Friday, July 3, 2015

Sports Development In India

  1. There has been no activity from PMO or PM on the sports front in the country. Just economy wont keep a country motivated sports winners form the country keep the country motivated also.
    Voting powers for each sport individually in sports federation with voting rights for each state, current national players, coaches for that sport, district top 3 players from each state, sports minister, sports minister from each state, IAS or secretary level person, judiciary, finance team to fund, travel ministry to take effective decision on travel of passengers. So any questions can be raised by anyone and any point raised and voting above 51% is accepted by e-voting or ballot held by a retired judge or anyone from judiciary. All sports should have individual voting rights to improve individually. The voting rights will help preventing control in few people hand and sports persons will have more say in the day to day activities.
  2. Pension or salary or funding of all sports players for all top 100 district players in each state for all sports for entire life. The contribution to sports must be valued similar to the pension scheme for Defence and govt staff. The salary credited to the school student or college or unemployed youth who is part of any district and is in top 15 should be funded by central govt and state govt with percentage of funding to support all players for their expenses like food, education, sports wear, shoes, exercise equipment, gym. The min of the funding must be 5,000 increased year on year. The allowances can be high for national and state players irrespective of the job they hold. Education for them at any school should be free and no school public or private can prevent a seat for them. Govt spending some of the amount from RTE and education programmes to sports will help since sports and education are interlinked.
  3. RTE must have special bill to allow admission for the top performers that is all district top 100 admission to any school or college or any degree programme with ease and no charges to be made for them. If the student after joining the school or college and then the ranking decreases then some liberal policies for being a active district player then they should continue to enjoy benefits even if their ranking decrease. If their ranking decreases less than 50% year-on-year, example: if ranking decreases less than 150 from 100, they will lose all benefits. So that they will continue to perform year on year. So 100-150 is danger region. The player ranking must be updated centrally for each sport and contests to participate to improve ranking must be updated and maintained by NIC, sports ministry with help of data from state and all sports clubs in the country. Any sports club must register here.Sports clubs must be relieved of taxes for sports which are unique and need severe improvement. Currently only few sports are promoted in India so if other sports which are tax free will help more development of all sports which India is yet to mark, in spite of snow capped mountains in Himalayas we are not strong in winter sports in Srinagar and other areas. We need to improve that by getting help from Russia a friendly partner of India to setup the facilities and better infrastructure. The list can be announced in budget or adhoc also. Please don’t include cricket in this taxation policy.

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