Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Drought prone areas

Govt should release gazette notification on steps to be performed immediately after an area is announced as drought prone
Food materials packed similar to used by army and other defence personnel on duty in remote areas must be airlifted or transported by railways and trucks and provided to state govt through PDS and at Govt schools and KV. Tetra packed juices like pineapple, apple must be given to replenish the nutrients lost. Tetra packed milk must be supplied and milk powder must be given to feed children. Central govt releases funds to states I am not sure if the funds are used hence below suggestions
All schools in the drought hit areas must serve as food centres with food prepared by state govt officials by vegetables, rice, dhal, wheat and dough supplied regularly for 3 months to make food to feed all people in that region.  Those who can make food in their home must be given vegetables, dhal and rice to make food in their home and quantity for each family must be counted per person count. All families who benefit in this schemes with or without aadhaar card must be provided facilities. The details of families must be collected only post 1 week of this schemes so that the food reach the families suffering. Some might benefit out of this but not even one poor family should suffer due to drought in that region.
MNREGA workers must be employed to ensure lakes are maintained in that region so when rain comes next time water is stored in that region by increasing depth of the lakes in that region to store more water.
Other than this preparation of food packed food mentioned above must be given to all so that they can make food in their house. The packed food case must contain essential items for each individual for at least 2 days.
All panchayat which have been announced as drought prone must be supplied with food packets containing ready to eat food. All families which are affected by drought need to be given money in their bank account by using aadhaar or any other govt id. The value of money central govt gives should be at the rate of salary for one day of MNREGA work to bank account. The other family members for children half of that value must be transferred. Those children who don’t have bank a/c must be given to head of family or mother
The weight of each individual before starting of scheme must be noted to check if real benefit of food is reaching all people. Let media say anything but weight gain is the real indicator of scheme reached all people. Weight of children very important without slippers. Ensure no children suffers due to drought. Gradual increase in weight and then till next crop season govt should continue with food providing till cropping improves
To all families in drought prone areas govt must provide free seeds for cultivation for next season, free organic fertilizer, water supply to the crops ensured, crop insurance for already drought affected regions as farmers don’t have money to buy. The scheme of free crop insurance to only drought affected region will help really as they cant afford easily and 50% of lands under insurance can be achieved. Making of bore wells to supply water to the plants in this region since electricity is provided free of cost govt must ensure making of bore wells is ensured. Making of check dams in the rivers in the region so that during rainy season water does not go to the sea wasted. Making canals and pumping systems to refill water in the region by pumping water from river beds to the canals if height of water in river is different from canal height. Making minister visit these regions to ensure that the work is achieved with perfection. Currently Central govt just giving funds is not enough but ensure above food, water, next crop are grown.
Water connection must be given to all households and toilets in that area. The water for drinking purposes must be supplied from clearing a water plant by either putting bore wells or from nearest river bed and transported to that village by pumping water. The water may be available at any feet but must be done to take water and supplied to each house to reach inside the house compound. Water tank must be setup to fill water from centralised pump and then given to all houses directly to households for drinking and bathing purposes. Lack of water is a cause of concern in drought hit areas.

Border/Mountain Roads, Village and panchayat and Drought hit areas – Road laying under Pradhan mantra gram Sadak Yojana should be only cement roads, Drought hit areas must be given packed food and packed milk also to help survive

