Sunday, January 31, 2016

Rural Areas & Districts Development – Centralised Control to report issues of all types faced by IVRS-recorded or customer care, SMS, app, Web(mobile & PC), Dubbing of DD Kisan Channel in major regional languages with option in DTH to choose language, fixing issues like – roads, water to all houses, LED in all village streetlights, Adult education in Govt schools, ATM cum money deposit machines in all govt schools by PSB to enable next generation to know banking services from small age, Easier travel from villages and remote districts to major centres nearby with small buses, Wi-FI towers by BSNL in all govt schools and villages with low cost plans when connected to that network, Procurement of trees & Plants which produce bio-fuel by Govt

Govt should solve issues faced in rural areas & districts which face following issues – a) Bad Roads or making cement roads in repeatedly damaged roads as cement roads have life of more than 15 years, b) Good drinking RO Water with pipelines to all individual houses & toilets with separate water tank for the village if requested (Currently most villagers have to go to common pipe point to take water this needs to change to get water inside house itself like in cities), c) Methane plant to generate gas with cow dung, waste to overcome wood used for cooking, d) drainage facilities in villages and processing centres, rain water harvesting concepts for all houses and connected to lakes, e) construction of cement houses with cement blocks for faster construction instead of bricks and also painting, f) request for more work under MNREGA for that person or region or public feedback to identify more MNREGA work and payment by biometric of worker, g) lack of transportation issues in villages to travel to major location near districts and most time villagers have to wait for 3 hours to get on a bus to reach any place so give 1 bus for villagers who request for bus facilities with small buses as they will consume less diesel (try bio fuel also and encourage villagers to produce bio fuel to maintain buses and reduce cost and driver can be appointed by village panchayat and the driver can take salary instead of state or central govt job to allow villagers to manage the bus) with logo of Rural ministry and logo, h) lack of LED streetlights leads to complete darkness in roads in villages in nights hence converting all tube lights & mercury bulbs to LED tube lights will help a lot. i) Free distribution of LED bulbs to all village and district residents in nearest Govt school on specific day every week and rest of those who request can be sent by India Post to house address and the person can pay to postman directly to help LED policy every common man j) Having manned level crossing to prevent farmers who die with their cattle in level crossing to close them and be manned by panchayat or village appointed person with training by Railways k) Top veterinary doctors of central govt must be available to go to villages on request to look into cattle and understand new diseases and come up with solutions. Central govt doctors must reach before State Govt to set a trend l) Public Health centres which are reported to be of low quality and any facility missing if requested must be provided. If lacks of doctors is reported send nearest Central Govt from state capital to make state aware that centre is more proactive and no wait for state to respond. As some state are very pro active and some are not. So always if any request comes from public then send doctors within 1 week j) Adult education in all Govt schools with food provided for lunch all weekends with computer and speaker to teach the villagers basic banking, basic maths to avoid cheating, farming techniques, central govt schemes and how to avail them, state govt schemes and how to avail them. The entire task must be assigned to the govt school headmaster to take up the activity and no funds is needed for this just internet facility must be made available by any govt agency like BSNL or use Microsoft (skype and internet in remote areas) k) Lack of mobile signal and internet in rural areas must be overcome by having boosters by BSNL for better connectivity so most villagers get signal l) Wi-Fi Towers to enable internet available for usage in Govt schools, mobiles. Many might not have PC but having Wi-Fi availability by installing required devices to help connectivity with low cost packages for selected areas say like 2GB at Rs.100 to enable better usage of internet to enable more services reach them m) Farm loan and Crop insurance issue must be also be integrated into this scheme n) Rental service of farm equipment must be made available through the service to enable latest tech equipment reach all farmers o) Organic farming techniques, fertilizer request, purchase of farm produce any request can be placed in this p) Govt schools issues like lack of teachers with video conferencing to teach students and other facilities requested by students must reach them faster q) Govt colleges and other issues must also be addressed r) Biofuel based water pumps to increase bio fuel penetration to rural areas and to avoid dependency on power and govt procurement of plant produce which help in making bio fuel also s) Govt offices issues must also be sorted out by direct interaction of state and central govt to force concerned authority in panchayat level who does mistakes. All above services and many more if integrated by below methods will help resolve. Dubbing of DD Kisan channel programmes so all can understand across India with option in remote to choose language currently Discovery and National geographic have this option in Tata Sky(DTH).t) MSME centres in at least 15 areas in all states
Create a single app or website to report both with details of the person and anonymously for issues reported with or without photos to get more public reporting issues directly to centralised centre to take up issues faster. Currently Govt having different apps & separate methods to solve roads (PMGSY) and power issues must be integrated to single app and website (both pc & mobile) to report issues faced by people in rural and districts to solve issues.
