Friday, July 31, 2015

Indo - German Ties

Angela Merkel a top leader in Germany and a huge influencer in Europe must be requested to visit India. News articles project she will visit in October or sooner if possible.

The discussion must not be restricted only to terrorism, counter – insurgency, weapons, nuclear , spying (German spies are among world’s best), etc,.

Organisations or companies which work with German companies or have operations in India and those who send students to Germany must be asked for suggestions on better ties. Example: Bosch, igtcindia,, igstc, etc,.

German universities are very high in educational standards. India must work on bringing collaboration's with German universities with Indian universities as MOU. Also allowing them to setup individually to help Indian students in R&D help save lot of FOREX.

German schools also can be allowed to setup here to promote more bonding with Indians.

Germany has lot of scope for IT companies but the language is a major concern. Hence Indian IT companies and NASSCOM should work out to grow much in Germany even further and close partnership with automobile companies and more services which IT companies can enter by training employees in German.
Indian youth should trained in embedded, electrical and mechanical engineering related concepts with skill India program with experts from their country in the field. Translators can be provided by India for the same in future. Embedded systems are a big market but India has not much manufacturing facilities. Indian Govt should request states to allocate SEZ for Indian - German collaboration companies and which ever states is willing to partner with Germany may be allocated.

Export policy of Germany/Europe and India and working on nuances to further improve trade.

Discussion with RBI & Finance Ministry with German officials and Angela Merkel on policies of Europe and Greek debt crises to get better idea on how India can overcome in case of any eventualities in future.

Promotion of German tourists to India and working out any issues they are facing like language, security, etc,.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Green Energy Revolution

States frequently complain that subsidy is not transferred by centre for solar schemes. So Govt must work through banks to give loans at cheap rates instead of subsidy. Subsidy transmission is lengthy process and banks can handle the loans distribution at very cheap interest rates initially say 1% for rural and 3% for urban areas. MNRE can provide the list of documents to get the project verified and later banks can form teams to verify on their own as they grow with experience with commissioning more projects. Since I am trying to setup but too many rules and cost high after subsidy.

Solar pumps for farmers must be given at 1% interest rates or less and different easier rules for farmers and rural areas.

MNRE can give list of approved companies but they also need banks or post offices to verify the identify of the person who is setting up plant and the energy requirement of the house and the project to be setup. If the energy demand and project mis match approvals should not be given. If a person has a big bungalow but setups up very low generation system then project should not be approved.
Combination technologies of Mini wind mill at terrace with solar panels and biomass from house waste and excreta will help more energy generation.

Car/Bus/Bike companies can be requested to use the wheel motion and solar panels on top of cars or bus bodies and bikes on side panels to generate enough energy from sun and motion can be used to run mini fans inside to get more energy to create hybrid vehicles. The energy from braking/mini turbines under or top of trains can be used to charge train batteries to setup more charging units in each berth and reduce grid usage. These concepts are easy to implement and doesn’t require even R&D and are basic engineering projects.

Govt must give a global tender to procure hybrid buses – diesel and electric of 2 no's for each state capital and 2 no's of purely electrical and take it up in future for more green buses to reduce pollution. State are not taking up these tasks due to funds crunch. Buses of 2 no's with bio-diesel if done with foreign collaboration in make in India project or with ISRO, IISC, Bangalore, and Kerala or Karnataka state transport already experimented will help. Total 6 for each state capital will help.
Tesla a global electrical cars manufacturer must be talked to by PM directly to setup office here and produce low cost bikes, autos, buses and cars to help green revolution in India. Tesla if partnered with Tata, Mahindra or any company can revolutionise the way we travel in India. Nowadays the amount of pollution at peak hours is unbearable.

All Signals in major polluting cities must be funded by Centre to replace with flyovers. States even on repeated requests say fund crunch as reason for not taking up. Faster non stop movement will lead to reduction in pollution. Each top polluting city any 3 flyovers centre can fund with state participation. In Chennai – Tidel park signal, Sholinganallur signal, CMBT are major examples.