The road laying programme under Pradhan mantra Gram Sadak Yojana can be modified as following. Those roads which are laid can be made compulsory as cement roads. I came to know from our highways minister that NH will be laid as cement roads for long life. But actually in NH any issue public, MP, MLA will complain and u can relay and tar is good for NH as heating of tyres will take place and faster wear and tear. And in high speed traffic tar roads wont be damaged. Hence the need for cement roads is actually in panchayat and village roads. Govt should procure cement for this and lay all roads in panchayat as cement roads as life will be long and all weather roads and repeated spending of crores of money for this scheme will reduce and panchayat officers cant repeatedly claim they laid road to loot.
Cement roads should be build by having proper foundation and underground drainage system build along also. Some of the cement roads are laid without any proper foundation and by just keeping wooden slabs and pouring concrete that is not good method. Actually you need to dig up and then base with bricks and cement and steel roads to have proper based and then lay without any scope for cracks to build. Then concrete must be allowed to set without allowing anyone to step on the material.
The road height as earlier must be maintained as in Chennai when cement roads are laid they are very high above road level by several cm’s leading to water entering house when rain comes.  So cement road height at current level must be maintained by digging road. NH cement roads can be avoided can be instead given for Pradhan mantra gram Sadak Yojana.
All villages and panchayats which are declared as drought hit, cooked food and also packed food similar to used by army like tinned food or biscuits , tetra packed juice (pineapple, apple, etc,.) chips, ready to eat food with hot water, tea, coffee, etc,.,  must be supplied to these villages and served at schools for both children and adults in that region alone. This will help those who suffered by drought can pick up strength and start work on farming again. Cooked food like chapatti etc, with side dish must be given. This will help the people recover. This will be strategic move by Govt and real help will reach public affected and the children to survive in tough situation. Poverty and lack of food will lead to rivalry and death at times and hunger if removed from these villages will help a proven strategy for villages affected by droughts. Give them rice, wheat or dough to make chapatti, free vegetables like potato, carrot, cauliflower for the people to make food on days when govt couldn’t supply food. It is very easy work you can do. It wont cost the govt much. Govt can distribute food through PDS and appointing consultant to make sure all receive food. Drought areas of Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh will be primary targets. The next set will be all drought regions announced by Govt. Milk must be supplied in tetra packs those which have long life. Without milk many children will be affected. Each day when we eat we should see to that all in our country had ate something for that day this by itself make sure all efforts have reached. PM should be tabled daily report of how much food was supplied daily to drought hit
All border roads must be made sure they are widened and the road size becomes 4 lanes by making way in mountains. The road size in several border roads is very small and leads to lot of accidents. Hence border roads must be widened to 4 lanes wherever possible and also tough roads like to leh and other regions in Himalayas and north east must be widened for easy movement of trucks and army. The roads being single pathway and the vehicles have to get stuck and go slowly. You can spend money for this identifying stretches on mountains and increasing lanes. Your govt will be praised by Army, trucks for food, locals in regions of border areas and in Himalayas and hilly areas for easy movement. It is very easy to put roads in plains and cities but in hill stations if you put that is real challenge and real pursuit and help for the army, locals and food movement. In spite of low traffic due to improper roads and relaying several times and width of road is very small. Ask boarder roads organisation how much funds and army how much funds and which stretch needed to increased width of road. The roads to leh, arunachal Pradesh and major passes needed to be widened to operate even in tough climate and barricading of sides of roads so that trucks don’t fall off the cliff. PM and ministers must visit these tough terrain by road or see the pics taken to increase size of roads in these sections for faster and easy movement. Most of the time drivers in this section cannot experience the place outside since roads are bad and even if a second they take an eye off the road they will die. So you must understand the seriousness of the issue. Ask Border roads organisation and army if they want cement roads in these sections so that repeated work can be avoided and heavy vehicle movement.

