Saturday, January 9, 2016

TamilNadu Fishermen Issue – Joint patrolling by Indian Navy and Srilanka Navy at borders, Coast Guard of 2 separate batches permanently to protect/guide/interact with Nagapattinam and Rameswaram fishermen, Lack of presence of Coast guard currently in border areas of India-Srilanka border, New committee setup to work continuously till fishermen issue resolves, New separate minister or secretary for fisheries instead of under Agri and to promote fisheries in India in spite of long coastline and will work to resolve issues of fishermen currently not handled by Agri ministry and Ministry of External Affairs cannot handle always

Indian Fishermen from TamilNadu from major regions of Nagapattinam and Rameswaram easily cross the Indian water limits as distance is less than 100 nautical miles and if they run the boat for 2 or 3 hours also they can reach.
Most fishermen in spite of having GPS enter Srilanka waters stating that the fish availability in Indian shores is depleting day by day not sure due to current changes or global warming or intense fishing. No much scientific research done in spite of ground level reporting by fishermen that fish is available only in Sri lanka waters.
When Srilanka patrols extensively near Indian borders to prevent Indian fishermen the Indian navy and coast guard are very negligible. There have been no incidents reported where the coast guard or Indian navy stopped our fishermen from entering into Sri Lanka. When Srilanka patrols effectively to protects its fish wealth and its fishermen our Central Govt have remained silent for years.
Srilanka fishermen have apprehension on the usage of trawlers and the fishing methods. A joint meeting was conducted between the TN govt and Srilanka team also but no break through was achieved neither our fishermen have changed boats as it is not possible and not cost effective and they have been standing still on their decision of protecting their fishermen. So Govt must setup a joint sitting under ministry of external affairs, coast guard, navy to work out a solution. At central level we don’t have a dedicated fisheries ministry in spite of large coastline and lot of fishermen across entire country to do permanent negotiations. Currently most of the time fishermen and state govt's get confused whether to talk to external affairs or fisheries ministry or to prime minister. Hence proper setup needed just don’t setup new ministry but negotiations same way as how other departments work for finance, power , etc,. Same needed to resolve at least 150 negotiations on a weekly basis to resolve issue. Currently the Fisheries is under ministry of agriculture definitely when no govt has been able to fulfil all issues of agriculture there will be no time to look into this issue. Hence a proper setup under a good minister who wants to prove himself and has not been a given chance till now must work for resolving this issues with idea of previous history of the issues in TN
The history for past several years is that no fishermen from sri lanka was arrested but so many tamil fishermen were arrested shows the lack of interest by coast guard and navy to show presence there and help resolve issues and prevent our fishermen to go there. The home ministry must also be effective in providing security support and talk with our fishermen in ground level to understand scenarios. If we keep ears on the ground you can prevent sudden infiltration and repeated monitoring. If you start now at least it will take 2 years to monitor and resolve issue.

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