Chennai & TamilNadu Development Needs

  • Metro or MRTS Route from Tidel Park to Siruseri for IT employees. Govt not supportive for IT people. Small Metro line extension from Alandur or Guindy to Velachery.
    Highest building in Chennai is LIC building and some residential buildings only. Chennai CDMA and TN govt must open up to reduce rules for high rise buildings similar to Hong Kong and Singapore in spite of technological advancement in construction. And allocating govt land in cities for private companies for development of high rise buildings to accommodate govt offices, private companies, mall, theatres, hotels, residents, etc,. We need more 50 plus floor buildings to have global presence and future growth.
  • Security of Metro joint of CISF, state police and private security for increased security coverage. All metros in the country needs to have some CISF also for intelligence gathering and handle emergencies. CISF and state police can work together to improve. CISF can learn from each state to improve to global standards for metro safety and security.
  • 2nd Runway in airport not opened for several years in spite of completion or reconstruct if defects in pillars. If Macau, China can put runway on sea we cant put on land if partial on some water part, Why our development ideas are stuck in meagre issues. This should be done on high priority and completed and runway location with respect with 1st runway is cross. Please analyse, re-work and fix.
  • Chennai airport baggage x-rayed before dropping at airline bay for increased security. Shoes x-rayed at hand baggage check. Customs mandatory baggage checks before leaving airport. Security and customs revenue important, not passenger comfort or standing in queues. The response from customs team was childish I think they have not visited any other country.
  • Cable Car project for ooty or kodaikanal for faster tourist movement and reduce pollution.
  • Electric or Hybrid buses for Chennai and major polluting cities and town in TamilNadu. Similar to for all state capitals.
  • Public sector banks should open ATM & money deposit machines in govt schools and bus stands.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Economic Boom & Growth

  1. Each state has rules to prevent construction of high rise buildings in spite of technological advancement to construct even in tough terrain and other scenarios. We need to analyse based on reports from various countries on strategies followed and check if same can be applied to construct high rise buildings to improve employment, space for living, higher construction, better shopping and indirect employment and FOREX in FDI investment in construction business. Since INR is less value construction companies will be eager to conduct business.
  2. New ports identification and completely developed and owned by private. Instead of giving existing ports new ports if identified and if possible handled by private will help. In Singapore a ship enters and leaves every 5 minutes but they have the size of few kms. We need to see what policy needs to be changed.
  3. Financial Centre Mumbai must work out policies for faster growth of high-rise buildings and plan to construct highest building in Asia to show strength and put a mark as global financial centre. The centre can have mall, hotels, residential houses, entertainment theatres as well along with offices of govt and private companies and financial companies. The main purpose is to identify govt land and ask major private construction companies to develop land. Govt can even give land on lease and just ask for 1% lease rent every year. Anyway govt doesn’t have funds to construct so private if constructs public wont question also. Only Govt must ask for few floors for operation that is all. Land value cost govt and private agency can share. Please follow models used by Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Malaysia, New York , UK etc,. Identify of the same in each state will help sharp growth trajectory within next few years and impact for several years.
  4. All major airports should work on constructing new runway to get ready for more travel and visitors. Airports which have crunch in movement need to start work on runway one for departure and another for arrival. More bays for planes to park also need to be considered. Dubai Airport, Singapore airport, Hong Kong and London can be asked to provide suggestions for improvement for each airport allocated and faster growth. Consultation charges can be paid by govt or friendly nature they can provide suggestions free of cost. Govt in spite of land bill issues must work with local and see if they can acquire more land near airports for development. Always working on security point of view with other nations wont help.
  5. Cruise Companies don’t operate to India much compared to other Asian countries. We have lot of islands and major cities to bring more international tourists from Singapore or other countries by working with Star cruises, Royal Caribbean and international companies. Cruise terminals can be developed with help of private investment on models of Singapore, Malaysia, etc,. Cruise companies also running from Andaman, India or Pondicherry, India, to Sri lanka, Andaman to Phuket, Thailand or Karbi, Thailand will help revenue and tourism boost. Most western travellers travel to these places for cruise only. Or Lakshadweep– Maldives – Cochin – Mumbai to target more revenue. If Indian govt and concerned state govt or UT work closely with cruise companies we can benefit. Also govt can fund & construct one cruise ship to boost tourism.

PMO Website and PGOPortal Website

  1. Thanks to PMO and NIC team for allowing to post grievances unlimited in PMO website and removing the 72 hour limitation.
  2. The PGPortal and PMO website need to have login for the website similar to instead of just allowing posting grievances with entering all our details each time is difficult and time consuming. Already entered grievances in the past years must be allowed to be merged based on user’s email ids, mobile number. The user can be asked if the user wants the related grievances for that mobile number can be merged together into one login id by sending OTP to mobile and otp to emails linked to verify and merging accounts and multiple emails and mobile number into one primary account. The setting page should allow to add emails id and then once merged the website will be streamlined.
  3. Once the website has login feature users just need to login and then post grievance that is all. Currently it has various sub – departments loaded in dropdown which is confusing. Just have one box to enter grievance that is enough the secretary then in turn can assign to concerned department.
  4. Merging of old accounts help to easily check status. Currently the grievance id is tough to search in emails and then enter and check each time and old id of grievances we cannot remember to check each time to check the status and we cannot follow up on the grievances as the website is not user friendly.
  5. The Pgportal adding mobile number and email verification to protect data is good but for those who forgot the email id which they gave for the grievances must be given option to get the details of the same to their emails and sms. After merging this functionality to get the password of login account will only be necessary through mobile or email id similar to
    The time taken for districts to load based on state is taking time the website logic for that portion needs to be checked.
  6. States must also be encouraged to effectively use the existing pgportal with subdomain or create their own. States using the existing pgportal will help centralised monitoring by central secretaries as well.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Bureau of Immigration - Suggestions

