Sunday, April 3, 2016

Animation, Special Effects & Make-Up Institute of India - 150 crores to setup 2 institutes and 50 crores for next 5 years, appointing Bahubali director and Endhiran director, Art director Sabu Cyril as 3 of 15 board members, Scope to earn dividends for the Govt in future by working for movies, 2 year course

The animation and special effects industry is worth several billions of crores and India has not fully tapped that potential. There is immense scope for revenue and lot of job opportunities to create. Globally at times of recession also film industry is the only one which keep running. Films are the only source of entertainment for many in the world
Currently some of the visual effects of small portions are outsourced to India but to go to next level Govt has to step in with some of the below suggestions
The animation, special effects, VFX, graphics, Sketching for animation, Make-up can create massive job creation potential even uneducated will benefit who has artistic skills.
Govt must allocate 150 crores  initially and 50 crores for a period of 5 years to setup Animation and special effects institute of India in at least 2 places in India. It can be a totally new institute with board members recommended by Govt.
My possible list of board members nominations will be Bahubali director Rajamouli, Shankar the maker of Endhiran and Art director Sabu Cyril who has worked with both Rajamouli and Shankar and master of this craft. The three are very passionate to make high quality movies with high end graphics. The above 3 members and other 7 must be to setup a board of this institute and put the money funded over a period of 5 years to systematically grow the animation and CGI in the country. The rest 7 can be identified from other movie industry who have created best graphics in their field or language. Make up artist Banu from south is also talented can be put up in board.
The institute must train students and professionals to groom their existing skills and create a course to train more students and use of CGI in all movies to increase quality of movies to global standards. The CGI at times helps hide mistakes in film making also so will help movie makers not get bad name for mistakes which are visible in big screen. The institute must create a 2 year course for students to learn and master the course. The computers required are high end and hence the amount will be put to good use. The software's required are also costly, the equipment if put to good use will help train students and current professionals who are thrown out of industry for lack of knowledge on latest techniques. The courses can be free for SC/ST and for others course can be prized at good price. The institute if placed in Chennai and Mumbai will be good as most of the movies are made in these 2 regions. Since Chennai is close to all regions in south it will be better if setup first and the Mumbai office setup as soon as possible.
The above board setup will design the courses, decide the software's to use. The same institute will also have R&D department to compete with global standards to find new software's, new techniques. The board will also interact and sign MOU with global agencies to learn and transfer of knowledge. There is huge craze for Visual Communications across students who end up in film industry. So this course will definitely be a good hit. There are several private agencies which work for movies but don’t take any interest in training new candidates and the courses are in several lakhs which are not feasible for many to learn. Hence this institute will play a major role.
Disney and other global firms have earned several billions of dollars in animation industry but in India neither are artists used to sketch animations nor their talent used or jobs created in IT field for use in graphics. Neither are camera techniques learnt we are still in nascent stage. Hence the institute will help learn new things. Govt in future can earn dividends for several crores if this initiative becomes successful. In current film institutes the scope of earning is less but here is the scope of earning is high since board directors can use skills of the institute to work for private firms. The board can also hire the passed out students to take up work for movies without them going out also and paying them salary. So Govt must take this positive step in futuristic cinema world and to reach global heights. If your ministers don’t understand consult actors in field.
The only condition for this institute is that it will do graphics for Govt schemes, Govt institutes & organisations, Doordarshan at zero cost. The Govt programmes and graphics and animation for Govt organisations must be made free of cost. In long run the students who pass out or working can be used to make better graphics and programmes to reach common man since visual feel and sketched books to students to teach digital literacy etc,.
The institute can do for movies and private companies also to earn revenues subject to approval by board. Govt must not interfere in day to day basis as long its revenue starts coming in 5 years. Govt must come in only in case of any major issues. VFX will bring in lot of revenue and lot of job creation from several movies as lot of movies nowadays use VFX for even title cards. Hence Govt should consider going ahead to help those students who have artistic skills and to also earn good paying jobs.
The institute can also design websites for film promotions, marketing of a product, etc,. Subject to board approval. The above is a nascent idea but it can grow up into Disney or a great institute of the world standards if provided right help by Govt and freedom to operate and create jobs.
The key point is most board directors currently work in movies so Govt should allow them to make movies as well take care of both and not push and pull them much as they are the only skilled talented persons in the field in India so Govt must ask them for recommendations and pay good salary to keep them in this field and help create jobs.