Indian Pharma Industry

No major reforms were undertaken by current Govt in pharma industry
In US and worldwide pharma industry everyone fears the FDA. But in India no one knows the authority who monitors the drugs released. Here mostly the drugs are approved by bribes I believe. I don’t think you have capacity to identify new drugs which are most advanced. Even for a police case you had to send samples abroad to verify. PM and everyone keeps talking of India becoming developed country we have to go a long long way. It will take at least 2050 the slow pace of work and Govt must think faster than public and not public coming and pin pointing each issue.
There is a standard thought that when BJP comes to power only infra like road, railways, power will boom. Rest of the sectors like Govt jobs will decrease, jobs creations will reduce in private, no major reforms in education and other sectors and you people are proving that. Why cant your govt focus on all departments independently and do major reforms day after day at least one major reform every 6 months. The amount of expectation your govt created was like you will look into each and every aspect of corruption, every industry but no u were not able to.
In pharma industry several problems are there and I am damn sure none of the govt officials know what is wrong and right also because in India if a wrong thing is done for years it is assumed as right. There was a brand name which is an inhaler which was banned by FDA years ago but in India it was used for years and generations without Indian medical association or the govt bodies not even finding out. IF FDA had not banned in USA we would have still used it. Some public who are aware circulated in social media through friends then only those people stopped but still it is there in few shops also. This is one of the million incidents which happened in India on poor medicine evaluation and fear to ban medicines as too much lobby paid money to Govt agencies and they don’t work independently. If a politician has control of a pharma industry then the drug is approved as public cant go and test each drug.
Pharma industry will have to be scrutinised every drug approval must be stringent and not money based
Pharma drugs don’t have bar codes on the boxes prepared as we don’t know if it genuine or not
Many pharma drugs don’t have the logo or approval symbol on the drugs. People will forge that also so do properly. Work with FDA & global consultants and ask them to give steps to improve monitoring Indian drug industry as Govt and officials are outdated compared to global standards and practices of protecting their public.
All drugs must be given unique code which when searched in Govt maintained website should show details if it is unique or duplicate and if it has been banned or not.
Govt must promote Indian medicines like Ayurveda, Unani, Homeopathy by proper approvals and selling abroad for Forex revenue. The govt has not taken any steps to help Indian Practioners who support these medicines as they have scope to bring in forex revenue for India.
Pls create a discussion on pharma industry in Indian and global levels for growth of knowledge.
Pls discuss with doctors in various regions on what is their expectations from Govt. Some doctors have got themselves caught in the nexus of pharma industry where they are forced to sell some medicines to test in large scale in public. So work on how to help doctors reach out to govt for some medicines and report complaints against pharma industry executives who force medicines on doctors who cannot fight against pharma mafia. This group sells old medicines repacked, unapproved drugs, give lavish treats and vacations to doctors for selling their products which is unethical practices.

Needs of Chennai pending for decades

Please make road from Chennai – Thanjavur as toll road to widen road with 8 lanes for easy movement of goods, farm produce by farmers. The Thanjavur is the rice bowl of TamilNadu it depends on water from cauvery. The road stretch from Villupuram to Thanjavur is single road and also it not feasible for easy operations of transportation. So make it NH and make it toll road so that it can connect with other NH through Thanjavur back to the golden triangle leading in boom in this region. More public also go by buses in this route.
The ECR road in TN from Chennai through Pondicherry, Nagapattinam etc,. Must be widened to 6 lanes to enable movement of salt from Vedaranyam and also connected to golden triangle easily. The ECR currently is too busy but state has made no serious attempts to make it toll road. The toll collection in this section of ECR is expected to be high. TN state govt is attempting to expand but work is very slow compared to demand.
The trains between Chennai to Pondicherry and Chennai to Thiruvannamalai (Shiva temple) must be connected by more trains regularly. A train every 2 hours will be much useful both ways. Also shuttle from Villupuram to Thiruvannamalai and Pondicherry must be available every half hour as people can seamlessly move across for visting temples and for weekends get away from Chennai easily.
Pls try to remove methane project in Thanjavur as it will have severe impact on the climate.
The gail pipeline system can be done through highways but is being done along farm lands and some times the oil spills and the farms are killed for life and they cannot be rejunivated. So try to move GAIL project partially away from farm lands to highways.
Quadrupling of tracks on stretch between Chennai Central to Arakkonam will be of great help of movement of passengers with 2 separate lines for suburban alone for preventing the express trains and suburban easy movement. The stretch is 70kms and will have great impact on growth of Chennai and easy movement for working population.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Chennai MRTS Elevated Rail corridor extension to kelambakkam from Thiruvanmiyur for IT employees a distance of 25 kms for lakhs of travellers daily

