Sunday, July 26, 2015

Green Energy Revolution

States frequently complain that subsidy is not transferred by centre for solar schemes. So Govt must work through banks to give loans at cheap rates instead of subsidy. Subsidy transmission is lengthy process and banks can handle the loans distribution at very cheap interest rates initially say 1% for rural and 3% for urban areas. MNRE can provide the list of documents to get the project verified and later banks can form teams to verify on their own as they grow with experience with commissioning more projects. Since I am trying to setup but too many rules and cost high after subsidy.

Solar pumps for farmers must be given at 1% interest rates or less and different easier rules for farmers and rural areas.

MNRE can give list of approved companies but they also need banks or post offices to verify the identify of the person who is setting up plant and the energy requirement of the house and the project to be setup. If the energy demand and project mis match approvals should not be given. If a person has a big bungalow but setups up very low generation system then project should not be approved.
Combination technologies of Mini wind mill at terrace with solar panels and biomass from house waste and excreta will help more energy generation.

Car/Bus/Bike companies can be requested to use the wheel motion and solar panels on top of cars or bus bodies and bikes on side panels to generate enough energy from sun and motion can be used to run mini fans inside to get more energy to create hybrid vehicles. The energy from braking/mini turbines under or top of trains can be used to charge train batteries to setup more charging units in each berth and reduce grid usage. These concepts are easy to implement and doesn’t require even R&D and are basic engineering projects.

Govt must give a global tender to procure hybrid buses – diesel and electric of 2 no's for each state capital and 2 no's of purely electrical and take it up in future for more green buses to reduce pollution. State are not taking up these tasks due to funds crunch. Buses of 2 no's with bio-diesel if done with foreign collaboration in make in India project or with ISRO, IISC, Bangalore, and Kerala or Karnataka state transport already experimented will help. Total 6 for each state capital will help.
Tesla a global electrical cars manufacturer must be talked to by PM directly to setup office here and produce low cost bikes, autos, buses and cars to help green revolution in India. Tesla if partnered with Tata, Mahindra or any company can revolutionise the way we travel in India. Nowadays the amount of pollution at peak hours is unbearable.

All Signals in major polluting cities must be funded by Centre to replace with flyovers. States even on repeated requests say fund crunch as reason for not taking up. Faster non stop movement will lead to reduction in pollution. Each top polluting city any 3 flyovers centre can fund with state participation. In Chennai – Tidel park signal, Sholinganallur signal, CMBT are major examples.

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