Please make availability of IVRS to record issues like for MannKiBaat in all regional languages and default language will be the region from which the person calls & SMS numbers to report issues. Other than app and website as most people in rural and districts know only their regional language and don’t know usage of apps or smartphones. Even if pin code is given team must be sent to verify issue and resolved. Govt must talk to concerned person in language which they understand if regional have separate team in Central ministry to look into issue. If it goes to State Govt they might ask them to force to close issue without resolving.
So if all services and more and integrated into single App “Rural India” to help non state capitals to grow faster and Central govt to understand problems and integrate all issues into one for faster solving by central govt and fine tuning how services have reached to common man. In places where even state govt cant reach due to constrains in expenditure the Central govt must step it up and do it faster. If required State Govt must share the cost involved. The details of the complainant must be kept a secret and must not be revealed. The complaint if provided pin code or any small details possible must be used to check with help of local IAS officer team in district level and if confirmed central govt must take up work to do it. Tendering process must be such a way that at least 10 villagers issues within  a state are awarded to single contractor for faster completion. If less than 10 villages have problems reported then every 30 days new tenders must be issued and monitored with satellite imagery and IAS reporting.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Railways MRTS extension in Chennai– Extend by 30 kms along IT corridor to benefit 50,000 public travellers daily from Thiruvanmiyur to Kelambakkam, Fast tracking Chennai MRTS stuck between Velachery to St. Thomas mount for 9 years by visit of Railway minister to meet TN CM, New Trains from Tambaram Railway station should be flagged

The IT Corridor from Thiruvanmiyur to Kelambakkam a distance of roughly 30 kms requires extension of Railways MRTS project to enable faster and pollution free travel for more than 50,000 office goers daily. The people and Chennai will remain indebted to Railways, Central Govt & State Govt if the project takes off. The Railways can initially at least start a survey by allocating funds to decide on how the project needs to be taken up either above ground(with single pillar to avoid usage of less land along Old Mahabalipuram road median) or under ground. No land acquisition problem is expected since project is to be build either above or below the road. Metro is not likely to be extended to this region so Railways must come forward and work with State Govt to start this project. IT corridor residents and employees have been demanding this for decades but no one is taking up the cause. Since lack of MRTS in entire section currently people prefer buses but if extended fully it will be used by all.
The MRTS is currently up to Thiruvanmiyur only in IT corridor which is only 1/4th of actual distance if extended to entire IT corridor it will benefit many travellers who have to depend on own vehicles and Chennai state Govt buses for travel. Considering the traffic at certain junctions it will be better if we have MRTS to help ease of travel and reduce travel time. The cost of the project can go up to 7,000-10,000 crores. Please give big projects like this to major construction companies only to avoid delays even if cost is a bit high. Ex: L&T, etc,.
The cost for the project can be done by many ways or combining any of the options below –
a) State Govt (20%), Central Govt (30%), Railways (20%), Debt Raised by bonds (30%)
b) Japanese Funding for Debt with repayment later with shorter time frame of 30 years compared to bullet train and using Japanese coaches for MRTS section
c) Raise Equity from Renting/Leasing Existing MRTS Stations space for Development (20%), Crowd Funding from Public & IT Companies in the IT corridor and giving equity by sharing revenue from project in future or Debt raising by special bond for Chennai MRTS (20%), Rest by State, Railways & Centre. The cost is significantly low as cost of land acquisition is mostly NIL as being done on top or below highways only.
After Thiruvanmiyur the MRTS takes different route to Velachery and intends to connect to St. Thomas mount but stuck for 9 years. The distance between Velachery to St. Thomas is stuck due to land acquisition problems the case is over but waiting for state govt to help hand over land to Railways. Suresh Prabhu & Railway board must personally come over to Chennai and request TN CM to help hand over land after confirming the status with Southern Railway as the loss of not operating this route (7kms) is very huge for Railways as it connect 2 different of Railways in Chennai into a single common point St. Thomas Mount. There are other projects which minister can come to Chennai and discuss with state govt to complete projects stuck for long time.
Minister must also flag off trains from Tambaram railway station as starting point to south, within TN and north of India marking Tambaram as 3rd terminal of Chennai to ease pressure at other terminals for platforms and other facilities.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Saving the Indian Economy – RBI to improve to its supervision function instead of saying banks are with Govt and only Govt should take action totally wrong with our western educated governor with lack of Indian Economy knowledge, New economic advisors from India only as lack of Indian Economy knowledge with western educated is no use they should be from major Indian educational institution's a panel of 10 split into 2 to work independently and report to PM & FM only and not to any ministry, Increase public spending in reducing traffic bottlenecks with either flyovers or metros or FOB to reduce zebra crossing or widening of heavy traffic junctions or improving last mile connectivity, using long coastline to gain in wind energy, off shore oil wells, mining revenue under reported by states – river bed sand, LED for all state & central govt offices & Railways, Making oil purchase in rupee to strengthen rupee, Reduce electronics import

RBI has failed on its important function – “Supervision of Banks” for decades now. It has done petty inspections of bank operations, never verified the IT systems of banks as it does not have skills, loan operation of private banks, credit card issued by multiple private banks to same person which leads to default of massive scales if high paying lose their jobs, no credit cards given middleclass people who can only save the economy during crash based on stupid credit reports which are made up for rich alone. RBI thinks with giving license its work is over. It has so much to do I don’t want to detail it the employees and governor know what they don’t do effectively.