The Old Mahabalipuram road in Chennai is the IT corridor of Chennai where lakhs of employees day and night work for the GDP growth of the country and pay taxes genuinely.
Every day at least 1 IT employee loses life in IT corridor due to long distance travelling and the MRTS corridor not extended for entire IT corridor and beyond.
The project if implemented under ground or as elevated will bring in revenue and also will be successful. The state govt is any way a part of the MRTS so the funding will continue to remain with share of state govt. The railways will have its part. The central govt can pitch with funds and an international consortium funds at low interest rates can also be used to extend the elevated corridor
The elevated corridor since it is in BG mode the carrying capacity is high and will benefit the public in this region also.
The elevated corridor for the distance of 20 kms will serve lakhs of commuters for easy movement. Even if the project is started now it will take at least 7 years to complete. But generally in India the project completion time is slow if executed by govt agencies but in China for the elevated maglev project in Shanghai 1000 pillars were erected in less than 2 years for several kms but in India for small portion of work a huge delay is there showing our pace of development and leading to slow and hold and go type of development with bumps all the time. Suddenly the state govt changes lead to delays, central govt changes leads to delays. Govt changes, bureaucracy change, fund distribution delays, engineering skills of contractors are outdated and traditional methods of slow development, modern method of construction are rarely applied by small contractors and politically supported civil engineering contractors. The technology and skills used for projects must be also be defined if possible for faster constructor and safe at the same time. Ask your project and civil contactors to visit China and learn on the speed of development after project clearance and latest techniques from global agencies.
The elevated corridor can be funded by JICA of Japan as they are one who funded major portion of Chennai metro and also they plan to integrate the metro and the suburban and elevated in India.
The project will face no land acquisition problems since it can be constructed on the medians of the roads and lack of any flyovers will not cause any delays but if constructed under ground the pace of work will be even fast and also traffic at road level will not be affected since the region has high density of vehicles going on a hourly basis.
State govt is planning to do a elevated road project similar to Bangalore in this section so if MRTS done under ground will not affect both but should request state govt to fund the MRTS instead of elevated road since the pollution of vehicles will reduce if MRTS is extended and services throughout night also for IT employees who work 24 *7 for the nation. The annual tax payment by this section is at least 0.5% of GPD combining tax payment of IT companies in this stretch, employee tax payment, indirect tax payment by other business which thrive in this region.
In future this project can be extended when the city grows but if this project is further delayed it will affect even more as cost escalation of project will become high due to cement prices, steel, station development charges. The project can be given to Konkan Railway also for completion as I have strong belief in them for completing in shorter duration tough projects at best cost or split between L&T and Konkan railway. Don’t give to small contractors as they have nexus with politicians and delay work significantly and poor technology usage for fast development.
You can also ask the IT companies or NASSCOM to come forward by working with their management and employees to provide funds for the project as it is going to benefit only their employees and their companies. The companies will come forward with at least 500-750 crores is my workout on funds. Each employee if they contribute 1,000-5,000 based on their roles and company management providing funds will benefit the companies as employees will come to office on time and they can stay for more time in office as they luxury of travel by train is there and delays are avoided and costs on transportation on the company side are reduced by crores on daily basis. Most companies operate more cabs, buses for transporting and several trips if reduced will lead to saving in diesel and costs running to tune of crores. So IT companies will fund. There are lakhs of employees in this area and the contribution by each one separately and company management. Example: 1 lakh employees * 5,000 per employee = 50 Crores per year and project will take 5 years so 5 years injection of funds at 50 crores yearly by employees and management combined will give 250 crores easily. Actually there are more than 5 lakhs travellers daily on this section in various shifts and indirect employment. The companies wont get hit as company’s as a whole with employee in that region put together give so it will be big success. The 5,000 split over a year is very less and wont impact employees. Locals can also give funds. Give this idea a try at least it can work.