  1. Baggage Check mandatory on entering airport in few metres itself instead of allowing person to enter till end of airport stretch and then putting baggage at airlines counter. Security may be compromised. Hence all baggage including hand baggage at entry point of airports need to be checked with x-ray machines.
    Kolkata airport security model is very good wherein each airline company individually checks the baggage for better security and later dropped off at airline bay. And after airline drop off point further test can be done also. Since after airline bay some might have put locks on bags which will cause issues hence checking before putting bags at airline bay helps to warn passengers on customs rules of the country of entry which the passenger might reach and removed any hazardous waste or goods.

  2. Many countries ask shoes also to be put in tray and also checked. But our country we don’t check which can be major loophole. So please include that also. Since CISF cannot swipe machine till end of toe they generally check chest, back till knee level mostly. So Shoes must be placed in separate trays and checked in x-ray machines.

  3. Immigration slips in foreign languages also needs to be provided by self – operated kiosks in all possible languages to help tourists and Indians who know only local language. So it can have 2 languages choice of passenger (1-foreign, 2-Regional Language/English/Hindi of airport departure). So effectively we can help all people travelling in and out to know our rules and customs rules printed on back of slip. Allowing 2 language selection will help greatly instead of pre-filled forms. Pre-filled forms can be kept for backup but printing based on choice helps.

  4. Customs rules of transit and destination countries need to be provided before hand so that any baggage carried by mistake can be sent home/relative/airport lockers by help of courier companies or India post from airport itself to protect our ignorant passengers.

  5. When opening any bags for checking closed screen areas must be used instead of opening in open to avoid humiliating passengers.

  6. Printing major customs rules of India and country of transit and reaching in e-ticket will help passengers to be safe and not carry by mistake. Every country has diff rules so if govt can ask all agencies to print customs rules of each country the passenger is possible to enter along with boarding pass and printed on the e-ticket also. Same way passengers entering India must be pre-warned on customs rules in India by asking concerned agencies to include. May be a UN consensus on this will to bring standard rules to be printed compulsorily by all travel agents.

Indian Customs Suggestions

Based on my visit to several countries, the customs check at our airports are poor and have many loopholes. We have framed rules but not water tight. I am travelling through Chennai airport after 2 years and still same way they are handling no improvements. Central customs office is responsible for not reviewing.

All countries after immigration ask to put all luggage in x-ray machine including checked in luggage and hand baggage also to re-check if any customs violations. Our customs officials just check based on outer appearance like if they have LCD/LED TV or non Indian who is dressed improperly. They should blindly put a rule to ask everyone after immigration to put all luggage in x-ray machines to re-check by customs for gold, electronics or currency in baggage or in dress hidden. The Chennai Customs for several years has been doing only random checks of check in baggage and based on No entry in customs form they allow all to exit. I don’t know why customs officials believe on No entry in a form. We should not worry on long lines we should worry on getting revenue on Customs and fear to those who violate. Indians are the one who smuggle but our customs allow them easily. In Chennai anyone after immigration can easily leave airport without customs check. It needs to be made mandatory.
All persons must be asked to move through X-Ray scanners again to check customs violations after removing mobile, belt, wallet for quick check if gold metal or other costly or heavy cash is carried. The limit of $10,000 dollars of RBI or INR movement is not checked by either X-ray or with wallet check or bag x-ray machines.

All customs points/offices/desks must be having video cameras & phone tapping of officials and manned at central office or multiple offices to check if customs officers take bribes or allow someone to escape if they are their relative or friend. This may lead to airline workers or local staff helping them to smuggle or pay less customs and escape. So fear in customs officials must be brought by openly putting many cameras in their offices and desks with voice recording and manned at central office and any officer violating must be given max of 3 warnings. Once central office works very effectively then the fear will prevent and then we will move towards more revenue from customs. Central office must be manned by CISF, RAW and other agencies to restrict movement of any person in and out of airports from another office. Central offices must get X-ray footage also there.

Many jewellery shops may be smuggling might be sending persons with air tickets to smuggle gold because of the loopholes in the airport. There is already news on RBI and govt reduction on gold import due to CAD problem they will look for options to bring gold. I can openly see so many loopholes see the case of smugglers how they will see easily all these gaps. So individual also need to be checked with pass through x-ray machine also.

The distance between the customs point and exit of airport is vey close that needs to be modified if required to get hold or if central office wants to pull up someone at last moment.

Customs slips in different languages based on country from which of entry. English, Hindi and one foreign language.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Indian Tourism

Making Incredible India logo mandatory in all Taxis, Tourist buses, State transport buses, etc,. For more visibility. Include website in that and toll free all India/Global number supported with strong backend team and BPO team with better IT infrastructure. Airport taxis should compulsorily have logos.

