Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Budget 2016 Needs - Increase lanes to 8 or 10 & New flyovers for Golden Quadrilateral in heavy traffic stretches with major facilities in highways every 50 kms, Canals and Rivers Dredging Agency to maintain canals & Rivers, Free education in agricultural universities, Police Reforms, E-Governance of all Govt hospitals & Ration Shops/PDS, primary healthcare, Helicopter Ambulance 1 for all states/UT, Cable Car Project for Hill Stations & J&K, New Metros, Bio-Fuels, Animation Institute, Ayurveda medicine

Increasing lanes in Golden Quadrilateral to 8 lanes (5,000 crores) wherever too much traffic congestions is there to enable ease of goods movement and in turn contribute to GDP faster. Flyovers at key junctions where too much traffic is there to enable ease of travel. Facilities along Golden Quadrilateral every 50 kms for passengers and drivers to take rest with proper amenities of global standard (1,000 crores) it is responsibility of toll provider to provide facilities along highways. The lanes increase will support India for another 25 years. All tolls to be RFID enabled by Jan 2017. All number plates to be RFID by November 2017.
A) Canals & Rivers dredging needs annually 3000 crores to be setup under National Water Development Authority or Ministry of Water Resources with latest equipment like dredging machines, bull dozers, lorries to clean up canals regularly throughout the year on farmer request free of cost B) setup solar panels on top of dry or less quantity water river beds to generate electricity Example: Vaigai, Palar, Cauvery C) Crop Insurance – Individual and Group Insurance for all farmers for all crops, plantations, trees, flowers, horticulture, etc,. Every plant which is grown by farmer must be covered. With a budget allocation for 4000 crores for separate Crop Insurance Authority of India and crop insurance should be such a way that when a crop fails the loan payable by farmers for that season will be waived off and funds for sowing next crops will be given. D) Some portion crop insurance State Govt can do co-payment since states have to be made responsible also and Some portion Central Govt co-payment every year to the combined corpus E) Farmers loans must be fixed at 4% permanently or less. F) No loan waiver necessary as it has been a bad precedent. G) Agriculture students will be given free of education and agri scientists will be promoted and given aid of up to 300 crores with latest labs to do genetic research. But talk to agricultural professors from all universities to take a decision on this matter on what latest technology they need and about free education to students who take up agriculture as studies. Biotechnology and Agriculture joint research setup G) Latest Equipment for Rent to Farmers with budget allocation of 500 crores for free to small farmers and for nominal rate to big farmers apply through app or IVRS without VAO or Panchayat interference
Police Reforms with latest equipment as our police still use outdated sticks and old refills as they system need to be modernised to save people as well as police themselves. TN state has sent several proposals to modernise but no central Govt till now has responded. Hence a combined fund allocation of 2,000 crores to modernise State police divisions and in each state at least 300 police from various cadre must be trained to NSG standards to respond in short notice only post lie detection test of the police who will be trained to prevent spies. 2 helicopters for all State Police Force to move in quick speed in case of threat and not to by any Govt staff under any circumstances. CM can use but no one else except Police post Airforce approval.
Complete end to end automation and computerisation of primary health cares, major Govt hospitals across all states with Central e-Governance project of 2,000 crores to bring best health care and monitor public of any disease outbreak. Video conferencing to help remote doctors quickly react to emergencies. Helicopter Ambulance scheme with 1 helicopter per state to reach out to people in distress in remote areas or for organ transplant instead of going by road to save time and lives. Advanced version of 108 scheme to have helicopter ambulance for very critical needs and at times of severe distress like train accidents, bus accidents, hilly areas, remote villages, etc,. Total allocation for ambulance helicopter – 200 crores
Block Buster Hit – Cable Car Project for hill stations to reduce traffic in hill stations and increase tourism similar to Genting, Malaysia or Switzerland project in Jammu & Kashmir (India’s Switzerland). The Green clearance should be given as few thousand trees are cut but in long run we are saving Planet from pollution as cable car projects will reduce emission in forest areas in Western Ghats, etc,. Govt must allocate 1000 crores as it will be biggest infra project. The difference between other cable car projects across the world and ours will be that it will allow enough capacity to carry goods also to roof top in less time and in turn reducing trucks movement in highways. Take inputs from State. Manali, Ooty, Himachal Pradesh, Pahalgam, Nanital, NE. New Metro Projects for Chennai from Thiruvanmaiyur to Kelambakkam and other states. Upgradation of Mono Rail projects announced by TN govt to metro standard as mono rails cannot carry lot of passengers. Clearing of Highway project from Chennai Port to Maduravoyal Expressway.
New Bio Fuel and Hydrogen fuel cell policy to reduce pollution and for farmers to earn revenue by Govt directly procuring these plants to produce oil from punnai trees and from ethanol. Usage of bio fuel will reduce current account deficit of the country and also help add revenue internally. Bio fuel must be available in all bunks by Dec 2017
A new web portal to enable sales of Ayurveda, Home, Unani, Siddha, Homeopathy, Village/ Tribal Medicine’s to cure diseases and public to buy. To preserve tradition for next generation. Documentation to procure and sell globally by Indian Agency setup with 300 crores corpus to bring in foreign revenue as English medicine doesn’t hold good at times. The Agency will also prevent anyone abroad to file patents for Indian medicines found by yogis several decades ago in Indian forest/village
Separate Animation and Graphics Institutes of India as there is scope for employment to several youth and to increase standards of graphics in Indian cinema industry. Latest equipment's and the committee headed by leading directors and technicians in the country will enable setup in 2 locations in India – Mumbai and one location in south possibly Chennai. The budget allocation of 300 crores for 2 years will be setup for this. Doordarshan will be given free graphics services by this institute students and enable creation of new programs which will be telecasted. The students of around 750 will be trained per year with latest computers, servers, software's, software developers will be used to develop. These students are expected to play a great role in Film Industry further growth and create more jobs. The cost of training in private institutes is very high in spite of good artistic skills of students hence it will benefit them. Shankar from Tamil Film Industry and Baahubali director will also be part of members of the institute setup.

1 comment:

  1. On the Railway side, in chennai suburbs(tambaram to chengalpattu), there are only 2 lines so trains stop quite often outside tambaram station waiting for other train to pass. The 3 rd line which was metre gauge is pending conversion now for more than 10 years. despite this stretch being one of the big contributorsof revenue, it is being neglected.