Reforms in Education

Quality of labs in schools and colleges is not up to global standards
The number of practical's or labs marks weightage must equal the theory marks
No degree gives weightage or even one paper for sports led to poor growth of sports and lack of weightage given by parents to it. Sports will be respected by parents and schools only if a paper is introduced in all degrees irrespective or what it is and made compulsory to record hours for that.
The cost of education in private schools are in lakhs in some schools but Govt has taken no measures
There is huge amount of black money involved in colleges, medical courses, school donation. But govt remained silent spectators as many politician's and real estate are involved. Does the Govt has the guts to take action. It is a big black money trade bigger than swiss money.
For getting seats in schools for KG classes also parents have to stand in queues for several hours and interview process of students and parents is being conducted.
Govt has no proactive steps to make sure Right to education is achieved in private schools as they internally manage and don’t give seats to poor students.
There has been no major reforms in current Govt and give one reason for why SmritiIrani must continue in current position. The only big move was putting flags in all universities please include schools also. Students during morning assembly if they see flag and national anthem is sung it will give more pride. No major reform taken up in making labs in schools and colleges to global standards or allowing research in schools without any extra payment by students.
Donation culture in private schools and colleges have led to huge black money and Govt has not taken any concrete measures in spite of so many people revealing per seat lakhs of money given.

Southern Railways –Complete Arakkonam to Tirumalpur section

Completion of Tirumalpur (TMLP) to Arakkonam (AJJ) stretch pending due to issues raised by Navy of INS Rajali, Arakkonam, TamilNadu and Defence ministry. It seems Railways has worked out new route but Defence ministry is yet to give funds please help with the same. This route if completed will be a big boost to Chennai residents and workers who have to travel to work daily. A distance of 15km of track portion is not completed and new route if it exceeds also will be helping those passengers who have to travel to Chengalpattu or Tambaram will be put to much ease. This work was delayed to defence ministry issues but since the issues are sorted out please speed up work so that passengers are benefitted. This work is also stuck for decades. This will help circular movement of public for work from Arakkonam – Chengalpattu-Tambaram – Beach – Arakkonam. This project will be big boost to suburban commuter's who have been upset on why this project has been help up. Track laying and electrification of partial portion needed. Some portion of the existing tracks will be reused so sanctioning of funds for this will be very meagre and already pending funds of defence funds can be used to complete in less than 1 year with ease.
Trains between Lalgudi- Srirangam-Thanjavur-Kumbakonam whenever time slots are available and especially in weekends for religious tourists. This train will not touch Trichy junction and passengers in Trichy can get into the train at Srirangam mostly possibly at 7.30 AM crossing at Srirangam and return 9PM.
