Thursday, July 2, 2015

Police Suggestions - Part 1

  • Key Police team from each state should review the policing of other states and joint sessions and meetings to improve each other. A report must be submitted by each police team from a state on all other states in India. Overall CISF, BSF, Army, Air force, Navy, RAW, IB, Home Ministry and others from state and central govt. can have overview and provide suggestions on uniform policing across all states.  A joint final report with demands for policing across India and then Govt can go in for tender to procure necessary items for security improvement. Each state has fund crunch to purchase different goods on their own.
  • Each state might face different problems like from sea or beaches, community clash, religion sentiments, students, border issues, urban policing issues, remote areas, villages, religious places, ancient buildings and other state can learn from the same and improve. 
  • Joint offices of major entities of home ministry, IB, RAW, state govt's police team in each state for faster coordination among all agencies in case of emergency.
  • Aircrafts/Helicopters for state for disaster management and easier movement of teams. Army can chip in with its engineers at difficult times of disasters. Should not be restricted to Disaster management team. Critical highways frequently destroyed by rain can also be maintained or quickly reconstructed by Army engineers if possible instead of waiting for state or central govt to ask them.
  • Better guns for police with laser pointer and instead of stick, electric shock devices to be used to catch notorious criminals who try to escape. 
  • Online portal to immediately load finger prints and other details of criminals in centralised portal accessible by any state govt or agency. Aadhaar card, finger print and iris scan will help preventing criminals who escape from one state and move to another.
  • Mobile number issue should be verified by Post man of the person and confirm identity currently all mobile companies so many free sims but can lead to security nightmare if not controlled by verifying every user. Thorough verification will avoid public from casually buying too many sim cards. Indirect control achieved.
  • Cyber crime central monitoring agency to be accessible by all public to report mobile theft, money fraud, etc,. Mobile companies should auto sense SMS which send to customers stating they have won lottery. The mobile network should auto send SMS that it is fraud and no one gives money for free. Yahoo and Gmail and other email providers must auto send to customers on sensing such emails in spite of spam control to users inbox. Already all mobile network and email providers all emails so that should not be an issue.
  • Police central offices in each state with central funds with latest infra to dispatch police teams to any location in 1 minute.

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