Railways – Role of T.T.E, WhatsApp to help passengers as more public use WhatsApp compared to twitter, Training of teams under local DRM,GM in regional headquarters to form team to fix issues 24*7 forwarded by Railmin and independently, T.T.E must ask to report issues on the fly to local and top level with WhatsApp or twitter instead of being mute spectator to public concerns, Centralised IVRS & security helpline no must be added to twitter profile of Railmin twitter account and of Railway minister, Installing laser guided checking equipment & noise level test in the under carriage of train compartment's and engines to check the quality of tracks & fed to computers and overhauled periodically, All India Rail Quiz for Rail fans is much needed to boost Rail fans support & research for years

Generally T.T.E end work with ticket collection but they should extend their roles before end of duty and in travel time. T.T.E must take up any complaints or suggestions of public in a sheet to be provided under different clauses like a) Lack of mobile/laptop chargers or chargers not working b) No water available in toilet or hand wash area c) Issue with doors not able to open easily or gets stuck d) Issue with lighting inside coaches e) Seat Issue f) Any noise from the coach undercarriage during high speed running as this will only lead to derailment and accidents due to old coaches. If very high unbearable noise comes during train movement at high speeds T.T.E must report so that it can rectified by rail staff  g) Lack of water must be reported on T.T.E completes duty and also try to reach out to officials to rectify issue h) Issue of lack of pillows in A/C coaches i) Lack of A/C cooling in A/C coaches must also be looked into j) Poor maintained windows or broker windows must be reported k) Lack of pantry services may be reported by taking signs from passengers who feel they need pantry in the train or online catering services. They should submit all details in a form filled on end of duty to reporting officer who will fwd. it.
T.T.E must be told to stick pamphlets of Railways achievements and also give details of contact details to give feedback by public. Email is best form of anonymous feedback and railways can use that that improve services but Railways till now provided a proper email to send feedback. Preferably Gmail because email id are generally blocking. The details must be stuck in all coaches. Behind all tickets details of support numbers to contact must be printed along with the twitter and Facebook tags to tweet or post so that action can be taken and the DRM and GM of concerned division  details.
T.T.E must take up issue by tweeting to @railminindia and given separate email address to T.T.E to complain on the spot to concerned authorities to take up action before next stop. Some times new T.T.E might not know whom to reach so details of whom to contact must be printed on ticket sheet before hand so that any issue can be notified. T.T.E if we complain generally remain mute and say want can we do
T.T.E contact details must be shared with guard and guard details must be printed on the ticket sheet. So any major issue inside train can be notified to the guard. The earlier instance of a youth tied to a window created huge ruckus hence railways must ensure details of all T.T.E and guard are printed in all ticketing sheets held with T.T.E definitely. If possible print details on top of charts also so that public can complain. Similarly on who pulled chain can be notified by driver to guard and guard can tell to concerned T.T.E of that coach to take action. Currently no communication between guard and T.T.E during issues
Railways must also install laser systems in selected trains to check tracks for cracks during movements by installing devices in under carriage of some of the trains. The noise level indicator must be installed so that if any heavy noise when changing tracks or swivel movement can be monitored to improve tracks in those regions during periodic overhaul. This will save lot of manual work and dependency on Gangman. The laser guided system will cost only thousands and noise level indicators are very cheap. So combination of this in important key track routes and key trains which generally travel at high speed will help gauge if the track & train can be used for high speed operations. The data stored in device must be sent to computers over internet and analysed by tech teams, IRCTC, NTES and engineering teams.
