Saturday, July 4, 2015

Farmers Issues - Part 1

  1. If all the IAS officers, secretaries of states, Bank managers in rural areas, NABARD, RBI officials meet farmers across the country and get an idea of the issue and send their viewpoints to govt all problems of farmers would have been resolved by now.
  2. There is no board or committee directly represented with the name farmers. Please setup Indian Farmers Board with representations from each state farmers no non farmer must be part of that board.
  3. The cost of farming needs to be split and the factors need to analysed thoroughly to give best solution to farmers. The cost involves labour, fertilizer, pesticides, devices to plough like tractors, machines to cut crops, etc,. Land maintenance is extra. So all these factors needs to be calculated to bring about a crop insurance scheme for all over India with the farmers taking insurance based on soil conditions, crop sowed, agricultural university input, soil testing, frequent checks by various authorities like NABARD, bank authorities, agri experts, farmers and following instructions from experts for a particular crop and taking photo of various stages. The entire process needs to be streamlined and an insurance rate must be fixed per sq.ft of land for a crop and a particular season and location. Govt. must not provide any subsidy for this and take unwanted burden because during claim settlement the burden is anyway with govt. The insurance will protect them from natural calamities and farmers health. Governments just clearing debt of farmers wont help they must be heard and provided solutions.
  4. Govt must fix rate for each region and a new public sector insurance company must be floated for insurance for farmers alone as this is a huge work and existing companies cannot handle.
  5. Farmers must then be encouraged to take up loans for the cultivation season by issuance of credit cards for farmers by all banks or insurance company at lowest interest rate of 1% and the limit must be set for each farmers based on nature of work undertaken and land patta of his own land. Credit to farmers who don’t have land need not be given since they are just labourers.
  6. Govt. must encourage joint farming among small farmers together if they own very small piece of land less than 2 hectares and join loans can be given to them to help joint cultivation and protection from large farmers. The join credit card can be given for them to easily get cash from banks and start cultivation instead of the long process of loan hassles at banks.
  7. Labourers must not be used by govt in MNREGA during plantation time since these labourers tend to work less to actual farmers and avoid work. Instead MNREGA should not be used during farming time and harvesting time. All those work should be taken up at later stage or at time between planation and harvesting. 
  8. Farmers who plant rice or heavy stagnant water required plantations they can use fish nurseries in those areas. Heavy pesticide usage in those plants might affect fish so the fisheries board and farmers association must be set up trials to test.

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