Need for Vending machines in Day time sitting trains from Trichy to Chennai, Madurai-Chennai trains including Pallavan, Vaigai, Guruvayur trains with vending machines which will dispense water bottles, butter milk, biscuits,  tetra pack/tinned fruit juices,. Separate vending machines in alternate coaches either tea or coffee. Since pantry car is not there and the intense heat takes a toll on the passengers in the coaches in non A/C coaches. It is impossible to sit in these coaches at day time due to intense heat hence vending machines in alternate coaches refilled by IRCTC appointed contractor to refill at appropriate stations for passengers to not get down unnecessarily at stops were trains stops for less time. The vending machines can be operated by coins or notes hence public especially senior citizens and ladies who cant take risk to get down to buy in stops were trains stops for only 2 mins. So it would be advisable to have vending machines immediately and also it was mentioned in budget so it will be very helpful. For heaven sake please add vending machines it is very difficult to travel. Add in alternate coaches or every coach also near the doors and near toilets by creating space and appointing contractors for the same to operate and refill. The vending machines will help public a lot and visible change in Railways as this scenario of travelling in hot weather with no access to quench thirst and overcome heat no attempt was made earlier.
Why has Railways made no attempts to provide RO water inside coaches. Railways has removed pantry coaches and makes stops time less than 2 mins then how can public quench their thirst in very hot climate in South India. Many senior citizens will get stroke if no water of drinkable quality not made available.
Make efforts to prevent heat to flow inside from top of the coaches. Try to use any material other than asbestos to prevent heat flow inside the compartments. Appoint any consultants to design coaches or use of materials to prevent heating of coaches which are operated in day time especially and have pleasant feeling inside the coaches.
Please add A/C chair car and one sleeper coach in 16129 train from Chennai Egmore(MS) to Tuticorin (TN) it runs at day time and hot climate people will tend to use A/C coach but no coach as such has been provided which is unfortunate and for a long journey impossible to go without sleeper how can a passenger sit for 12 hours from Egmore to Tuticorin (TN) please provide 1 sleeper.
Try to increase coach production in ICF by automation of coach manufacturing parts with robotic arms, controls, automation systems from Siemens, General Electric, etc,. We need large number of coaches and trains to suffice demand of new tracks laid and doubling of sections if coach production is not increased public and Railways both cannot benefit. Automation of production line will help.
No attempts have been made to indicate the water level indicator in coaches to refill at major junctions. Please ask ICF to add that feature. Also make attempts to provide separate drinking water tap in coaches to be filled in at coach centres with RO water for usage in trains.
Consider having 1 A/C suvidha coach in trains which have high no of wait listing. This coach booking must be opened 7-10 days before slot and priced similar to suvidha trains at premium far for those who want to book at premium fares but planned travel at last minute but don’t want to get tensed by whether they will get ticket in tatkal or not. A additional coach must be added to that train and not using existing compartment for this. This must be done by trial and error by adding and seeing the demand if public don’t book that coach must be tried in some other train. The trial period must be 1 month. Suvidha entire train is not that useful but this model might help both passengers and railways. If you are able to add 20 suvidha A/C coaches in major trains it will bring in good revenue and passengers who want to get confirmed ticket at last minute and are ready to pay extra will use this. If suvidha A/C coach doesn’t get filled before tatkal day it should be added to tatkal quota and if more tatkal are only booked and suvidha a/c coach is not picking up then you can do trial in another train.