RBI can improve its supervisory function by auditing IT systems of banks and ask them to add more checks and monitored by RBI from remote location by separate fraud & risk team, Add new IT concepts like verify pan details by hitting Income Tax servers or have physical pan card verified, avoid multiple credit card to single person, 1st credit for long time bank account holder must be made easy for middleclass with credit limit and salary statement to improve non housing & credit loans to protect banks during crashes as middleclass will pay, making educational loans costly for those who go abroad to study as rupee weakens in long run and why should Govt support for brain drain. All loans above 50 crores must be verified by RBI it cannot sit in Mumbai and just comment. Many loans are given to companies by pressure by certain ministries to banks but RBI should make a comment on whether loan to that company can be given or not. When u restrict a credit card to a normal public by checking so many details for credit score how a corporate evades loans suddenly to evade tax, use for other investments and other frauds. Systemic fraud leads to crash of economy which even re capitalisation with public money wont save
New Economic advisors other than the existing who are educated in India and have been in India with no education abroad. The true power of Indian economic advisors will be much more powerful than a western educated person. The panel can be formed by ways like top economists who write editorials for newspapers like Financial Express or Business Standard, top economists who write articles in Economic and political weekly magazine, IIBF, Business magazines and top professors in IIM and other research institutions under state or central govt only. Other panellist can be from retired people from top public sector banks, RBI, Finance Ministry. A panel of 10 split into 5 each should guide PM & FM in boosting Indian Economy across all ministries. I am ok with hiring even a Asian economist with Indian background from Singapore, Hong Kong, China, Thailand, Japan as the concepts of Asian economies totally wary from western economies. Western ideas wont work in Asian economies. Don’t hire people of investment companies or past severe media interaction.
Public spending must be increased by avoiding foreign loans in dollars and other currencies. Since when the loan payment starts even if interest rate is low we tend to pay more due to rupee devaluation and global factors. So when trying to take loans, purchasing oil try to make around 50% of the purchase with rupee only so future fluctuations are protected. Also try to use methods to raise money in India more than abroad by using infra bonds for each sector, tax free bonds regularly, hybrid investment fund with equity(5 yrs. locking) & debt, pure equity investment fund no lock in. Use NRI and PIO to cash in on the public investment cycle by easier norms to get funds from outside India other than real estate investment. There is scope for billions in remittance possible by NRI/PIO in public investment by working out channels. Budget should focus on revenue with estimate of growth at 5%
Reducing imports should be new strategy till exports start to pick up. Imports on Electronics need to be contained by heavily taxing for even small goods like USB, tax free operations for electronics chip level manufacturers for 3 years in India to reduce imports of even USB pen drives to India. Selling agricultural produce at higher prices to earn more revenue and targeting oil rich countries as they lack agricultural produce due to geographical position. Increasing agricultural produce with use of high-tech and forming separate Agricultural engineering group with more mechanisation and separate entity of Central Govt with latest farm equipment to work with farmers at even low rent or free to increase river depth and river storage capacity in drought prone areas, nationalisation of rivers to inter connect rivers to reduce drought, artificial rain in drought prone areas, drones to monitor cultivation, multiple crops in single area to double produce, doubling aquatic produce, more tea & coffee sales, reducing farm loan distress by increasing loan duration by 1 year when farmer proves his region affected by drought, compulsory crop insurance, aadhaar based transfer of money to farmers for MSP by FCI, more investment under MNREGA by separate wing under MNREGA to have needed equipment only using manpower skills, adult education in schools during weekends and making all aware of state & central govt schemes to prevent media and newspaper cooking up unwanted stories & paid & planted news. Implementing successful programmes of states in centre – e.g. TN canteen scheme for public, etc,.
