Monday, December 7, 2015

NDRF – Review – Move team within 2 hours of news in TV to location with approval from either PM/CM/President/Governor to save people, siren not used to indicate to public of distress, NDRF have no stock of water bottles, ready to eat food for 1 Lakh always to move with force or within 3 hours, NDRF should train state police, fire regularly every month across all districts to handle till NDRF reaches, NDRF ads to help public get aware of all states

NDRF should independently take decision to move to a state or district or country to start relief operations. They should understand they are for saving people of this country and should not wait for push from Central Govt or request from state Govt.They should start acting on their own and move to a location of distress on their own and then should wait for approval from either PM/CM/president or governor. If anyone gives approval they should start work. The current process is pathetic leads to delays of 24 hours easily. The approval time must be reduced to 2 hours and NDRF has to independent follow and track news to take decision and start moving and wait for approval at location. This is imp issue. In 1st time floods in November NDRF did not move also because PM was outside India but in December PM interfered I believe. So always NDRF, army and air force relief teams should self initiate without PM/CM request as NDRF need is to save people irrespective of govt and get approval post reaching spot from any cabinet level
States don’t have siren concept to intimate people of distress in the area to save themselves in Chennai when water was released at night it is too difficult to escape. So siren must be installed in all police stations across the country to notify of emergencies for public to prepare themselves irrespective of literacy and also avoid informing all
NDRF, Army engineers, Airforce engineers must always be formed as team to restore any transportation issues like Airport, Railways, National or state highways immediately to bring relief and to restore transportation always similar to war like scenario where transport is fixed in less than 5 hours. Both NH45, Airport, railways where not operating.
NDRF had stated it was waiting for airport to clear in future it should move with any possible means helicopter, high speed boats to reach area instead of waiting for anything.
NDRF should have own means of transportation like helicopters, small planes to prevent dependency on air force, army, aircrafts for movement to avoid delays in movement.
NDRF boats should have foldable motors to run boats wherever possible where boats hit any object below water level.
NDRF did not have stock of water bottles, ready to eat meals, biscuits, rusk, banana/strawberry, fruit pulp juices like mango, pineapple from fruity or any brand to get fruit juice into body to improve mood for at least for 50,000 people as disaster will definitely impact from 50,000 to 1 Lakh with separate helicopters or planes within 4 hours. Avoid rice as by the time it reaches it becomes stale some volunteers try to give it proves wrong. Even chapatti can help survive the hunger.
NDRF should train local police, fire, coast guard, army, air force, schools, colleges, NCC cadets  to handle such situation and share experiences with other state police regularly with monthly interactions year long for better practice and improving with global standards and also in turn learn from other agencies as issues differ with geography, level from sea level, various forms of disasters, etc,. Docs must be put online.
NDRF toll free number for entire nation must be available. NDRF must be available in twitter and Facebook to get direct response. SMS numbers to send SMS, WhatsApp, hike
NDRF ads which were shown earlier was stopped so hereafter every month to get public prepared put ads on required materials public should carry like candles, clothes for 3 days for both self and other gender to help the needy, solar led light, winter blankets/wind sheathe, water bottles, first aid kit, children food items, glucose powder, ready to eat food, biscuits, radio with batteries to know latest news to avoid rumours, mobile chargers if possible with solar/dry battery/mechanical movement, raincoats/umbrellas, milk powder, mats for sitting, metal boxes to get food, plastic bottles to hold water and accumulate later, medicines if consumed. Once they hear siren, imp docs,  they can take box and leave the place for safety separate for each person in their own hand.
Disaster relief centres must be constructed in each state in at least 3 districts which have faced issues till now or major disasters. For Example in TamilNadu – Cuddalore, Chennai and nearby Pondicherry face distress often as it is coastal area. So building separate disaster centres in best features to help public occupy these places when siren goes out to prevent further issues. The current system of making public or poor stay in schools, marriage halls will not help in proper rehabilitation. Since in 1 week no body can recover from trauma. These centres must have 50,000 sqft space with several floors with space for taking rest in floor with mats as beds are not necessary as maintenance not possible and accommodate more people, hospital in a floor to carry out operations or first aid activities with facilities during non disaster time it will work as hospital, communication with free telephones with all networks, internet, TV to get news, food hall to prepare and have food for people, communication centre to reach to people, forces, etc,. Meeting room for NDRF, SDRF to meet regularly and take actions and improve based on feedback and latest techniques. The funding of these centres will be split 70:30 with highest from state and rest from centre as land has to be given by state and centre with remaining funds and also guidance on how to build and what features based on needs of locations.

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