Friday, July 24, 2015

Indian Customs Suggestions

Based on my visit to several countries, the customs check at our airports are poor and have many loopholes. We have framed rules but not water tight. I am travelling through Chennai airport after 2 years and still same way they are handling no improvements. Central customs office is responsible for not reviewing.

All countries after immigration ask to put all luggage in x-ray machine including checked in luggage and hand baggage also to re-check if any customs violations. Our customs officials just check based on outer appearance like if they have LCD/LED TV or non Indian who is dressed improperly. They should blindly put a rule to ask everyone after immigration to put all luggage in x-ray machines to re-check by customs for gold, electronics or currency in baggage or in dress hidden. The Chennai Customs for several years has been doing only random checks of check in baggage and based on No entry in customs form they allow all to exit. I don’t know why customs officials believe on No entry in a form. We should not worry on long lines we should worry on getting revenue on Customs and fear to those who violate. Indians are the one who smuggle but our customs allow them easily. In Chennai anyone after immigration can easily leave airport without customs check. It needs to be made mandatory.
All persons must be asked to move through X-Ray scanners again to check customs violations after removing mobile, belt, wallet for quick check if gold metal or other costly or heavy cash is carried. The limit of $10,000 dollars of RBI or INR movement is not checked by either X-ray or with wallet check or bag x-ray machines.

All customs points/offices/desks must be having video cameras & phone tapping of officials and manned at central office or multiple offices to check if customs officers take bribes or allow someone to escape if they are their relative or friend. This may lead to airline workers or local staff helping them to smuggle or pay less customs and escape. So fear in customs officials must be brought by openly putting many cameras in their offices and desks with voice recording and manned at central office and any officer violating must be given max of 3 warnings. Once central office works very effectively then the fear will prevent and then we will move towards more revenue from customs. Central office must be manned by CISF, RAW and other agencies to restrict movement of any person in and out of airports from another office. Central offices must get X-ray footage also there.

Many jewellery shops may be smuggling might be sending persons with air tickets to smuggle gold because of the loopholes in the airport. There is already news on RBI and govt reduction on gold import due to CAD problem they will look for options to bring gold. I can openly see so many loopholes see the case of smugglers how they will see easily all these gaps. So individual also need to be checked with pass through x-ray machine also.

The distance between the customs point and exit of airport is vey close that needs to be modified if required to get hold or if central office wants to pull up someone at last moment.

Customs slips in different languages based on country from which of entry. English, Hindi and one foreign language.

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