Increasing rupee value by re-validating some of the external loans and oil purchases to purchase to reduce dollar demand in India and buy in rupee to increase rupee value. Some oil rich countries will accept to this if negotiated wisely. Making gold bonds attractive by offering higher interest rates up to 9% for those who take bonds with up to 7-8 years of value. Increasing tax on cinema as major expenditure of middleclass is draining to single sector and film actors and single group of entities are making money. Closing money coming into markets from Mauritius, Singapore as circular route from India itself leading to excessive black money in stock markets by taking new stand that FPI are also ok with or getting details of all FPI investment in India by any means to avoid loopholes or FATCA like rule for India similar to USA
Public investment in reducing traffic bottlenecks will go long way in boosting GDP. Joint partnership by public, state & central Govt to identify traffic bottle necks by separate wing of NHAI to reduce them at earliest or using Metro projects to reduce same. The cost of flyover over several places or a single metro project are both equal. So hence traffic analysis wing needed to be formed to reduce traffic to reduce traffic inside cities and in highways. Handing over of some highways under state to central govt to make it 4 lanes with facilities to boost growth in poorly maintained areas with states. Spending on more foot over bridges, more flyovers near key railway crossing which cause wait times, traffic bottlenecks when entering city from highways, etc,. Must be overcome. NHAI must ask toll operators to increase width of road in profitable highway projects to continue or exit once the BOT time is over. Golden Quadrilateral needs more lanes in some sections. Separate website to report traffic menace to improve GDP
Long coastal line could be used to generate wind energy along the coastline in several places to generate electricity. LED tube lights or bulbs in highways projects will help. LED bulbs to replace in all state & central govt offices will go a long way. Revenue from mining operations is under reported by most states and scope for revenue for several crores is there. More plantation of bigger trees along old highways especially golden quadrilateral will help bring rains and reduce pollution and noise from highways. More off shore drilling projects in Indian waters & abroad. Revenue by selling Indian food for NRI abroad.

Electronics, Embedded, Chip Level Manufacturing with neat packing with best plastic & steel based designers to create new products to avoid import of accessories for mobile, laptop, etc,. Importing is a mockery of the engineering skills of our youth. Creating Indias own OS for mobile, PC, Server and new concept Electric Car

Pls consider electronics manufacturing by Bharath Electronics Limited to enable better public sector participation in this movement of real make in India of electronics.
The list of electronics items can be listed based on top electronics items which are imported cheaply from China or those items which are brought from outside India in split up parts through different means and assembled in Indian factory and sold at high prices to make steep profits leading to fiscal constraints in the country as the exports of our country has not improved but middle class consumption of electronics has more than increased 100 times than 5 years ago.
So Govt must get list of top sold electronics items from bazaars, online shopping portals to make manufacturing in India. Bharat Electronics limited cannot limit itself to just making electronic voting machines alone when they have capability and govt spending money to setup more centres across India by BEL will create competitive environment to make in India for electronics and later private sector will also join. But spending crores to boost electronics manufacturing by BEL in small components initially and slowly moving upwards will boost production in next 4 years
My list to consider for making in India are simple but if made in India will boost significantly. mobile and laptop accessories, USB cable, USB chargers, mobile casing, mobile screen scratch guard, laptop cables, laptop cooling pad, laptop USB light, memory card, pen drive, selfie stick, telephones, modem, router, mouse, keyboard, plug point, sensors, landline with encryption feature, headset, headphones, headset with mic, dth box, radio, fm, earphone, speaker as accessory for mobile and laptop, CD, DVD, Bluetooth device, dongle, TV board designing for CRT, LED, LCD, mobile circuit designing entirely new
The next list of major needs of corporate offices and govt offices which are currently being imported heavily from abroad for electronics or communication need to be overcome. Modems, Routers, Servers, TV with led and lcd panels, DVD player, blu ray player, DTH boxes, LED touch screen, printer, Laptops, PC, special landline phones
Above all these one items everyone is importing from abroad are toys which are very very high and plastic products for home usage. All our steel containers are being replaced at homes with plastic products which cause cancer at the same time are very cheap when imported and leading to fall of steel manufacturers here as plastic products look very exciting with designs but people forgot that metal containers don’t cause any harm to body. People even carry their food in plastic containers which are not good.
You may think above list is very simple but these are things we import heavily which is very close to our oil import.
BEL separate team other than DRDO can work on making India own mobile and laptop os using Linux and also build laptops which can work with current available OS also to reduce dependency on importing laptops. In future these laptops, tablets and mobiles will enable easier distribution to school students and replace them without depending on other vendors which charge high charges since they own OS which if we develop will bring down costs and if we do fabrication and circuit designing without violating any patents if any patent if we need can request concerned agency to help us to buy it and in turn saving on cost of purchase of laptop from outside. Our skillsets and R&D will also improve in long run and more better institutionalised setup can be arrived and BEL can become advisor to govt on new policies.
BEL must also work on making own laptops and mobiles by developing fabrication skills, chip level development, embedded system research and growth. If at all the project is started govt should not let anyone know that Govt or BEL is going to work on this project it should be kept secret on the laptop, tablet and mobile part. Whenever it is completed probably 4 years may be to do but full freedom to develop needs to be given to enable real invention in these regions. Add Electric Car to secret project list.
