Friday, January 15, 2016

Overcoming Fiscal Deficit and at the same time increasing public spending – Creating of separate investment fund for major infra sectors like Highways, Railways, Power, Ports, Airports, Defence and for Social & Rural Sector – Education, Village Roads, Hospitals, Water Tanks for water to reach each village house, toilets, Cement Houses, Buses for travel to boost rural GDP, Latest Farm Equipment for farmers and rivers & canal maintenance

Creating an investment fund for each major infra division to reduce direct Govt spending tax money but instead raising funds through other means from abroad and from NRI who currently invest majorly in real estate only. Since real estate needs of NRI are over give them more easy means to invest in infra and at the same time returns with or less tax. A single infra fund for entire country wont be enough hence separate for each sector needed as boost in each sector is much needed for 8 lane national highways, better state highways, bigger ports and more cargo & flights handling airports. Govt tax money can be used for projects which will help public in long run but not immediate returns
The investment fund must invest only in projects which have all pre-approvals from all ministries up to to last bottom level and all state Govt's and all land acquisition completed to waste the money in projects which get stuck and returns are low. Banks can also be made partners in this as too much use of investment fund will lead to low demand from banks. Hence banks must be given chance to invest and pension funds in India also to invest. Purely depending on one or 2 foreign entities or funds wont be enough it must be thrown open to all and the investment horizon must be 7 years or above as people if they take back due to global pressures wont help hence lock in period is needed similar to tax bonds to help money work on projects. As return on infra. projects easily more than 5 years if done fully also and if done part by part at least 10 years for impact. If you give projects at good stretches of say 50 km highway projects to one group like that the impact can be seen quickly with all clearances. All clearances must be moved to workflow model as one after another clearance is given by each concerned agency both state and central in computer flow and documents uploaded in system for fast processing.
Rupee bond must be allocated for each infra segment for independently raising money. The dollar bond will lead to larger outflow and reducing in value of rupee. Hence value of rupee will be stable can be achieved by equalling the dollar outflow every month for oil purchase by infra rupee bonds for each segment other than banks individually raising funds. But too much should not be done as it will lead to bubble.
Rupee bond for education and social sectors also needed for development of villages as the growth in GDP will lead from there. The funds can be used to take up more projects under MNREGA and also providing latest equipment to farmers depending on crop and planting at less rent to marginal farmers and at best price for big farmers. This will reduce fiscal constrains on spending in health – hospital, education in govt schools, facilities or construction of cement house in villages, cement village roads and water pumps to fill water in tanks to supply to all houses independently to bathrooms and toilets. Many villages lack enough travel options the buses are also less. If they don’t have travel options with ease the GDP is restricted to one area there wont be any growth.
More tax free bonds to raise money in India for long term and the amount to be raised fixed at 20% higher than last raised tax free bonds for same sector
Banks recapitalisation by increasing savings rate and fixed deposits to increase more savings and to get returns more than inflation. Most of the money has gone to stock market leading to less availability of cash with banks. If banks increase savings rate more money public will invest and banks can use that to invest in good investments which will give returns. Banks giving out credit cards to public who have accounts with bank more than 5 years will lead to small credits contributing to recapitalise banks easily.
You can recapitalise banks to certain extend from defaulters repaying and rest from tax money and other means of raising money abroad at low rates. Bank NPA was due to certain corporates favoured. How can tax money of public be used to just recapitalise unless defaulters are not caught and the money recovered. Banks need to be run properly or economy will collapse. So RBI has to do its duty of monitoring major loans above 10 crores given to any specific entity or group or individual. As banks are some times forced by politicians, bank heads, ministry heads to give out loans to low credit rated.
Increasing revenue source by adding tax on plastic goods imported. Most electronics good imported have plastic covering done leading to more plastic and electronics dumping in India leading to land pollution and cancer. Hence please tax products imported which have plastic either separate or embedded along with devices which can use direct manufacturing in India. All major mobile accessories like covers, stands, usb, headphones, mobile screen covers are imported from China which is a very bad sign. Cant we not even design our own plastic or mobile accessories. Hence increase tax on plastic embedded or direct plastic products to increase revenue and promote manufacturing in India or our people and businessmen will go and buy those cheap goods and bring it. Make customs tax on plastic goods brought to India as well through airports. Ask your customs team for data but overall restrict bringing so much plastic goods imported from around the world.

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