World Media channels like Fox News, BBC News, CNN, China TV channels, Bloomberg must be targeted for ads in primetime for each country for incredible India ads. We must make sure the ads appear in both local versions and international versions of major channels of each country for public and hotel stays. The ads can be of 5 varieties for each region of India instead of one single ad showing the diversity of the country and Air India and Railways must also come up with ads and Indian aicrafts should also put ads in tv channels ending with Incredible India logo.

Indian airports to have more flights to abroad and foreigners to India must be checked.

Departures at airport tourists must be asked for suggestions on improvements and difficulties faced in India by surveys taken with tablet after immigration and those waiting for boarding flights on interest. Target foreigners for feedback  and give hi-speed wifi coupon on completion of survey or small token gift.

Chinese guides in India are very less. All Asian countries are booming in tourism due to travel by Chinese as their lifestyle has improve significantly. So we must target bringing Chinese tourists easily. Hong Kong provides visa on arrival for 10 days similarly we must provide for all on arrival on verifying passport and place of stay if possible to provide and return tickets.

Tourists visiting India must be made available SIM cards at arrival gates and hotels or on delivery to them to their hotels on showing passport or getting scanned or photographed. BSNL must setup offices at all airports where more tourists visit India. All Indian mobile companies should allow recharges in dollars for mobile recharges in online websites. 3G with good download limit will help them easily access internet in India when travelling.

Setting up a global food chain brand by IRCTC to setup food shops across the world to promote Indian food at best rate to cover both Indian and global population on the cuisines. Already many Indian outlets are there but IRCTC and govt has not capitalised to gain revenue from same. Indian food chains must grow like KFC, McDonalds across globe so call all Indian hotels which have setup hotels abroad for suggestions to setup more abroad to get foreign exchange revenue. There will be demand for Indian food and Indian rice and agri products. For example Saravana Bhavan or Rajdhani hotel must setup more global operations based on highly visited places by Indians and highest tourist crowd globally in each country to get a feel of Indian food for all. Special tax breaks to these hotels to setup hotels abroad must be provided. KFC and MCD earn so much Forex by setting up global operations. Please ask finance and other team to work on same.

Indian Saree and Chudhidhar dresses or Dhoti are admired by all over the world and Chinese like the dress. Hence Indian handloom and state handloom with centre help should form unified agency to procure and sell outside India. The shops should have youtube videos or specific videos on how to wear sarees and promote Indian dresses abroad. Currently Chinese have less saree shops. If setup and tested the Indian textile brands will grow. When my mom wore saree many foreigners clicked photo with her due to the uniqueness of the dress.

Foreigners avoid India due to lot of security concern for women. All Hotels and tourist buses must be provided private security to protect For Foreigners visiting India, hotels must be made responsible for providing security and they can add the little cost in their hotel stay internally. If any foreigner fears then it will be bad.

Public Sector Oil Companies Improvements

Entire Malaysia has moved to new level and become developed country due to PETRONAS a single public sector petroleum company but we have so many public sector oil companies but they continuously talk about loss only when the population of India needs so much oil to travel. So govt needs to work out a master plan copying the strategies of Shell and PETRONAS to become a richest companies in the world.

Once they become richest countries we can use those funds to do several initiatives. They can create subsidiaries in various fields like manufacturing and try new avenues with the funds from oil. Similar to TATA group all oil companies can expand in all fields once they get lot of revenue from oil business.

All oil companies in India must aggressively look out for sources outside India if possible in different brand name also. In future we need to make them global oil companies not just an Indian brand. They should be part of F1, etc,. To make quality fuel and improve further on yearly basis on R&D in fuel.

They must setup a new construction company subsidiaries and work on constructing huge buildings for themselves and joint partnership with major Indian firms or financial institutions and aim to create tallest building in Asia with office space, mall and govt space, etc,. Only Tall buildings in world over are respect of infrastructure growth. Currently in India high rise buildings are low. At least for now they must attempt buildings with more than 50 plus floors for their offices and also rent out space. Don’t think they are waste of money but they show our power and strength and slowly the space will be occupied. If constructed in prime locations of Mumbai or Delhi or Bangalore or headquarters of the companies will add values. Currently high rise buildings in India are very less compared to other countries.

All oil companies in their petrol bunks they must allocate or add space and create a new brand or subsidiary which will setup shops at petrol bunks which will sell water, soft drinks, clothing, petroleum products, mechanic to repair, etc,. In highways for travellers to relax and buy in long journeys currently the petrol bunks of India just put fuel in tanks which does not help.

LIC Improvements & Global Branding Policy

LIC is flushed with cash and should consider improving IT infrastructure of its entire operation to global standards. Currently IT infra is only average in spite of being such a big company for several years compared to global companies and other new Indian collaboration's. If they don’t improve IT infrastructure slowly they will start losing business since nowadays buying of policies happen online and support and services take place online with strong backend support system and marketing. Currently all over IT companies support all global insurance companies they must be asked to create best platform for LIC. Around 500 crores for same will help LIC reach global standards in 2 years and slowly by 5 years the IT infra of LIC will be global.