Pls start WhatsApp based service of providing assistance as many public are more aware to use WhatsApp compared to twitter and Facebook. WhatsApp also has website so that railway team can monitor the WhatsApp messages sent in the website and in turn forward to concerned team. Just create a centralised number for entire India for the same.
I am still astonished as to how Railmin team manages so many tweets coming every minute even a computer cannot answer perfectly. Your team has proved that human brain is more powerful than a computer. So many good brains working together is more powerful than a super computer. Hats off!!! You have beaten all records of computers but no one is there to prove the genius in your team effort. Are the regional DRM and GM have created teams in head office to man tweets forwarded to them day and night it seems though regional teams don’t work on night and not available minute by minute. So the local divisions of Railways must be made active 24 *7 with teams trained by head office of Railminindia twitter team. The success will now lead from the divisional railways fixing issues timely in 10mins.
Railways must use knowledge of IIM professors to guide on new areas of revenue growth and also using non IIT students for knowledge transfer.
All Waiting for All India Quiz competition for Rail fans with prize as all India tour for winners by Railways and adding to IRCTC web account free kms 1st prize – 3000kms, 2nd price – 2000kms, 3rd price-1000kms
Railways must update its profile page with contact numbers to be displayed in Railminindia page of twitter itself. You can update your profile it is not big issue. The frequent no's u tweet right to ask for security helpline, pnr status all this can be updated In home page. For example the number 182, 1800111322 passenger security. Similarly details of centralised customer care to handle lack of water, lighting issues, mobile chargers, no pantry, lack of e-catering in that station, lack of RPF, broken or torn seats, late train, overcharging of food above MRP must be included in IVRS menu of customer care and number must be made famous. And the centralised IVRS must charge passengers who want to talk to customer care at 10p/min to provide better services and improve personnel at IVRS. Appoint or add more ex-servicemen in the customer care division to take more pro-active action. For those who want to just check estimated time of reaching destination, last station passed must be provided free of cost.
Ask passenger reservation centre when booking tickets and online also to get the mobile no and email entered in the system. Once a passenger completes a journey email can be sent out asking for feedback to centralised system from which it can be forwarded to various departments. Based on email id and details imbed in the email it can be used to process the issues if any issues you can email to clarify. The current IVRS system to get feedback is flawed the IVRS call happens when the train has not even crossed half way mark. The IVRS also asks only on punctuality. But doesn't focus on issues like is the toilet good, is the lighting and fans working, is the water available in the train, is mobile charger available. So please modify IVRS and IVRS needed or one after the travel is completed since anyway the punctuality factor cannot be changed once train has left station.
Having more regional quota in appointment of T.T.E as local language plays a key role in fixing and helping issues. During hiring of TTE Pls conduct exam region wise.
Also Railmin and railway minister must help Mos Railways some space for him to grow and show his skills. He is more interested to work but has been downplayed. In none of the photos he is there with Railway minister. Why is he kept in the dark? I saw the patience and interest with which he sat in parliament and listened to all concerns of MP's. Pls give space to him also. He is a good guy and want to learn like a kid. If groomed by Railway minister I think he can make a good leader in future.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Expectations in Budget not fulfilled

