Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Villages & Farmers Issue – Complete Finger Print Banking for Rural Areas, ATM with lower denomination, Adult Education & Meetings every weekend with Govt offiicials with skype , Loans at 3% to 4% to all farmers, Crop Insurance for Individual & Group Crop Insurance for marginalised farmers as some farmers cant afford, Canal Maintenance Authority of India or under NWDA to be formed to clean canals with bulldozers & Latest Farm equipment for hire to enable advanced farming and a Revised MNREGA needed to boost rural demand and boost economy

Many of the early Govt projects to enable old people and uneducated adults to use banking services has failed continuously as they don’t know how to fill forms in banks, don’t know how to use ATM, how to withdraw cash. Hence banking must create a fully finger print based authentication system independent of aadhaar to save finger print of users in bank system and then use it to withdraw cash in ATM and bank counter by just telling amount required or deposit without even knowing their account number or any details. Transfer of money to other accounts must be made easy for them.
Demand for lower denomination cash high in rural areas and towns. But neither banks, RBI, Finance ministry taken any efforts to pass rules to make ATM in tier 2 and after that to have notes of denomination 10,20 and 50 and coin vending in packets of 1,2,5,10 of value 100,500 and 1000 to enable more financial inclusion. Hence pass executive orders to enable this facility in tier 3, tier 4 towns and villages and especially near tourist places, district bus stands, temple areas where high visitors are there. RBI is replying to RTI that banks are responsible for having lower denomination in ATM but RBI has not performed its role in order to make sure banks follow orders.
Crop Insurance if presented in 2 forms – Individual and Group Crop Insurance will be success. As independently farmers might not be able to take insurance that time small and marginal farmers might join hands to take insurance. But reduce paperwork and remove dependency on VAO or panchayat offices for any paper work as they cheat farmers and exploit them by asking for bribes for any certificates or consent. Hence make it farmer to insurance company or banks direct dealing. Banks should provide insurance cover by default along with insurance to prevent loss of loan given due to floods, etc,. Also some farmers in certain villages near forest areas are damaged by animals also so they must also be included in crop insurance scheme. Crop insurance for loans must be less than 0.5% of loan cost to make it damn cheap
Create a new River & Canal Authority under Agri Ministry or existing National Water Development Agency (NWDA) under Ministry of Water Resources equipped with a) Bulldozers to clean canals and maintain them b) Latest Farm Equipment's to hire by marginal and small farmers for usage at very low rent or free if used for just one day only budgetary support at 1000 crores for equipment b) Employees of this equipment must be locally hired for each state and must be positioned near major agricultural districts and rivers and work throughout the year c) A decade back the farmers used to clean canals from rivers to remove any vegetation but nowadays due to lack of labourers in villages. Farmers are asking Govt to clean canals. Revised MNREGA needed to be used for these type of activities. Hence a separate entity places across all districts in all states in India with latest equipment can clean all canals and do necessary changes to flow and to help better irrigation facilities. A combined allocation of 2000 crores needed for purchase of bulldozers, drivers, agricultural managements people, agriculture professors to guide, local farmers interaction before taking up activity, local panchayat. Since all these activities if done under panchayat they tend to loot money if separate entity will save lot of cost in Panchayati raj were every state spends around 1 lakh crores but nothing happens permanently. This entity will save the canals for a long time. 1) The Canal Authority of India will work with all states regularly, villagers, farmers, village level officers, banks officials, insurance companies in crop insurance to enable better irrigation facilities 2) Pump water from major rivers into canals to enable irrigation when water not there in rivers they will setup large pumps in river basin and pump water to canals regularly they will also take up 3) Similar to Gujarat this authority will enable solar panel installation on canals 4) This authority will enable laying of cement blocks on canal paths to enable faster flow of river with slight gaps for percolation of water into ground as last miles of the canals don’t receive water from river 5) Separate pipeline from river to end point of canals to reach far off villages as water doesn’t reach them at all. 6) Integrated canal project and water grid to help all villages receive water the grid will be combination of water pipelines along national highways and canals from rivers so all rivers of all states are covered 7) States must be made partners by giving feedback and suggestions on the activities. Some states are not worried about canals but some states are so much hardworking like Andhra to inter connect rivers and canals. So Govt will engage with states through this agency to interconnect all canals leading to a river inter connection at the end of a decade. Currently the panchayat heads or local MLAs only maintain with their own bulldozers but cant do for many villages. Hence Govt should do.
Adult education needed at all schools/colleges near villages post 5 PM on weekends with dinner at 7PM and videos in regional languages on following a) Basic maths – to do sales and transactions and use banking services b) Latest Govt Schemes to reach all villagers and school students, children on benefits of scheme c) Farming techniques latest d) Farmers interaction with Agri scientists, Agri ministry, Finance Ministry, Banks,  IT Ministry through skype on the problems they face and Govt must work out solutions for them on real time faced by them. Translators from regional languages to other languages. Those who attend only should be given dinner to initially encourage them to participate. Then Govt should review the scheme every 3 months gap to improve if successful. The same must be conducted for one week by selecting villages were lot of farmers are there. IF possible Govt must make adult education in evening a reality as the family and the children will also get food at night and their worries are lifted off. So every weekend if conducted it will have impact of Govt schemes on ground level and Govt can get feedback of schemes from ground level and improve. Any questions of corruption will also come across can also be rectified. E) Issues on loans should be addressed by banks in these meetings as well and rules to be followed by villagers to get projects cleared quickly F) Issues related to cleaning of canals/rivers G) Projects to increase depth of rivers needs to be taken up H) New river water sluices to store water. Loans to villagers at 3-4% or less. Crop insurance needed with option of individual or group insurance for small and marginal farmers. Group Crop Insurance will be a huge hit.

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