Friday, January 15, 2016

Regional Media Centre - Media Centre in Delhi to monitor regional media channels, news channels, regional news papers, FM, regional magazines with real time translation of TV programs & debates using computers and storing in text format in Hindi and English, Persons assigned for each language to make a summary of top news and issues raised and send note to all ministries every 2 hours and overall picture every 12 hours, Ministries can take decision on how to resolve issue after reading the entire translated text in internal website can be used to understand full issue and fix it or release press release or social network to clarify matter

Media channels in regional languages feel that Central Govt is not worried or considerate about the grievances raised in local channels. For now central team doesn’t have team to monitor local issues from Delhi as you don’t separate team to monitor TV channels and regional newspapers and fix issues at states level from top. Every regional channel conducts debate programmes the summary and the issues talked about must be resolve or looked into and introspected. If it is political it is not needed to be considered immediately but if public welfare or development or mistake by govt agency then solving it will help. If any good work done by State govt comes up also they can be channelized and similarly implemented across India post verification at ground level.
Some of the regional news channels do bring out issues and their solutions but they don’t get noticed at central level. Because central Govt officials watch and understand primarily Hindi and English only. There might be officers from other regions but they cannot put forth the view of their region directly to PMO or any minister on day to day basis.
Hence a media centre at central Govt monitoring all channels, regional newspapers, magazines, FM those available in DTH or not and then every one hour top news must be summarised and detailed news within 12 hours must be passed on to PMO with copies to considered ministries, minister and end of day full summary of all issues and top discussions or accusations on central Govt must also be extracted. The summary will be translated to Hindi and English and circulated to concerned ministries in online format as paper work will cause severe delays once approved by secretary who monitors division. At least 4 secretaries needed for 4 parts of India. The centre can be setup in regional centres also for better data collection at state capital and district headquarters. Data summary every 6 hours can help solve most of the issues which don’t even come to the notice of the PMO, ministry, minister and pm.
The centre will have secretary level head monitoring overall and concerned ministry can take a call on whether to use social network or by press release to clarify matter or take immediate steps to fix issue so that public don’t get immersed in the wrong publicity and the blowing up of issue by the media. Centre must take a wise decision and every day top 10 news of each state must be reviewed and steps to resolve same such be taken. Political news can be issued separately but development issues and grievances raised by public in media needs to be focussed to resolve faster.
Since too many regional news channels are there at least a 100 member team needs to be formed to monitor across all languages and translated at real time using software's which translate at real time to convert to words and store in computer. The ministries can then read or hear full version of the speech in translated or actual version or search using key words in the website which automatically saves all the speech being talked in the channels in hindi and English so that the secretary of the minister can read the full article and take a final view.
The languages to target are Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Bengali, Urdu, North East region, etc,. Other than hindi and English
Regional newspapers, FM and magazines also pour in so much information. Information on cinema can be ignored. But the real needs if any can be corrected by Central Govt or taken up with state to correct may be taken up.
Most of the central Govt has to rely on its MP or party workers to share information to top level or pressurise needs. But with technology you can get more grass root level feedback of schemes and implement good ideas of some states across India.
Day to day top news and highlights from ground level to top will also help. Any new highlights or innovative ideas other than normal norms will also help. For example a project by a school student or college student may also be considered.

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