Medical facilities – A) AIIMS to be setup said in earlier budget still not put in motion. TN is still waiting for AIIMS to be setup the delay has not been explained also B) Medical helicopters are a distant future for the people and govt hospitals for faster transportation of passengers. Govt could have easily ordered HAL or through tender to purchase 30 helicopters at 1 per state, fuel anyway states are going to bear if any state says no don’t buy for them. C) No initiative to promote, document Ayurveda, homeopathy, tribal & village medicines and supply to global market to earn FOREX
Banks – Consolidation of smaller banks with either large banks or merging of smaller banks. There is definitely opposition but atleast weekly sitting by appointing teams for that will help. Appoint bimaljalan to recommend first consolidation process with members of Govt, RBI as members. The new bank can be given a new name. Even after the team gives options it wont be cake walk you need to work but within 2 years u can achieve some breakthrough if you put a team and hard work. Allow big banks to stay but try to club small banks. It will be better if subbarao or bimaljalan are part of the committee

RTI reforms – e-RTI, Amend RTI to make compulsory for state govts to create e-RTI portal or use existing RTI portal

RTI always help the Govt and nation take a step forward by increasing transparency and solving issuesby public themselves and to know on how govt is operating. Some times public are not aware of the constraints but RTI helps people like me to understand constraints and work out solutions.
Ask all govt departments to create an option in their website or title: “Frequently asked RTI” this will help greatly and avoid unwanted RTI to the departments and can save lot of repeated questions on daily work and annual funds provided by govt and used updated every week. The top 50 RTI questions if updated in this section will help greatly. The question and the answer if big can be put as a separate web page and the link or document can be put up below the question as answer. So repeated questions can be avoided and work effort and RTI effort can be reduced. So if somebody puts RTI they can provide URL of the website and give Qn. In website so that unwanted paper work is avoided.
For RTI requests, option must be given for entirely online reply the cost of unwanted postage can be avoided. The cost of RTI for which online reply is given can be charged at Rs.5 or at Rs.10 also ok but save paper & trees and unwanted manual work in posting and wastage of resources. Currently govt and RTI staff print the paper and then scan and upload to RTI website instead you can directly upload the answers online. The RTI website can be updated so that the concerned departments can fill in answers for RTI queries and neatly displayed in website with each question and the answer for easy understanding.
The 2nd appeal option must be integrated in existing website for easily filing 2nd appeal with details of appointment to be available online for video conferencing. The 2nd appeal procedure is not very clear to many people so make it simple.
Many RTI appeals are split into multiple departments and sent out but some of the departments don’t reply or delay the reply. Splitting up of requests is good but the other departments take lot of time to reply. Some method to ensure that all departments in given time if it is split up.
Most of the ministries and departments just send the answer but forget to put the question and then the answer. Ask all departments to put question with the answer.
The email id and option to clarify queries must be given as an option in the RTI website. Many public go to private people to file RTI since the procedures are not easily understandable.
Many state govt's have still not setup online RTI option. The RTI bill if possible must amended to enable online filing of RTI in all states. If possible existing system must be used to provide option state govt's to add their departments. State govt's must be given option to add all departments and reply online itself so cost is also saved and also public get replies to their questions. If only central govt departments work on RTI not enough all states must come forward to increase transparency. Compared to state govt RTI procedures I want to salute all central govt staff who had to put so much effort and hard work.
The above e-RTI programme will be part of Digital India mission and will further empower the people to question Govt. The existing portal is top class but try to amend RTI act to bring all states on board. Most states keep saying reasons that it wont be possible to convert all departments computerised. Actually RTI doesn’t require all departments to computerise but only reply to questions asked on the department.
States which are not part of online RTI tend to delay answers and postal method of sending letters to departments and keeping track is difficult. If it is online we can quickly ask questions and State Govt will also be on the toes to answer questions and follow guidelines.

Sports – Pension Scheme to be reformed – Give pension to all players who have represented India in any sport not necessary to have won medal, Give pension to top 10 individual national sportsperson in the field not necessary to have represented India globally, all national record holders for more than 1 year must be eligible for pension. All ranking of each sport must be available online in single portal. Payment must be to bank A/C, New committee by P.T. Usha, Milkha Singh.

