Monday, December 28, 2015

Parliament & Rashtrapathi Bhavan– New Committee under Speak and Vice President to look into disruption with joint committee of all parties to bring new solutions with each house separate committee – 2 hours for Question hour (11AM, 4PM), 1 hour for national importance, Separate one hour to discuss bills, Convert 50% of the Parliament & Rashtrapathi Bhavan building to use green energy(solar panels of 200MW or more as space available on top of parliament building, solar thermal power plant up to 50MW in less space, solar heaters, wind turbines to replace water pumps, Bio Fuels to run motors, heat from motor to heat parliament during winter sessions) by 2017 and make it 100% by 2020, In-Ear Headphones for MP to hear during shouting by opposition, Option in DTH to hear Rajya Sabha and lok Sabha tv in regional languages as to what MP are speaking for common man to know without help of media or news

The parliament has not functioned effectively since 2010 as always the MP’s from opposition will fight with whatever Government present at any given point of time. Please form 2 committee’s for each house under the leadership of the speaker and the vice-president respectively to arrive at a consensus on how the parliament operates by inviting all parties and fix issue it will be landmark. Guidelines needs to be created on a) How notices can be taken up a wait time of 1 day instead of opposition forcing to take up matters instantaneously as no Govt can be prepared to answer in short notice and Govt should take up notice definitely within 48 hours but Govt should definitely reply to all notices within 72 hours and allow for discussion for 1 and half hour maximum b) One hour or half hour(at 12 PM) should be allocated to matters of National importance or urgent needs mostly the agenda is set by newspapers or media to disrupt parliament indirectly as each party has some media backing c) First hour alone to Question hour has not helped as Question hour needs to be 2 hours one in the morning and one in the evening at closing time as most MP’s leave after 12 PM itself not good for country when we work for full day why MP’s leave early and there are so many issues and in 1 hour you cant ask everything d) Parliamentarians making loud noises or entering into well of the house must be sent out immediately(for 2 days first, then 2 days again), if they do next time (after 2 earlier warnings) sent out permanently for entire session. Even in state Govt's we send out why cant parliament do that also is speaker and VP not given powers e) Any bill likely to be passed Govt must start working continuously with opposition and public to get feedback and not pass in hurry f) Parliamentarians who disrupt must not be given free food in parliament canteen g) Fixed time lines for discussion on bills should be made compulsory for 1 hour daily at 3PM -4 PM and notice for bill draft must be shared to all parties well ahead of parliament not at last minute that is purely intent is to avoid discussion and pass it directly that is not fair h) MP’s will lose free flight tickets benefits if they have disrupted the parliament even once they can come by train. MP’s speaking too much out of turn or without notice can also be subjected to this treatment to bring discipline and prepare well before coming
When govt in new pay commission has stated that Govt employees will have performance based pay but what about MP’s you should have that rule to self monitor
Parliament & Rashtrapathi Bhavan need to become green buildings (solar, bio fuel, wind) and reduce electricity consumption significantly. The department of science and Technology is willing to take this up as a challenge to achieve. Please generate electricity more than peak demand at session and non session period. If both these buildings are made green buildings it will be good signal to entire India on motive of Govt and MP’s.
In-Ear headphones or noise cancellation headsets without battery for parliamentarians to hear during disruptions as current headphones wont help hear clearly. Currently used headphones in parliament are outdated and will cause outside noise to interfere and during times of translations nothing can be understood and it is difficult for MP asking and minister answering. Most noise cancellation headsets work against noise from machines but you need to test in parliament or in crowded areas if noise of public or MP’s wont be heard inside the ear.
In DTH boxes some channels like National Geographic offer the option to choose different languages for the same video like Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Bengali, Hindi and English. So if the same option is available for Rajya Sabha TV and Lok Sabha TV it will help greatly to the public to understand what MP are speaking about for the public as the translation services are available only for MP in parliament what about us and the common man. The common man in a village is not able to understand what you people are talking about he wants to know whether you discuss for him or some matters of personal interest. So do translation options it is very easy ask DTH operators you can use the existing translation services in parliament to extend to all regional languages and that can be transferred over the air to all the public. Currently media takes up only one portion of the parliament activities and keeps focussing on that for full day based on its agenda if translation is there we know what to hear.
Govt should have meeting with all parties every month to discuss any issues of national importance during non parliament days so that parliament works fine when it approaches if you go and reach out to opposition only one week or few days before wont help. Leave out all egos and reach out patiently and solve issues one by one.
All MP's discuss well in news channels but not in parliament is something the way MP's have let down people of India for decades now. One mistake constitution creators forgot was they did not mention how discussion will take place other than that everything they did. Most MP’s don’t have knowledge to discuss constructively or ask Questions

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