Sunday, January 24, 2016

Electronics, Embedded, Chip Level Manufacturing with neat packing with best plastic & steel based designers to create new products to avoid import of accessories for mobile, laptop, etc,. Importing is a mockery of the engineering skills of our youth. Creating Indias own OS for mobile, PC, Server and new concept Electric Car

Pls consider electronics manufacturing by Bharath Electronics Limited to enable better public sector participation in this movement of real make in India of electronics.
The list of electronics items can be listed based on top electronics items which are imported cheaply from China or those items which are brought from outside India in split up parts through different means and assembled in Indian factory and sold at high prices to make steep profits leading to fiscal constraints in the country as the exports of our country has not improved but middle class consumption of electronics has more than increased 100 times than 5 years ago.
So Govt must get list of top sold electronics items from bazaars, online shopping portals to make manufacturing in India. Bharat Electronics limited cannot limit itself to just making electronic voting machines alone when they have capability and govt spending money to setup more centres across India by BEL will create competitive environment to make in India for electronics and later private sector will also join. But spending crores to boost electronics manufacturing by BEL in small components initially and slowly moving upwards will boost production in next 4 years
My list to consider for making in India are simple but if made in India will boost significantly. mobile and laptop accessories, USB cable, USB chargers, mobile casing, mobile screen scratch guard, laptop cables, laptop cooling pad, laptop USB light, memory card, pen drive, selfie stick, telephones, modem, router, mouse, keyboard, plug point, sensors, landline with encryption feature, headset, headphones, headset with mic, dth box, radio, fm, earphone, speaker as accessory for mobile and laptop, CD, DVD, Bluetooth device, dongle, TV board designing for CRT, LED, LCD, mobile circuit designing entirely new
The next list of major needs of corporate offices and govt offices which are currently being imported heavily from abroad for electronics or communication need to be overcome. Modems, Routers, Servers, TV with led and lcd panels, DVD player, blu ray player, DTH boxes, LED touch screen, printer, Laptops, PC, special landline phones
Above all these one items everyone is importing from abroad are toys which are very very high and plastic products for home usage. All our steel containers are being replaced at homes with plastic products which cause cancer at the same time are very cheap when imported and leading to fall of steel manufacturers here as plastic products look very exciting with designs but people forgot that metal containers don’t cause any harm to body. People even carry their food in plastic containers which are not good.
You may think above list is very simple but these are things we import heavily which is very close to our oil import.
BEL separate team other than DRDO can work on making India own mobile and laptop os using Linux and also build laptops which can work with current available OS also to reduce dependency on importing laptops. In future these laptops, tablets and mobiles will enable easier distribution to school students and replace them without depending on other vendors which charge high charges since they own OS which if we develop will bring down costs and if we do fabrication and circuit designing without violating any patents if any patent if we need can request concerned agency to help us to buy it and in turn saving on cost of purchase of laptop from outside. Our skillsets and R&D will also improve in long run and more better institutionalised setup can be arrived and BEL can become advisor to govt on new policies.
BEL must also work on making own laptops and mobiles by developing fabrication skills, chip level development, embedded system research and growth. If at all the project is started govt should not let anyone know that Govt or BEL is going to work on this project it should be kept secret on the laptop, tablet and mobile part. Whenever it is completed probably 4 years may be to do but full freedom to develop needs to be given to enable real invention in these regions. Add Electric Car to secret project list.
BEL must setup up these plants other than Bangalore to enable all over India growth by inviting states which can immediately allot land for this project. At least 3 new centres needed as there is immense scope for manufacturing. One of the sites must be Bihar or Jharkhand, North East for cool climate for electronics manufacturing and one more site may be at TN or Madhya Pradesh or UP. I know Gujarat and Bangalore can immediately allot lands but growth in non electronics region will only lead to new youth coming up with new projects and ideas to prevent importing.
Once one by one product is ready Govt can ask a private agency to do marketing and enable sales across all channels of online and retail. The cost of the products must be such a way that they are half of current market price after import and last long and at the same time. The feedback received must be used to improve the same. If BEL wants it can create subsidiary for sale of products under different name if it is not ok. But selling under BEL will make a huge difference and the revenue receipts will be huge from this. BEL revenue in long run in doing above will boost the economy and will help avoid Govt to ask sick public sector entities to give dividends to compensate expenditures. Finance Ministry and other ministries must find new ways to create new public sector entities in new areas from which Govt can earn revenue with ease in future.

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