The pension for sports schemes is given for internationally successful players in Olympics, world cup, world championships, Asian games, commonwealth games. I already sent a request to increase aid to players but neither was PM or govt interested. Hope it will be resolved now.
The flaw in the scheme is that it is not going to encourage more sports players. The current scheme gives pension to Olympians and international sports winner. Those who represented India in any sports must be eligible for this pension to be funded by Govt of India. It is not about winning it is about participating and representing the country. Even for Sachin it took several years in Indian cricket to win a world cup in athletics and other sports it is even more difficult seeing the lack of support by Govt for sports. Even though cricket is widely popular other sports require monetary support to pick up. At the end of the day the player needs money to survive. Pension of at least 5,000 must be provided to those who represented India in any sport in international arena.
All India tournaments conducted by Govt of India top 10 individual players in that sport must be also included in this pension system because someone from that is only going to represent India some time in near future. If not possible also it is ok, Govt can be happy that it created the necessary system to support players. For group games like hockey the entire Indian team with substitutes included must be included in pension as they represent the country in global arena irrespective of they get a chance to play or not or they win or not. Govt must support them. They are also a face of the country. Govt must encourage sportsmanship by encouraging participation more than winning and saving their future from monetary distress.
Any player who holds national record for more than 1 year must be eligible for life long pension. Can any of your ministers go and beat any record or create any records in sports like athletics. So it should be fair to give athletics and any sports were records are created as only these players who will represent India. So record creation will enthuse players to take up sports seriously. The records if created in national meets or state or central govt recognised meets or govt recognised federations should be considered
The current rate of pension for sportspersons must be doubled. The amount of 10,000 for medallists of Olympics games will it in anyway motivate players. For bronze medallists of para Olympics is Rs.3000. So please double the current pensions for the 8 sections and categories and also add above categories mentioned. Why is para Olympics treated differently from normal Olympics. Increase Olympics medal pension to at least 20,000 seeing the very less no of medals in Olympics.
Make 10,000 as minimum pension for including those players who have not won any medals also but have represented India must be given pension with linked to inflation to increase automatically. In future you will not have players to represent also if you don’t give pensions and the players wont motivate others to take up sports. So please take care of your previous National players. Even with 10,000 they cant pay rent for their house.
The rules that if Govt gives pension he should not take any other scholarships from other govt agencies or private is totally flawed. Why should govt have such a rule, please remove it. A talented sportsman can take scholarship from multiple agencies. Why should a sportsman die poor?
Why does sports ministry not give any salary to sports players who represent India. How will they fund their expenditure and food intake and exercise methods. Central govt wants to always build roads but India ‘s pride and face of the country are most of the time is its sportsperson and defence personnel not their Govt functionaries. The age limit of 30 years after which money will be given is not acceptable once a record is done the funds transfer should start since sports ministry will forget and the system is not automated to pay. The form filling and paper work can be avoided till 30 years call it as assistance programme and then after 30 years keep it as pension.
No or very less funds were allocated for Fencing Association of India, Karate, Cycle polo, Indian polo, softball, Ice hockey, Indian bodybuilders. Give a tax exemption for tax payers to contribute to sports for Govt provided account. So that nobody can say they gave for cricket and claim tax relief. The amount should go for promotion of rare sports, build new facilities in India and at regional level. Pls don’t add cess and all. Just give a account to contribute and claim tax relief.
Need to allocate foreign coaches for winter Olympics related events to engage sports person from Himalayan region and ice capped regions to tap more medals. Currently India is very weak in winter Olympics contests in spite of many snow capped mountains and immense scope for medals.
The transfer of money should be automatic with aadhaar based bank account details and recorded information of athlete's representation globally.
Claims procedure for sports candidates must be automated and made online to claim travel expenses, boarding, lodging, sports kits, food supplement charges, medical insurance,  .Approved in 48 hrs and special requests approved in less than 3 hrs for important programmes for urgent travelling. Setup team to discuss needs and do. I have basic idea on this portion on funds for players.
Setup a sports committee under P.T. Usha, milka singh and other sports people from various sports with cricket represented by Sachin to give recommendations to Govt. The committee for sports is need of the hour as lack of Olympic gold medals and lack of efforts by finance ministry to allocate funds to promote sports. If all students want to play cricket year after year for which there is no Olympics medal and for a billion plus people everyone mocks us at saying we lack talent and post education no job for sports also. No central govt jobs gives sports quota for jobs they say sports quota separate why apply when normal application. Ex-servicemen and sports quota have been not considered seriously by anyone in this country. Pls have the committee represented by top and retired players and retired coaches of the sports as they will bold enough to say the concerns the current players will be afraid as they fear they might lose their position.