Railways – E-Auction for purchase of EMU coaches similar to metro coaches with closing doors & A/C for usage in suburban operations at premium rate, Launch Railways smart card, 25 crores for setting up e-gates with both smart card and bar coded tickets in all suburban stations across the country, Railway medical clinic with doctor and pharmacy in all railway division headquarters for 24 * 7, Complete Chengalpattu – Arakkonam Railway line with electrification

Tender or e-auction to use existing metro coach manufacturers spread across the country to deliver suburban coaches for usage in EMU services across the country in Broad gauge standards similar to metro coaches. The current EMU coaches are outdated and lack facilities like A/C, closing doors, proper display, announcement, suspension, more space for standing and different seating arrangement.
Railway must immediately introduce smart card system by appointing global partner like world bank, private parties cum consultant and existing metro companies in India to advise on bringing out a smart card that can be used across the Railway network for booking tickets, unreserved tickets, booking online, recharging online the card and use for ticket booking, use for hotel booking. The smart card must be used similar to metro stations to deny few people access to the stations also, currently the metro stations deny access to passengers without smart card in which money is there to automatically debit or coins to put inside the e-gate. You can continue with printing bar code in tickets till people fully move to digital form of tickets. Ticketless travel in UP, Maharashtra, Bihar, Kolkata is a huge mess and Govt needs to take up seriously. The smart card must be made available as much cheaper cost as possible for those who recharge first time above Rs.100 must be given free and those who want the card alone can take at Rs.20. Make sure a global agency is appointed to help avoid cheating or coding of the card in future so global agencies will guide Railways on how to choose a card which will work over several years and for a large population and huge crowd in India with suitably designed efficient card. The card can be used to recharge at counters or online in irctc only. The card must be allowed to make any purchase in any of the shops in the railway stations premises and for parking and any activities in Railway premises by creating integrated system. Buying of tickets online in IRCTC must also allow usage of this card for purchase of tickets for those who don’t know to use debit card and can recharge this card and in turn use to buy tickets with help of tech savvy people. Smart card can consider having chip based card for higher security for those who travel very frequently and can carry lot of cash in that cards similar to RBI rules on chip based debit cards for others for cheapness of smart card initially give at Rs.20 and for those who recharge Rs.100 they can get free. To promote make offers regularly on discounts on ticket booking on all classes for usage of this smart card if you don’t give any offers the sale and usage of cards wont increase. Even small malls or shopping outlets give cards but Railways doesn’t have separate card. Currently railways has partnered with banks for cards but that is of no revenue to Railways. But if this card is there people will load the card and railways can deploy this funds for usage and if anyone asks for refund in the card at least Rs.20 should be held back for card manufacturing cost and then only refunded. Don’t so no refunds as more cards will get deployed unwantedly and returned cards can be put to other use and returned cards will indicate the pressure on railways to constantly improve features and rectify errors regularly.
Ticketless travel in suburban systems across the country in Mumbai, Chennai must be immediately implemented. No access to Railway stations platform must be given without a ticket. Even platform tickets must be banned unless the person accompanies is senior citizen or injured or needs help with oral justification. Platform tickets must also be printed in bar code or QR code. Using smart cards at the e-gates will help a long way in reducing ticketless travel. The ticket less travel prevention measures of installing e-gates must be setup in all suburban stations, top 3 stops under each DRM in one year as major crowd goes this way. Total spending of 25 crores this year will reduce ticketless travel in big way. Bar code in all express train tickets in 1 year.
Railways need to start a small medical clinic with pharmacy in all major railway stations as public welfare measure by appointing private doctors on contract basis. A small space can be allocated in all railway stations for 18 hrs work hours with 3 shifts for doctors. Some key stations can have 24 hrs that is all DRM heads locations will have 24 hrs operations other will have 18 hrs operations were express trains stop especially. The pharmacy must also be there. Nominal charges can be told by doctor to collect and Railways will pay doctors the salary for the work timings. Railways using their own doctors and private in contract will help serve public in a big way. Railways has doctors in separate hospitals but at stations will make a big revolution it has not been done by any Minister till now.
Completion of Chengalpattu – Arakkonam line with Electrification so that circular suburban train can be run as lot of working people needs this facility

Indian Railways - Sniffer Dogs, R-wallet recharge with debit & internet banking, R-wallet recharge option in UTS and IRCTC mobile app in next 1 month, UTS app usage ads in all booking counters with cardboard of 1 metre size with printouts stuck with least cost but real publicity, Toilets at all suburban stations, Remodelling of EMU coaches with A/C, closing doors, mobile chargers in next 6 months as secret project similar to Mahanama train to use in Mumbai & Chennai suburban, Ticketless travel prevention similar to metro stations with smart card/coins since bar coded tickets may not be perfect solution due to cost involved in printing tickets

