Saturday, July 11, 2015

Banking Needs - ATM & Money Deposit Machines

  1. According to settlement with bank employees weekends as holidays were announced, public will face severe difficulty in rural areas were ATM and money deposit machines are lacking and labourers are given salary only on Saturday and if banks are closed on weekends they will tend to spend on liquor instead of sending to their families in remote areas and will have to wait till Monday.  This problem in future will cause rural workers to get adapted to usage of ATM definitely but lack of money deposit and pass book printers will make them wait till Monday. 
  2. Major part of our economy is dependent on banking transactions. Govt should request banks to setup or make at least district capitals branches 24 *7 with employees given cabs for travel from office to home, promote faster growth and easier transactions of loans and employees working in shifts will enable more services. If PSB are not ok at least private banks must be allowed to operate 24 *7. Our economy till it recovers and becomes a developed economy we cannot relax. Employees who work 24 * 7 must be provided special benefits and salary and perks to encourage more working and backend operations can be done on post normal working hours instead of normal hours.
  3. Bharat Electronics or IIT or IISC or C-DAC or other govt agencies must quickly come up with prototypes for cost effective ATM cum money deposit cum pass book printing machines which will occupy very less space and accept all denominations. When juice vending machines can accept any coin denomination or any note denomination then why can’t ATMs have these features which will move our economy faster and more better transactions.
  4. Currently money deposit machines load Rs. 100, Rs. 500 or Rs. 1000 majorly if they can be included with Rs. 10, Rs. 50 and Rs. 20 and coins in rural areas it will promote more usage and more trials public will try before going in for high value transactions. 
  5. Merging ATM and money deposit into one device will enable less maintenance since same money is used for dispensing also in highly used areas.
  6. ATM in rural areas don’t dispense coins which is a major hindrance for more cash circulation. In each district all banks must be asked to have discussion with RBI for regular coins and less denomination notes being dispatched for better circulation. 
  7. If government can consider requesting all govt schools, bus stands/depots to allocate space for ATM and money deposit machines to promote more usage of ATM & money deposit machines & pass book entries. This will enable financial inclusion just opening bank accounts wont empower all. Since bus stands are major transit points from one region to another it will definitely have easier connectivity and govt schools are there in all remote regions also where bank branches are not there.
  8. Why are NEFT payments have certain time frames but online shopping through internet banking happen immediately?

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