Trichy New SEZ – Electronics clusters, Global manufacturing giants, IT companies like TCS, Wipro, infosys, Reliance base for making electronics cluster, Food processing centre with food from villages nearby, coconut processing centre to make products with coconuts, Food processing based on discussion with farmers

Pls create a SEZ in Trichy – Thanjavur highway possibly from pin code 620007 as there are several barren lands in this region. There are several students who migrate to abroad from this region since lack of jobs available. So please consider bringing SEZ in this region by bringing investment from global companies in manufacturing, IT, Embedded and electronics. Pls PM pls help on this. I don’t want so many talented youngsters to leave the country just for lack of jobs and they also suffer abroad. So pls create SEZ of IT companies. IF PM requests everyone and companies will setup business there. Most of the people working in Chennai are from this region only hence SEZ will be great help
Why Trichy u might think? Since it is the central point of TN and students around this region like from Thanjavur, Madurai, Erode, Villupuram and Coimbatore will come and work here creating a large boom in jobs and prevent students going outside country. There is international airport in Trichy and all railway lines go this location. So Trichy is easily a good location for business to grow. The bus facilities are also good as it comes in Trichy – Thanjavur highways. Jobs in Trichy will reduce migration of workers to other areas. The rains will never create any damage to work and work can go on 24*7. Madurai is not much suitable compared to Trichy since trichy is central point to all regions of Tamil Nadu. If your Govt can develop this region with many SEZ without affecting farm areas it will go in history books for years of development and boom in growth.
Pls request TCS, WIPRO, Infosys and IT companies to setup business here to create jobs in IT. Ask the major Indian IT firms to create at least 20,000 jobs and rest from other start-ups and small companies and global IT firms. Most of the people working in Chennai are from this region. Pls also ask manufacturing companies of PSU to setup business here. Pls setup govt offices of income tax to help increase tax base in other parts of TN. Pls also request Ravi Shankar prasad to bring electronic clusters here to create large number of jobs to core engineering students. RS Prasad has got lot of clusters for other states but nothing for TN so Trichy should be considered as a spot or in Coimbatore for electronic clusters as the weather is good there or also Trichy if possible for the same as Trichy as highways connected to all parts of the state and the country.
Lot of NRI in Saudi, Malaysia, Singapore are part of Trichy and this region so if you can connect with NRI population to invest in this region will help a lot.
My only thing to PM and team even if TN govt doesn’t cooperate please try to create jobs in barren lands in this region along the Trichy – Thanjavur highways. TN govt will definitely cooperate as the ELCOT of TN govt is really good organisation and will cooperate. In spite of Nirmala sitharam knowing needs of TN and speaking tamil very well had made no attempts to kick start SEZ in the state which is very unfortunate.  She might be a good speaker and knowledge of all topics but if she cannot move work faster or negotiate things it is equal to zero only. Always Central and state govts like kids fight over you are not helping and they are not helping. Even kids shake hands at some time.
I want PM to create jobs in Trichy for heaven sake. There is lot of barren land there and power available. Thanks please send central team to analyse location and work with global firms to enable setup of SEZ here. State Govt and local trichy authorities will be very much happy to help you.
Trichy also tops the list in swachh bharth index is in top 3. So if you develop this region and in future construct the Mono Rail in future here by clearing once the number of people increase post the SEZ construction. It will be massive impact for the Govt and your team of ministers. For several years this region is not developed to its full potential inspite of so much youth available and searching for job.
 Please also for "Samayapuram Mariamman Temple " near Trichy need for underpass for vehicles which go from the temple towards trichy as they have to cross the National highways which is high risk. Many vehicles come in very high speed in the NH-45. So if an underpass for vehicles which go from temple to trichy side needed. For vehicles from trichy to temple no issues as they can take free left. Please send Ponn Radhakrishnan to work with State transport corporations, local private buses, area public, temple authorities to find a viable solution. I would strongly recommend underpass for easy movement of buses and vehicles and then joining the NH-45. The cost of the project can be borne by central govt don't wait for state govt for this since it comes under National highways. Samayapuram is a key temple in TamilNadu and this region it bring in crowd from all parts of the country during festivals which might not be aware to many of your ministers. So please send a team to analyse and take up this project. Also have lighting in the junction in NH where the vehicles from samayapuram and the NH vehicles intersect. It is completely dark and vehicles if they cant see at high speeds will lead to high speed accidents.
The mono rail can be setup by connecting Trichy bus stand – Railway station – airport – samayapuram temple – Cauvery River-Srirangam – Ponmalai Workshop and key bus stops of bus routes. The mono rail can be built at a cost of 250 crores. Metro is not needed here since State Govt keeps fares very high and it will become an unviable and waste project.