily. Try to bring alcohol in Air India international flights a key factor many avoid, I don’t drink based on feedback.
Entire Indian public wants 5/20 policy revised because air India and other companies have not run neither direct flights to other countries and now only major foreign airlines are supporting this otherwise we all we have to go to Delhi to only catch flights to any country. All airlines with base in India want to operate international from Mumbai and Delhi only, why should we go there when it is a far and time wasting route. And domestic also you have not connected all routes for example, Mumbai – Thirupathi is high demand route all around the year but no flights by Air India has been successful. Air India made a mistake earlier of procuring too many large flights but you need to use them efficiently, better to have aircrafts of same company to avoid costs on spare parts as followed by Indigo. You have too many aircrafts of too many brands of too many sizes.Please consider small aircrafts for domestic and cheaper international routes or revise flights at last minute if less occupancy don’t run big airlines in routes when seats are not full. Put ads in Indian Television, BBC World, CNN to reach all market, also online ads through google AdSense with logics, increase commission for agents/referrals
Don’t listen to some minister’s/public advise for flights routes, collect data of travellers from Immigration bureau and see how Indians are travelling regularly use that data to schedule flights. The emigration data will have data of both air India and other flights use that to launch flights in that direction. Minus your load factor then you will get what routes there is demand and you can launch flights. Always keep fares at best rates with private and international competitors, run more air India express to compensate losses if any possible to occur. Take survey from all passengers on why they choose air India prior to departure, post arrival in all format - Use SMS format to send feedback and mobile website to give link by SMS to customers to reply and say they will be given complimentary drink in flight irrespective of positive or negative feedback 3. Forms in air lines along with the immigration forms for international on whey they choose air India and what they expect in future, specific questions on what time the flight had been it would be useful for them, on return which flight they are planning to use, trained feedback squads needed in flights to talk in Hindi/regional language or English. Take feedback positively & change. Co-sponsor any international tournament. All companies which used cricket reached a huge market use the 30 seconds spots in TV crickets ads

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