Thursday, December 31, 2015

Major Projects if cleared will boost Indian Economy to 15% in 10 years

  1. Please implement the trucks being transferred through railways already successfully done by konkan railways details below it is not implemented in full vigor. The existing tracks after last passenger train the trucks must be loaded in one stations and the truck can reach the other end point by morning and the saving in cost and fuel and reduced pollution. The truck after existing the railway station at other end can then directly go to spot of sale. Hence will help save time and also reduce pollution. During available windows in major golden quadrilateral freight corridor routes, major cargo centers the lorry movement with consignment with railways will boost railways. It will be successful and also discuss with major lorry groups, major logistics, major ports for this plan and then go ahead in full steam to implement. Since if all logistics firm avoid railways and use roads since it has facilities will lead to loss to railways in long run. Hence railways freight should gain importance over any scheme.
  2. Article with details:
  3. Dedicated Golden Quadrilateral freight corridor needs clearance for all routes pending once feasibility done
  4. Please build 600Kmph high speed railway between Delhi and Mumbai as 300kmph is slow compared to current technologies available. Cost is high but in long run it is better and faster travel as 300kmph will become easily available in near future by all countries. that time india cannot boast of high speed rail corridor
  5. Existing golden quadrilateral highways needs expansion of lanes to increase volume of goods and traffic. Currently it is impossible to travel easily for passengers itself so you cant expect the goods to travel easily
  6. The road side facilities of Highways are very poor in global standards. The companies which have taken toll have failed to provide facilities similar to malaysia. The integrated facilities every 50 kms have complete facilities like restaurants, bus and car parking, hotels to take rest, religious places for prayer, water, toilets, bathroom to take bath, etc,. Hospitals. The facilities are needed every 50 kms in golden quadrilateral roads for now and all future projects must include the facilities. The fuelling centre must be also integrated. Mechanics to repair cars, lorries, tow vehicles in case of any vehicle to be towed. Free space to major car companies to have their facilites
  7. All fuel stations along highways must have proper facilities of shopping like food, water, etc,. for refreshing and clothes.

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