BEL must setup up these plants other than Bangalore to enable all over India growth by inviting states which can immediately allot land for this project. At least 3 new centres needed as there is immense scope for manufacturing. One of the sites must be Bihar or Jharkhand, North East for cool climate for electronics manufacturing and one more site may be at TN or Madhya Pradesh or UP. I know Gujarat and Bangalore can immediately allot lands but growth in non electronics region will only lead to new youth coming up with new projects and ideas to prevent importing.
Once one by one product is ready Govt can ask a private agency to do marketing and enable sales across all channels of online and retail. The cost of the products must be such a way that they are half of current market price after import and last long and at the same time. The feedback received must be used to improve the same. If BEL wants it can create subsidiary for sale of products under different name if it is not ok. But selling under BEL will make a huge difference and the revenue receipts will be huge from this. BEL revenue in long run in doing above will boost the economy and will help avoid Govt to ask sick public sector entities to give dividends to compensate expenditures. Finance Ministry and other ministries must find new ways to create new public sector entities in new areas from which Govt can earn revenue with ease in future.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Chennai Suburban Railway – Extending line from Thiruvanmiyur to Kelambakkam via Sholinganallur for new Phase III along Old Mahabalipuram Road(OMR), PPP model for major Chennai MRTS stations with Mini-Theatre/Restaurants/Food Plazas/Library/Tourism Centre as they have scope for modernisation, Completion of Velachery – St. Thomas mount line stuck for 8 years by working with state Govt on weekly basis to close matter soon, New suburban coaches similar to Metro coaches to replace 40% of existing old suburban coaches in major cities, 3rd terminal as Tambaram with new trains to major parts of India & starting few existing trains

Chennai Suburban Railway has enough scope for earning revenue by extending to new areas and catering to more public. The expansion will lead to easy travel across the city with ease and in turn reduce pollution and less usage of own vehicles. The project is justified in the sense the IT industry has done so much for development  of city & GDP
A distance of 26 km from Thiruvanmiyur to Kelambakkam which is a high demand route due to expansion of Chennai city and IT sector setting up offices along the OMR (old mahabalipuram road). This section if immediately surveyed and awarded project for new line will benefit a lot for office goers and enable seamless connectivity and help public avoid usage of own vehicles. The project along ECR will not be of any benefit to the IT employees or work force.
The entire system can be done underground (since land acquisition on top is difficult and MRTS requires large pillars and like metro it cannot be done on single pillar but the BG line is bigger) and should be in broad gauge to enable better seamless connectivity. The cost of the project likely to be around and more than 7,000 crores. Extending the existing MRTS will be win-win situation for both centre and state and railways since metro laying in this region is not likely to be taken up in near future. The cost for above project should be raised by Railways by launching bonds if necessary post approval from railways, central govt and state and concerned agencies. The OMR road has very high demand and extending the MRTS will definitely lead to boom in the area in jobs and expansion of city. The project if taken up now can be completed by 2020 up to kelambakkam based on the development of the city post that it can be taken up for further increasing even above ground. The project cost of existing MRTS is shared by State and Central Govt under equity as per decade old methods of funding, but currently due to availability of funding from several global funds it should be easy to raise funds at lower costs to do the project with ease.
If project done under ground it will not affect any widening of roads in future also. And also since state govt is planning for elevated highway due discussion with state govt in this matter will be of great help. Since elevate project is in survey stage only Railways can discuss with TN govt and request for extension for suburban to ease travel. It can be done above ground also along the median of OMR but stations will occupy lot of space and will be hindrance to movement of traffic. Even though under ground work causes delay of an extra 1 year in overall time but it will not prevent future expansion of highways. Railways and other concerned team can take decision based on comparison of Kolkata metro and other projects and also discussion with global agencies on how the project if taken up will benefit state govt, public, Central Govt, Railways, IT industry.
The project if not feasible by railways can be taken up with Chennai Metro but it would be disconnected since the metro line is no where nearby to be extended to this region. If possible for Chennai Metro then consider extending the Alandur line to Kelambakkam via Velachery and OMR. But I don’t see Chennai Metro taken up initiative in next 10 years. Hence Railways and Govt must discuss with state govt to take up survey for this project. It would be wise if someone starts work on this section for pollution to reduce
The remaining distance of 24 kms from Kelambakkam to Mamallapuram can be extended in the aim of connecting to Pondicherry in the future as Chennai – Pondicherry is a peak route which public & buses to travel along ECR. Since ECR is likely to be widened in future, Govt can consider implementing in 2nd leg based on demand.
The Railways is also stuck up with the MRTS project near St. Thomas for around 8 years due to land acquisition problem for which the case is over and waiting for state govt to help in handing over land to Railways. The Central Govt ministers or Railway ministry must discuss with State Govt to enable hand over of land for railways to complete work. The 1 km non completion is causing public to take detour and several kms of bus travel needed to overcome this connection not getting fulfilled. Since all legal battles are over the concerned ministries and Central govt ministers must have word with state govt to enable completion which if completed will benefit several people. If necessary PM must also work with state govt to complete issue at earliest seeing the critical importance of the project. The govt after working out necessary modalities must allot funds in budget to complete. The funds needed for completion if land is acquired must be immediately released by Railway board for completion.