LIC should consider constructing the tallest building in Asia for its new office if possible at Mumbai to show global status and countries think we are not capable of building high rise buildings. LIC with its funds should work out to construct tallest building in Asia to put LIC and India on the global map. The building can have mall for shopping, events, etc,. To get other sources of income for LIC. LIC can occupy certain number of floors. It also can have hotel room as well. All cities to put on global map construct high rise buildings to show power.

LIC not competing in international travel insurance business or not collaborating effectively with airlines and websites to offer best travel insurance which is a huge market. Many new private Indian insurance companies have worked out plans with organisations and airlines for international travel but LIC is very negligible in this field.

LIC must try to setup offices around the world slowly to improve market presence instead of just focussing on India to gain new markets and become a global brand. The excess funds should be used to setup base offices in new countries to initially understand their business and rules and help Indians during emergencies and later capture over 10 year period.

LIC must come up with unique policies for NRI who travel back and forth to India regularly. For them medical and other emergencies handled in India effectively at best price for lifelong.

Many Indians who go as tourists to various countries lose money in Casino or theft or loss of passport all these if possible LIC should cover to send them back to India. Casino I have seen many lose all money but don’t know how to go back to India. Better LIC must come up with an extraction policy from any country which will pull anyone from any country if stuck. The extraction policy will be like working with Indian Immigration, Govt of India special agency and special agencies abroad and Indian embassy. It is tough but see if possible but will benefit many who get stuck abroad due to various reasons and don’t have money to return. Either adhoc policy at real time or pre-planned policy to extract in case of issues.

India - China Relationship Part 1

  • Based on my visit to Hong Kong and Shenzhen, China I present the following suggestions.
  • BRICS tournament must be considered for major sports like football, badminton, tennis, table tennis & athletes. The sports should be ones in which we need to improve in Olympics and global level and improve friendly relationship and Indian athletes should learn more. First time the BRICS can be in different country other than India and china probably south Africa because South Africa is very submissive in BRICS always or because if India initiates we can have but we have a bad name for conducting sports better to ask someone else to do the same and learn from how they start the process and do effectively. Cricket not necessary if China interested alone you provide because Cricket is a bad sport and doesn’t help athlete's. The BRICS tournament we should see as way to improve ourselves in all sports and to promote tourism within us. If tournament not possible at least BRICS football tournament. Since we are not good in football they might sent their B-team so we must make sure they sent actual team which play for FIFA.
  • China has smart cities by monitoring roads 24/7. But we don’t have cameras anywhere in roads except toll gates we must consider having cameras and speed guns to monitor the roads and any problems.
  • Chinese don’t visit India due to language issue and long distance of travel. Our aircrafts don’t operate much direct flights also to China and Hong Kong, china. We must allow Indian airlines to compete and start offering direct flights or transit flights in these routes. For example Chennai -Hong Kong or Chennai to Bangkok or Chennai –Bangkok – Hong Kong or Chennai –Hong Kong –Shanghai no Indian carriers operate. All want to use only Mumbai route or Delhi route only and currently foreign airlines operate in this route. So we must operate Indian flights in this route like Jet or Air India or 5/20 rule must be removed for routes which no Indian carrier operated till now on first come first serve basis for 5 airlines or ask them reasons on why not operating when foreign flights are full.
  • NIC with C-DAC must create translation service on demand through toll free number from all over India and globe if a person calls that number and speaks the words the toll free number must grasp and translate to any of the prominent Indian languages or foreign languages like English, Mandarin, Cantonese, French, etc,. To enable both Indian tourists and foreign tourists  both in India and abroad. For foreign travellers in India it should be made free to enable tourism and Indian tourists travelling to north India who don’t know Hindi can use to communicate to local people or also based on message also translation if possible. Currently google offers if the same in voice might help public to communicate quickly after putting phone in loud speakers and talking in app format or toll free number to promote tourism. Chinese people speak mandarin and Cantonese and don’t know English little bit also. So Hindi-English-Cantonese translation must be primary target.
  • Chinese guides on demand or toll free support centres must be opened. Those who want guides to travel with them also Govt and  Indian tourism board to work out strategy to provide at hotels or ask hotels to have more guides more available.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Banking Needs - ATM & Money Deposit Machines

