Saturday, July 25, 2015

Economic Boom & Growth

  1. Each state has rules to prevent construction of high rise buildings in spite of technological advancement to construct even in tough terrain and other scenarios. We need to analyse based on reports from various countries on strategies followed and check if same can be applied to construct high rise buildings to improve employment, space for living, higher construction, better shopping and indirect employment and FOREX in FDI investment in construction business. Since INR is less value construction companies will be eager to conduct business.
  2. New ports identification and completely developed and owned by private. Instead of giving existing ports new ports if identified and if possible handled by private will help. In Singapore a ship enters and leaves every 5 minutes but they have the size of few kms. We need to see what policy needs to be changed.
  3. Financial Centre Mumbai must work out policies for faster growth of high-rise buildings and plan to construct highest building in Asia to show strength and put a mark as global financial centre. The centre can have mall, hotels, residential houses, entertainment theatres as well along with offices of govt and private companies and financial companies. The main purpose is to identify govt land and ask major private construction companies to develop land. Govt can even give land on lease and just ask for 1% lease rent every year. Anyway govt doesn’t have funds to construct so private if constructs public wont question also. Only Govt must ask for few floors for operation that is all. Land value cost govt and private agency can share. Please follow models used by Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Malaysia, New York , UK etc,. Identify of the same in each state will help sharp growth trajectory within next few years and impact for several years.
  4. All major airports should work on constructing new runway to get ready for more travel and visitors. Airports which have crunch in movement need to start work on runway one for departure and another for arrival. More bays for planes to park also need to be considered. Dubai Airport, Singapore airport, Hong Kong and London can be asked to provide suggestions for improvement for each airport allocated and faster growth. Consultation charges can be paid by govt or friendly nature they can provide suggestions free of cost. Govt in spite of land bill issues must work with local and see if they can acquire more land near airports for development. Always working on security point of view with other nations wont help.
  5. Cruise Companies don’t operate to India much compared to other Asian countries. We have lot of islands and major cities to bring more international tourists from Singapore or other countries by working with Star cruises, Royal Caribbean and international companies. Cruise terminals can be developed with help of private investment on models of Singapore, Malaysia, etc,. Cruise companies also running from Andaman, India or Pondicherry, India, to Sri lanka, Andaman to Phuket, Thailand or Karbi, Thailand will help revenue and tourism boost. Most western travellers travel to these places for cruise only. Or Lakshadweep– Maldives – Cochin – Mumbai to target more revenue. If Indian govt and concerned state govt or UT work closely with cruise companies we can benefit. Also govt can fund & construct one cruise ship to boost tourism.

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