Connecting of Chennai Park Town Station & Chennai Park Station to Chennai Central Railway station by moving walkway or direct foot over bridge to enable travellers to move with ease since the station are split by roads and traffic and people crossing roads to reach station has become difficult over years. The foot over bridge if constructed must be wide enough to accommodate sudden rush of passengers of entire suburban train. It can be wide enough of 10 metres or more and length is expected to be 300 metres or less. Water gets more stagnant at Chennai Central Station more during rainy days. Hence proper drainage system needed at Chennai Central entrance to prevent flooding during rain or take help from TN state sewage board.
3rd terminal at Tambaram near Chennai is a demand for several decades now. Railways must consider operating new trains to Rameswaram, Trichy, Mumbai, Rajasthan, Gujarat. Since Royapuram as 3rd terminal was not possible it will be easy to make Tambaram as next hub. As space for yard development is possible either near Vandalur or Guduvanchery area or using existing suburban yard for long distance also by constructing multiple level yard which is much feasible instead of waiting for land acquisition or taking help from state Govt. The multilevel yard can be done by placing pillars inside yard area and creating 2 or 3 levels of train parking to enable maintenance of long distance trains and suburban trains with ease. Existing Tambaram can enable trains to travel to other parts of India as connectivity is well established and will prevent lack of platform issue at Chennai Egmore and central which can be overcome and not much investment needed just some public amenities needed to be improved with LED display at entrance on both sides of station and LED display of trains status and coach details on platforms will enable using of a platform which is available for usage. Development of multi level parking is also possible at Tambaram station for parking of bikes, cars and space for Call taxi and pre paid autos can be provided also with ease.
The terminal at Royapuram near Chennai for long distance trains has not happened for several decades now. Railways must acquire land to construct new terminal to avoid bringing down existing terminal which is a heritage building. The Railways must consider working with State Govt by forming a separate team to engage with state Govt and concerned authorities at high level on weekly basis to sort out issues needed and split up cost to enable faster completion of new terminal for long distance trains since most trains wait during early morning for lack of platforms. Lack of platforms has lead to non feasibility for new trains. Hence developing Tambaram and Royapuram will help greatly.  Announced in many budgets but ministry and board not engaging effectively with state Govt weekly and commitment

Friday, January 15, 2016

Regional Media Centre - Media Centre in Delhi to monitor regional media channels, news channels, regional news papers, FM, regional magazines with real time translation of TV programs & debates using computers and storing in text format in Hindi and English, Persons assigned for each language to make a summary of top news and issues raised and send note to all ministries every 2 hours and overall picture every 12 hours, Ministries can take decision on how to resolve issue after reading the entire translated text in internal website can be used to understand full issue and fix it or release press release or social network to clarify matter

Media channels in regional languages feel that Central Govt is not worried or considerate about the grievances raised in local channels. For now central team doesn’t have team to monitor local issues from Delhi as you don’t separate team to monitor TV channels and regional newspapers and fix issues at states level from top. Every regional channel conducts debate programmes the summary and the issues talked about must be resolve or looked into and introspected. If it is political it is not needed to be considered immediately but if public welfare or development or mistake by govt agency then solving it will help. If any good work done by State govt comes up also they can be channelized and similarly implemented across India post verification at ground level.
Some of the regional news channels do bring out issues and their solutions but they don’t get noticed at central level. Because central Govt officials watch and understand primarily Hindi and English only. There might be officers from other regions but they cannot put forth the view of their region directly to PMO or any minister on day to day basis.
Hence a media centre at central Govt monitoring all channels, regional newspapers, magazines, FM those available in DTH or not and then every one hour top news must be summarised and detailed news within 12 hours must be passed on to PMO with copies to considered ministries, minister and end of day full summary of all issues and top discussions or accusations on central Govt must also be extracted. The summary will be translated to Hindi and English and circulated to concerned ministries in online format as paper work will cause severe delays once approved by secretary who monitors division. At least 4 secretaries needed for 4 parts of India. The centre can be setup in regional centres also for better data collection at state capital and district headquarters. Data summary every 6 hours can help solve most of the issues which don’t even come to the notice of the PMO, ministry, minister and pm.
The centre will have secretary level head monitoring overall and concerned ministry can take a call on whether to use social network or by press release to clarify matter or take immediate steps to fix issue so that public don’t get immersed in the wrong publicity and the blowing up of issue by the media. Centre must take a wise decision and every day top 10 news of each state must be reviewed and steps to resolve same such be taken. Political news can be issued separately but development issues and grievances raised by public in media needs to be focussed to resolve faster.