  1. According to settlement with bank employees weekends as holidays were announced, public will face severe difficulty in rural areas were ATM and money deposit machines are lacking and labourers are given salary only on Saturday and if banks are closed on weekends they will tend to spend on liquor instead of sending to their families in remote areas and will have to wait till Monday.  This problem in future will cause rural workers to get adapted to usage of ATM definitely but lack of money deposit and pass book printers will make them wait till Monday. 
  2. Major part of our economy is dependent on banking transactions. Govt should request banks to setup or make at least district capitals branches 24 *7 with employees given cabs for travel from office to home, promote faster growth and easier transactions of loans and employees working in shifts will enable more services. If PSB are not ok at least private banks must be allowed to operate 24 *7. Our economy till it recovers and becomes a developed economy we cannot relax. Employees who work 24 * 7 must be provided special benefits and salary and perks to encourage more working and backend operations can be done on post normal working hours instead of normal hours.
  3. Bharat Electronics or IIT or IISC or C-DAC or other govt agencies must quickly come up with prototypes for cost effective ATM cum money deposit cum pass book printing machines which will occupy very less space and accept all denominations. When juice vending machines can accept any coin denomination or any note denomination then why can’t ATMs have these features which will move our economy faster and more better transactions.
  4. Currently money deposit machines load Rs. 100, Rs. 500 or Rs. 1000 majorly if they can be included with Rs. 10, Rs. 50 and Rs. 20 and coins in rural areas it will promote more usage and more trials public will try before going in for high value transactions. 
  5. Merging ATM and money deposit into one device will enable less maintenance since same money is used for dispensing also in highly used areas.
  6. ATM in rural areas don’t dispense coins which is a major hindrance for more cash circulation. In each district all banks must be asked to have discussion with RBI for regular coins and less denomination notes being dispatched for better circulation. 
  7. If government can consider requesting all govt schools, bus stands/depots to allocate space for ATM and money deposit machines to promote more usage of ATM & money deposit machines & pass book entries. This will enable financial inclusion just opening bank accounts wont empower all. Since bus stands are major transit points from one region to another it will definitely have easier connectivity and govt schools are there in all remote regions also where bank branches are not there.
  8. Why are NEFT payments have certain time frames but online shopping through internet banking happen immediately?

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Farmers Issues - Part 1

  1. If all the IAS officers, secretaries of states, Bank managers in rural areas, NABARD, RBI officials meet farmers across the country and get an idea of the issue and send their viewpoints to govt all problems of farmers would have been resolved by now.
  2. There is no board or committee directly represented with the name farmers. Please setup Indian Farmers Board with representations from each state farmers no non farmer must be part of that board.
  3. The cost of farming needs to be split and the factors need to analysed thoroughly to give best solution to farmers. The cost involves labour, fertilizer, pesticides, devices to plough like tractors, machines to cut crops, etc,. Land maintenance is extra. So all these factors needs to be calculated to bring about a crop insurance scheme for all over India with the farmers taking insurance based on soil conditions, crop sowed, agricultural university input, soil testing, frequent checks by various authorities like NABARD, bank authorities, agri experts, farmers and following instructions from experts for a particular crop and taking photo of various stages. The entire process needs to be streamlined and an insurance rate must be fixed per sq.ft of land for a crop and a particular season and location. Govt. must not provide any subsidy for this and take unwanted burden because during claim settlement the burden is anyway with govt. The insurance will protect them from natural calamities and farmers health. Governments just clearing debt of farmers wont help they must be heard and provided solutions.
  4. Govt must fix rate for each region and a new public sector insurance company must be floated for insurance for farmers alone as this is a huge work and existing companies cannot handle.
  5. Farmers must then be encouraged to take up loans for the cultivation season by issuance of credit cards for farmers by all banks or insurance company at lowest interest rate of 1% and the limit must be set for each farmers based on nature of work undertaken and land patta of his own land. Credit to farmers who don’t have land need not be given since they are just labourers.
  6. Govt. must encourage joint farming among small farmers together if they own very small piece of land less than 2 hectares and join loans can be given to them to help joint cultivation and protection from large farmers. The join credit card can be given for them to easily get cash from banks and start cultivation instead of the long process of loan hassles at banks.
  7. Labourers must not be used by govt in MNREGA during plantation time since these labourers tend to work less to actual farmers and avoid work. Instead MNREGA should not be used during farming time and harvesting time. All those work should be taken up at later stage or at time between planation and harvesting. 
  8. Farmers who plant rice or heavy stagnant water required plantations they can use fish nurseries in those areas. Heavy pesticide usage in those plants might affect fish so the fisheries board and farmers association must be set up trials to test.

