Friday, January 8, 2016

Doordarshan Revamp - New movie procuring concept, Royalty Rates change for all languages, DD News split up, Marketing Team for regional networks, New DD Channels - Science, Movies, Music, Health

  • Setting up of new marketing team with best MBA graduates who are capable of bringing more revenue in the form of ads. Assigning ad agents for procuring ads for putting in Doordarshan network they can be used for ads in both national and regional also. The commission rates for agents must be good similar to private channels to help bring more revenue in ads. Currently ads need to be approached by companies directly. so separate mba marketing team at national level and split up in regional level with share in revenue on bringing in new ads will boost ads in regional channels and also bring in good shows and more new movies.
  • New ad revenue concept of sharing revenue of ads with producer if they provide movies to DD and they can take 40% of ad revenue for themselves if it is very new and want to give to DD first for transmission and for 2nd time within 3 months of release DD can give 30% revenue of ads and retain rest. For other movies they can use the new royalty rates which should be revised equal for Regional languages and Hindi movie procurement. This will help DD also save money and earn without any investment. But only if doordarshan works closely with producer council this can be feasible. The necessary changes to Prasar bharathi rules to bring this scheme will bring in lot of revenue in ads and become self sustained and like other Public sector entities will be able to give revenue share to Govt at end of year once it become profitable.
  • Doordarshan should consider modifying royalty rates to procure movies for regional doordarshan network equal to that of Hindi movies. As regional network channels are not able to transmit movies with old royalty rates of less than 5 lakhs with that how can they purchase movies. Even movies which were hits older than 20 years are also not available with Doordarshan for transmission. Doordarshan should also at times purchase movie rights strategically to earn revenue in future with good quality movies. Doordarshan regional networks could not procure movies older than 5 years also with ease. Hence a change in royalty rights will lead to easy movie purchase and more ads in regional networks will lead to more revenue and will lead to creation of program independently with more expenditure and turn leading to ad revenue. The main source of ad revenue for Doordarshan is almost zero in regional versions since most of the funds are used up by DD National itself.
  • Doordarshan regional networks must partner with producer council of all regional cinema network to help purchase movies for transmission for weekends. When Doordarshan national network is able to transmit movies with ease why not with regional movies. Some rights held by other channels must be partnered to purchase movies for transmission. The ad revenue will easily beat expenditure
  • Doordarshan HD transmission yet to start. The standard version of doordarshan is also of poor quality compared to private broadcasters and international broadcasters. The national broadcaster is not able to use latest techniques and technology it sends out a bad message. Procure good quality standard and HD cameras after a consulting with best media consultancy and top movie cameraman, top editors to know latest techniques regularly and train Doordarshan staff. They will need to partner with Bollywood, Kollywood, Tollywood and other best cinema in India and abroad to know latest techniques to improve. In international level training from BBC and CNN will also help to transmit in good quality in standard version also. If transmission is not good and look and feel not good people will not see. People watch so many cinema nowadays and want good presentation with nice editing, good camera shots, good rendering, etc,. 
  • Doordarshan News split into Hindi and English as both hindi and english news currently alternated in DD News is not helping and the revenue scope is lost.
  • Doordarshan podhigai must be given funds to partner with S.V. Shekar or Crazy Mohan or Bhagyaraj or Parthipan to make serials for Podhigai. They are among best story script writers in Kollywood industry. The average cost of making serials in other channels is around 1Lakh per show but atleast Regional networks must select best script writers and procure at good rate comfortable for all atleast at 15,000-40,000 per episode to enable best serials in comedy, family. If these directors are roped in then the ads will start coming in  otherwise no one will put ads.
  • The contact emails provided by Doordarshan regional websites are mostly wrong and must be updated regularly for public to give feedback. And make it a practice to show the generic email id at end of programmes.
  • The ads for self promotion of the program are lacking between program and also before end of ads. Even program which don't have ads also we need to self promote ads of other important programs
  • Setting up of a separate central division for making high quality Graphics to be used in regional channels. The regional networks like DD Podhigai etc,. have very poor quality graphics and most of the time manage with PPT only. The division must understand requirements and prepare the required edited versions with good quality graphics to be used.
  • Editing team of regional version trained with regional film editors to improve quality of editing.
  • Starting of DD Music Channel for transmitting Carnatic, western, fusion music, international music, bollywood songs and top songs of regional networks also
  • Starting of DD Animation to make good quality programs for children as current quality of programs are very poor and affect children in bad ways. Stories of kingdoms, history of india, international hit cartoon shows of good quality can be created with central team of animation with hired from good quality students and based on the review by consultant or for time being you can outsource the programs.
  • Starting of DD Science Channel for transmitting best program created by 3rd party and purchasing, regional science programs, covering best scientists in India, etc,.
  • Starting of DD Movies to show top awarded movies of India across the geography in all languages with national awards with subtitles in English. So a day can have movies in Hindi, Marati, Tamil, Telugu, Bengali and all languages which have received national awards and have been submitted to international film festivals also. This will help film buffs in India to watch good quality cinema. At times Doordarshan can transmit good quality English movies and best in world cinema also in separate show for that. DD Movies channels expected to earn a lot and be out of the normal channels list. Ads revenue will also grow. The movies must be really good quality and engaging viewers with contest through sms and twitter using hashtags and prices in the form of movie cds or coupons or gadgets to initially engage viewers for 6 months. later they will start viewing you can ignore.
  • DD Health to promote yoga and other traditional methods and latest techniques like how to use gym equipments and interview with actors and follow up with them on how they work out for a week or so. But this is last need but do all above and come to this DD Health concept.

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