Since too many regional news channels are there at least a 100 member team needs to be formed to monitor across all languages and translated at real time using software's which translate at real time to convert to words and store in computer. The ministries can then read or hear full version of the speech in translated or actual version or search using key words in the website which automatically saves all the speech being talked in the channels in hindi and English so that the secretary of the minister can read the full article and take a final view.
The languages to target are Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Bengali, Urdu, North East region, etc,. Other than hindi and English
Regional newspapers, FM and magazines also pour in so much information. Information on cinema can be ignored. But the real needs if any can be corrected by Central Govt or taken up with state to correct may be taken up.
Most of the central Govt has to rely on its MP or party workers to share information to top level or pressurise needs. But with technology you can get more grass root level feedback of schemes and implement good ideas of some states across India.
Day to day top news and highlights from ground level to top will also help. Any new highlights or innovative ideas other than normal norms will also help. For example a project by a school student or college student may also be considered.

Overcoming Fiscal Deficit and at the same time increasing public spending – Creating of separate investment fund for major infra sectors like Highways, Railways, Power, Ports, Airports, Defence and for Social & Rural Sector – Education, Village Roads, Hospitals, Water Tanks for water to reach each village house, toilets, Cement Houses, Buses for travel to boost rural GDP, Latest Farm Equipment for farmers and rivers & canal maintenance

Creating an investment fund for each major infra division to reduce direct Govt spending tax money but instead raising funds through other means from abroad and from NRI who currently invest majorly in real estate only. Since real estate needs of NRI are over give them more easy means to invest in infra and at the same time returns with or less tax. A single infra fund for entire country wont be enough hence separate for each sector needed as boost in each sector is much needed for 8 lane national highways, better state highways, bigger ports and more cargo & flights handling airports. Govt tax money can be used for projects which will help public in long run but not immediate returns
The investment fund must invest only in projects which have all pre-approvals from all ministries up to to last bottom level and all state Govt's and all land acquisition completed to waste the money in projects which get stuck and returns are low. Banks can also be made partners in this as too much use of investment fund will lead to low demand from banks. Hence banks must be given chance to invest and pension funds in India also to invest. Purely depending on one or 2 foreign entities or funds wont be enough it must be thrown open to all and the investment horizon must be 7 years or above as people if they take back due to global pressures wont help hence lock in period is needed similar to tax bonds to help money work on projects. As return on infra. projects easily more than 5 years if done fully also and if done part by part at least 10 years for impact. If you give projects at good stretches of say 50 km highway projects to one group like that the impact can be seen quickly with all clearances. All clearances must be moved to workflow model as one after another clearance is given by each concerned agency both state and central in computer flow and documents uploaded in system for fast processing.
Rupee bond must be allocated for each infra segment for independently raising money. The dollar bond will lead to larger outflow and reducing in value of rupee. Hence value of rupee will be stable can be achieved by equalling the dollar outflow every month for oil purchase by infra rupee bonds for each segment other than banks individually raising funds. But too much should not be done as it will lead to bubble.
Rupee bond for education and social sectors also needed for development of villages as the growth in GDP will lead from there. The funds can be used to take up more projects under MNREGA and also providing latest equipment to farmers depending on crop and planting at less rent to marginal farmers and at best price for big farmers. This will reduce fiscal constrains on spending in health – hospital, education in govt schools, facilities or construction of cement house in villages, cement village roads and water pumps to fill water in tanks to supply to all houses independently to bathrooms and toilets. Many villages lack enough travel options the buses are also less. If they don’t have travel options with ease the GDP is restricted to one area there wont be any growth.
More tax free bonds to raise money in India for long term and the amount to be raised fixed at 20% higher than last raised tax free bonds for same sector
Banks recapitalisation by increasing savings rate and fixed deposits to increase more savings and to get returns more than inflation. Most of the money has gone to stock market leading to less availability of cash with banks. If banks increase savings rate more money public will invest and banks can use that to invest in good investments which will give returns. Banks giving out credit cards to public who have accounts with bank more than 5 years will lead to small credits contributing to recapitalise banks easily.
You can recapitalise banks to certain extend from defaulters repaying and rest from tax money and other means of raising money abroad at low rates. Bank NPA was due to certain corporates favoured. How can tax money of public be used to just recapitalise unless defaulters are not caught and the money recovered. Banks need to be run properly or economy will collapse. So RBI has to do its duty of monitoring major loans above 10 crores given to any specific entity or group or individual. As banks are some times forced by politicians, bank heads, ministry heads to give out loans to low credit rated.