Finance Infrastructure Projects

  1. State governments have huge problems in implementing major infra projects independently in spite of central govt. giving more share of income tax revenue to states. Can the central government consider launching bond sale programme individually for each state to raise funds from market instead of depending on World Bank or Japanese corporation for funding at huge costs. Though world banks provide their expertise the share of funds from them should be reduced significantly by using infrastructure bond sale in stock markets by govt. similar to private infra firms like L&T etc,.
  2. When private firms even after getting a project they need funds to run projects completely they also use markets to raise funds in the same way state govt and central govt must create infra bonds to raise funds from public and private entities and foreign investors. The bond return value must be competitive and managed by private and public joint fund managers.
    The bond money earned should be used for projects only which have got all required clearance from all departments. For example a road project or new metro project which has got all approvals from centre, state, forest and wildlife, must be using this money to quickly implement the project along with percentage of central, state, outside funding directly. This will definitely reduce the burden of the govt's and increase public participation in infra projects. 
  3. Public purchase of these bonds must not be restricted to demat only or SEBI must create a fast process to open demat from post offices or banks easily, some PSB don’t have demat so they can be a supporter of any PSB demat account the post offices and banks must do KYC only through postman or direct branch verification, they must be allowed to buy directly from post offices, banks, etc,. 
  4. Demat account opening must be allowed to be done using post offices and banks also by preparing a new project were low cost of transactions and demat charges reduced to less than Rs. 100 for public who do transaction cost less than Rs. 5000 per year. SEBI can give details of the lowest 5% of demat accounts transaction based on that rules can be framed to allow more public participation directly in markets. US public greater participation in markets lead to more development in the country as markets decided govt decisions as right or wrong, so govt will visibly know if their decision are right or wrong.
  5. Public must be provided reasons on how the funds are going to be used with consultation from fund managers, Public Sector banks, big stock brokers companies like motilal oswal, angel broking, etc,., sebi, finance ministry, RBI, Income Tax etc,. Draft can be released for public and private entities for comments and further improved for better funding of future infra projects faster so that if funds received from public are high they can self implement some projects easily instead of waiting for external funding and reduce dependency on Income Tax collection.
  6. The taxation policy for these debt funds has to be reduced to improve more participation from foreign and Indian companies and public. Currently the tax is good value for long time holders only so if possible please reduce time frame for investment for reduced tax so that more participation is increased.
    The bond sale by giving 9% interest after 5 years also must be considered like the methods done a decade back to generate more funds. Using demat will reduce bogus accounts and KYC completed. But the process for opening demat must be quick say for transactions up to Rs. 5000 they KYC process can take place in background till it is opened officially. If tax free done for all investments or 1% tax it will motivate many since we need lot of funds to move at faster infra development. States must be guided on process to steps to do same bond sale.
  7. All KYC process don’t hit IT department to verify pan card photo by comparing photo in card and the person who comes to open with IT systems. That process needs to be done in banks, all places were pan card is mandatory including demat opening.
  8. NRI’s must be encouraged to participate in Indian markets by guiding on the steps to be taken by genuine methods by Indian embassy explaining and reaching out to all NRI by various methods like making contact with the groups they would have registered or posters at Indian temples and religious points in all countries were Indians go regularly, dance and music halls which are used by Indians, cinema theatres were Indian movies run by giving pamphlets or asking all Indians who move out of country by using passport details and contacting for email id or the mobile number registered before exiting country and entering country. So their funds can be used for markets also. NSE and BSE must also make attempts to reach NRI on investing in markets through various means. KYC for them will be through passport and pan card or other methods with finance and IT department can think to avoid loopholes.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Sports Development In India

  1. There has been no activity from PMO or PM on the sports front in the country. Just economy wont keep a country motivated sports winners form the country keep the country motivated also.
    Voting powers for each sport individually in sports federation with voting rights for each state, current national players, coaches for that sport, district top 3 players from each state, sports minister, sports minister from each state, IAS or secretary level person, judiciary, finance team to fund, travel ministry to take effective decision on travel of passengers. So any questions can be raised by anyone and any point raised and voting above 51% is accepted by e-voting or ballot held by a retired judge or anyone from judiciary. All sports should have individual voting rights to improve individually. The voting rights will help preventing control in few people hand and sports persons will have more say in the day to day activities.
  2. Pension or salary or funding of all sports players for all top 100 district players in each state for all sports for entire life. The contribution to sports must be valued similar to the pension scheme for Defence and govt staff. The salary credited to the school student or college or unemployed youth who is part of any district and is in top 15 should be funded by central govt and state govt with percentage of funding to support all players for their expenses like food, education, sports wear, shoes, exercise equipment, gym. The min of the funding must be 5,000 increased year on year. The allowances can be high for national and state players irrespective of the job they hold. Education for them at any school should be free and no school public or private can prevent a seat for them. Govt spending some of the amount from RTE and education programmes to sports will help since sports and education are interlinked.
  3. RTE must have special bill to allow admission for the top performers that is all district top 100 admission to any school or college or any degree programme with ease and no charges to be made for them. If the student after joining the school or college and then the ranking decreases then some liberal policies for being a active district player then they should continue to enjoy benefits even if their ranking decrease. If their ranking decreases less than 50% year-on-year, example: if ranking decreases less than 150 from 100, they will lose all benefits. So that they will continue to perform year on year. So 100-150 is danger region. The player ranking must be updated centrally for each sport and contests to participate to improve ranking must be updated and maintained by NIC, sports ministry with help of data from state and all sports clubs in the country. Any sports club must register here.Sports clubs must be relieved of taxes for sports which are unique and need severe improvement. Currently only few sports are promoted in India so if other sports which are tax free will help more development of all sports which India is yet to mark, in spite of snow capped mountains in Himalayas we are not strong in winter sports in Srinagar and other areas. We need to improve that by getting help from Russia a friendly partner of India to setup the facilities and better infrastructure. The list can be announced in budget or adhoc also. Please don’t include cricket in this taxation policy.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Police Suggestions - Part 1