Trained sniffer dogs for usage by RPF at railway stations across India in shifts. The sniffer dogs must be trained by Army, State police, CRPF & other border security forces to use in Railway stations as huge crowd of public are entering and dogs are the only option left to ensure to have better security. Since nowadays depending on technology & humans for security wont be enough due to money play and foul play at times. Sniffer dogs must be at 50 per GM division and trained every 3 months and tested separately regularly by tests by state police, army and will be added advantage for security. Total 250 in 2 years
Non availability of options to recharge R-wallet for usage in railways for booking suburban tickets and unreserved tickets is not available neither in IRCTC website nor UTS app or anywhere. We have to go to a stupid website setup for that alone or to the counter. How did your designers or officers think of this concept it is totally wrong. Have the option to recharge R-wallet through debit card and internet banking within the UTS app, IRCTC app and IRCTC website immediately. Currently the recharge of UTS app has been favoured to paytm I have serious doubts on why this was done and Rs.10 extra charge per recharge. Have you all gone Mad. When such a big IRCTC website you can build why did you depend on paytm to recharge seriously doubt the Railways or the officers who designed this. R-wallet recharge by debit and internet banking will help Railways earn revenue as money will be there in the wallet and railways can earn revenue by using that money. But using paytm for this will only lead to your loss. And also after adding debit and internet banking to the payment option to help reach of the app and to reduce crowd at booking counters.
After changing app issues as listed above then put an offer that recharge of R-wallet for 3 recharge above 100 every 2 months Rs.10, Rs.500 recharge as Rs.50, Rs.1000 as Rs.75 will be credited to R-wallet. All tickets booked at least 15 days every month in the UTS app then add Rs.10 as credit to R-wallet to continue usage. These 2 strategies will not be big loss to Railways as this money will not be refunded. Since no wallet offers refund similarly R-wallet will also not offer any refund once credited. This will lead to self promotion of R-wallet. Also give option to Recharge R-wallet inside the UTS app
I am not sure if you have an app to book unreserved tickets. Embed that in IRCTC app or UTS app also for unreserved tickets booking across the country. As they need the most since they have to book within 20 mins before train arrives so standing in queue will lead to missing train or run to train without taking ticket. But if app is there they can buy after boarding train also.
Put large ads in cardboard sheets with sticking of print outs neatly on ways to use UTS app as many still don’t know that app exists. The best ads will be exactly above the booking counter so that all will know. Another ad you can place at the entrance of the booking counter also. Currently the UTS app is for certain stations only it is not justified. Just extend to all stations what difficulty you have you can reduce load of your employees and also reduce unwanted wait time at booking office.
ICF and Kapurthala and the coach factory which did Mahanama train to redesign at least few EMU coaches of each major suburban route in the country into A/C EMU coaches with mobile and laptop charger. No need for toilets due to heavy usage. This must be secret project and done in 6 months use the apprentice students who work in certain workshops across Railways. The refurbished EMU must have fibre glass doors like metro. The coach if designed is good then don’t go for tender to private to reduce costs. After trial you will know by feedback.
Using existing Metro coach manufacturers in the country production capability by creating a tender to invite those who can make EMU coaches with A/C facility and facilities similar to metro coaches but with broad gauge size. 50 coaches can be made with bid split across 2 companies to help reduce coach delivery time with total of 100 coaches to replace existing EMU coaches in cities and remodel EMU as DEMU to use in rural areas similar to current shuttle trips run. The current price of metro coaches can be used as base price to identify rates and plan accordingly. The earlier tender planned for 300 coaches with new facilities will lead to delay as current factories in India can be used which make for metro or imported some of them similar to how LHB was imported as technology transfer to be used by ICF, Kapurthala to make in India. There are various combination but combine all together some as imported with technology transfer, some to private to make, some to Railway factories to use existing for refurbishing.
Ensure toilets in all suburban stations currently not available in major stations and not visible of location. Example: Tambaram(TBM), Mambalam
Having barcoded/QR code tickets in all types of tickets irrespective of unreserved, reserved, A/C, non A/C, suburban stations, etc. in certain stations of UP, Maharashtra, Bihar, TN will lead to real ticketless travel reduction. The number of suburban stations are very less in the country compared to express train stations but ticketless travel scheme implemented in all suburban stations will increase revenue immediately. Please also put Barcode/QR code for monthly pass also. The bar coded system or a smart card or coins which can be re-used like used in metro stations may also be considered since it is time tested across India & worldwide. So for ticketless travel several solutions are there. For now print bar code in tickets but work fast on IR smart card faster at Rs.20
Elevated corridor in Mumbai and Delhi announced in Railways consider maglev train like Shanghai Rail by PPP & China funding for fast travel for different end points of the city and the suburbs