Increasing revenue source by adding tax on plastic goods imported. Most electronics good imported have plastic covering done leading to more plastic and electronics dumping in India leading to land pollution and cancer. Hence please tax products imported which have plastic either separate or embedded along with devices which can use direct manufacturing in India. All major mobile accessories like covers, stands, usb, headphones, mobile screen covers are imported from China which is a very bad sign. Cant we not even design our own plastic or mobile accessories. Hence increase tax on plastic embedded or direct plastic products to increase revenue and promote manufacturing in India or our people and businessmen will go and buy those cheap goods and bring it. Make customs tax on plastic goods brought to India as well through airports. Ask your customs team for data but overall restrict bringing so much plastic goods imported from around the world.

Facilities in Railways which not have not changed for decades – Women and seniors could not climb to top berth with ease need for mini lifts by R&D and contests in sitting and sleeping position to roll on to berth with ease, Side upper berth lacks ventilation, Bathroom to take bath for long distance trains, A/C doesn’t work in some coaches effectively, Fans are not directed to each berth, Telephone facilities in all coaches similar to flights by swiping debit card or IRCTC travel card to make calls both India and abroad trial first in A/C coaches with closed cabin to prevent noise from rail movement, Lack of paid Wi-Fi in train coaches which travel for more than 18 hours, Multi-Level Train platform in busy stations were trains wait for parking during rush hour, More platforms in Mid –way key stations were trains halt but due to lack of platforms have to wait in outside signal for around half hour to get platform, Increase speed of suburban trains, PPP Model for 5 Chennai MRTS stations which are wasted and lay vacant space for mini-theatres, shops, book stalls, library, free Wi-Fi, Single app for all Railway needs and Wallet to have payment by internet banking, debit & credit instead of only paytm and more

Berths or ladder facilities or different  setup to easily climb to top berth easily by senior citizen and women in spite of wearing sarees. You may consider mini lifts either in sitting position in case of middle berth & side upper or in sleeping position for top berth so that as the lift slowly moves and then when it stops near berth the passenger can roll over or slide towards the berth.
Lack of connectivity in trains which travel for more than 18 hours and passengers don’t signal to talk over phone also. Hence need for fixed wire telephone similar to planes to make calls to anywhere around the world by swiping credit/debit or new IRCTC travel card
Similar to planes, touch lights needed for each berth to read during travel without disturbing others. Vacuum flush toilets similar to use in flights. Bathroom to take shower for long journey trains of more than one night.
Paid Wi-Fi not available in trains as the need is more in trains for passengers travelling non-stop for more than 12 hours. Initially trial can be done in A/C coaches for free and then based on feedback and once all issues are resolved in 3 months it must be paid Wi-Fi like when you connect to the Wi-Fi it will ask to register the mobile no, email id or the irctc login details and then payment can be made through the Wi-Fi after that if payment successful it will provide the login id and password unique for each connection. The details of the Wi-Fi data used can be shown in the irctc website. The Wi-Fi connection will have following website to be opening by default – IRCTC website, Indian railway website, cleanmycoach page, etc,. Which are part of railways.
Similar to cleanmycoach a new system named needed to put in issues faced other than cleanliness like low A/C cooling, fan not working, light not working, windows not opening or stuck, no dustbins, no water, rats, damaged berth, poor food, misbehaviour by travellers, rude behaviour of TT, etc,. A mobile website, app in all major os needed and in sms format to quickly reach. The details must be printed in front top side of ticket. Some issues if reported after the passenger gets down from train must also be attended in yard to prevented repeated issues with computers at yard so that the concerned person can attend in yard. The full list can be printed for that train and then circulated to yard to repair
Remove compartments and suburban coaches which were made before 2000 from main line or express lines. Move them to non express routes or condemn them. Contract for Taxis and Auto stand must be given for 3 years and not yearly as tender process takes time. Example: Chennai Egmore, Central
Lack of multi level bike, car, van parking in major railway suburban and busy stations. Example: Tambaram, Chennai Egmore, Chennai Central, Kolkata, Mumbai with security check and safe parking to avoid theft. List of vehicles must be noted by tagging before parking similar to malls to have count & cameras to monitor vehicles theft.
Lack of both ways for going up and down escalators for all platforms in all major stations in each state. Some times escalators are only in one way.
Most trains have wait time outside stations for at least 20 mins in busy stations. Most trains have to wait outside key stations to get platforms to park trains. Such stations must be identified and multi-level railway stations must be constructed.
Merging all apps under Railways into one app for normal ticket booking, suburban ticket booking, platform tickets and rail wallet to refill online to pay instantly all with single login of IRCTC login in app. Once logged in the app should not sign out unless user signs out. 10% extra credit for those who recharge for rail wallet to make it popular. UTS must allow buying monthly pass for travel and bike parking also.
Increasing speed of suburban trains, MRTS to reduce time travel time by at least 15 mins in overall journey for full distance. More automatic vending machines for passengers to self book tickets without railway staff help and learn and in multiple languages like Hindi, English, Regional languages.