  • Key Police team from each state should review the policing of other states and joint sessions and meetings to improve each other. A report must be submitted by each police team from a state on all other states in India. Overall CISF, BSF, Army, Air force, Navy, RAW, IB, Home Ministry and others from state and central govt. can have overview and provide suggestions on uniform policing across all states.  A joint final report with demands for policing across India and then Govt can go in for tender to procure necessary items for security improvement. Each state has fund crunch to purchase different goods on their own.
  • Each state might face different problems like from sea or beaches, community clash, religion sentiments, students, border issues, urban policing issues, remote areas, villages, religious places, ancient buildings and other state can learn from the same and improve. 
  • Joint offices of major entities of home ministry, IB, RAW, state govt's police team in each state for faster coordination among all agencies in case of emergency.
  • Aircrafts/Helicopters for state for disaster management and easier movement of teams. Army can chip in with its engineers at difficult times of disasters. Should not be restricted to Disaster management team. Critical highways frequently destroyed by rain can also be maintained or quickly reconstructed by Army engineers if possible instead of waiting for state or central govt to ask them.
  • Better guns for police with laser pointer and instead of stick, electric shock devices to be used to catch notorious criminals who try to escape. 
  • Online portal to immediately load finger prints and other details of criminals in centralised portal accessible by any state govt or agency. Aadhaar card, finger print and iris scan will help preventing criminals who escape from one state and move to another.
  • Mobile number issue should be verified by Post man of the person and confirm identity currently all mobile companies so many free sims but can lead to security nightmare if not controlled by verifying every user. Thorough verification will avoid public from casually buying too many sim cards. Indirect control achieved.
  • Cyber crime central monitoring agency to be accessible by all public to report mobile theft, money fraud, etc,. Mobile companies should auto sense SMS which send to customers stating they have won lottery. The mobile network should auto send SMS that it is fraud and no one gives money for free. Yahoo and Gmail and other email providers must auto send to customers on sensing such emails in spite of spam control to users inbox. Already all mobile network and email providers all emails so that should not be an issue.
  • Police central offices in each state with central funds with latest infra to dispatch police teams to any location in 1 minute. Part 2 Suggestions

  • When I find a discussion interesting, and wanted to start it asks me to login, but it does not go back to my entry point or the page from which I was re-directed to login instead it stays stuck on the home page of Please correct it.
  • When a user tries to logout the website can show the list of other discussions or tasks the public can participate. If the person is not interested then they can logout.
  • should have a procedure to refer friends through email, banner ads, twitter post, Facebook post sharing to get points when their friend starts contributing.
  • Extra points must be given for comments which were very useful for government and used for the scheme or topic since some of the public put up comments not relevant to the topic to motivate regular visitors who genuinely provide good feedback.
  • Comments section must be tabbed into various sections as a) Media/Press b) Students-School, college, professors, teachers c) Corporates and companies d) Govt officials of both state and central govt employees e) IAS officers or secretaries in various govt roles f) NGO g) NRI This role selection must be allowed to set in profile and automatically comments must split up so that better understanding of each ones needs and public understanding of how level of comments vary.
  • Awards and e-certificates for public/organisations whose comments were very useful with PM sign and stating for contribution to development of nation through digital India programme. The same can be used by students to publish in their resumes and be proud of it. The team should not give away just like that but only genuine comments and feedback for each topic at least 1% or less such should be selected out of total comments. Every year top 200 contributors whose role redefined India’s digital India must be awarded with e-certificate and awards if possible and a chance to meet PM and take selfie or his ministers.
  • State Governments must also be allowed to post in discussion forums and create new topics and based on profile of each participant it must allow it to be displayed. If a person from TamilNadu has registered then by default topics created by TamilNadu govt must also be displayed for participation. Sub-Domains for each state must be created within example: or  to directly see list of topics related only to TamilNadu or relevant state. This will help state govt’s to also effectively use the platform and develop more faster. Central govt must give training to those selected officials and also central govt PMO must train all state secretaries, MLA, ministers and state govt's to effectively use twitter and Facebook to reach out to public to solve grievances quickly and also handle public outrage.
  • NRI participation is less in hence PMO through embassy should engage with local Indian population in different countries through mutual friend connect, referrals, Indian organisation's abroad for each community and religion, etc,.
