Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Crop/Tree/Plantation Insurance (include coconut, tea, coffee, flowers, fruits, vegetables – Make it Attractive for Farmers, Take help of Ravi Shankar Prasad/Venkiah Naidu/Arun Jaitley to review the scheme its vision and final review by PM, Each line in the scheme must think will it help farmers really and will they accept it and they will buy for securing own future, Partnering with Israel for Agriculture in latest technologies

It seems crop insurance exists in various forms for all crops, plantations, trees but not much farmers took it. It needs to be streamlines into single Crop Insurance Organisation or IRDA itself to monitor and specialise in the same. 1st partner and work closely with all states on crop insurance similar to how Govt, finance and others worked day and night with committees for GST. Similar amount of energy needed for crop insurance and many ideas will come out there and make it clear that loan waivers should be avoided and ask all govt to promote crop insurance and to take loans from authorised govt agency and avoid money lenders. Draft document must be released before Jan End for state level discussion. The draft must be in all regional languages and circulated to all village panchayat's by post with or without state Govt help and intel to collect on farmers initial reactions and fine tune points. Also work with existing crop insurance companies and why they have failed to understand root cause.
Insurance distribution must not be concentrated with banks alone. Farmers have lost hope of banks to some extent. Ask post offices/individual agencies/banks to provide insurance.
A) Farmers without own lands must also be given crop insurance B) Farmers once they show proof of their land document in Xerox if in case they are going to sow on another person land also they can take but the money will be refunded to the farmer who works only to save from big money lenders who use tactics to cheat farmers, crop going to be sown, area to be sown, a same farmer may do multiple crops in same area so all must be covered no questions asked C) No land document of farmers must be taken no security from farmer must be asked D) Even for interest subvention scheme the insurance must be added by default to protect from natural calamities E) some farmers lose land due to mischief/fight/theft it must be added to insurance. Govt must be careful but for theft or fight they must get police FIR to give claim similar to loss of vehicles. So by all combinations which happen in villages should be covered by getting info from farmers F) Farmers health insurance must be equated to the amount to which the crop insurance is taken if he takes for 20,000 for 1 acre same amount his health insurance must be given for taking treat at any private hospital also to make it attractive or return 0.5% of the amount if the crop is successfully harvested or in next crop insurance deduct amount in that but keep them engaged.
Govt must interact with major farmers groups in all states. Ministers must be given freedom to take good decisions and allowed to fine tune some points based on farmers thoughts. 2nd draft post discussion with farmers or simultaneously at secretary of central and state govt level. In budget the details of the body setup with corpus of 1000 crores or amount based on recent amounts given for various states for droughts. One thing PM and govt must understand entire world thinks the current govt is against farmers and not capable of doing for farmers as MNREGA was closed but many know it had lot of corruption but you need to prove the crop insurance followed with Revised MNREGA as PM & entire India is a great fan of Gandhi. Final version of crop insurance post review of the feedback to budget and all suggestions.
Crop insurance can be made popular by making the scheme attractive by easy availability of information in all languages and app in all languages rendering and not too many forms in banks and no wait time given in less than 20 mins (a money lender gives money at 40% interest rate in 10 minutes so same way for farmers also) once farmer puts sign or fingerprint in aadhaar based device. Ads needed but should be simple and clear and covering list of crops in that. Once the farmers buys crop insurance next time it must be cake walk next time he should just buy loan which includes insurance and walks out with peace of mind. Govt should put ads in all regional newspapers in all regional languages like in Tamil, telugu, Malayalam, Bengali, marati, etc,. If you keep putting in Hindi and English around 60% farmers wont know. TV ads in regional channel's in regional language in clear tone on top TRP programmes and top TRP programmes in rural areas

Crops of any form must be covered – rice, wheat, coconut, pulses, flowers, fruits, vegetables, turmeric anything which can be grown full list you will have you use that. Don’t say I will give only for 4 types rest all we don’t support everything must be supported no timelines on co-payment by Govt. Make a scheme which stands testimony of time and will stand for decades. Govt must create a toll free number to which if a villager calls and then complaints on any facility it must be resolved in 60 days – toilets, schools
As per RBI panel report and earlier suggestions. Make crop insurance mandatory for those farmers who take loans so that their loan amount for the period will be waived off if any damage to crop. If crop is safe then they must be returned if possible say 0.5% amount as premium paying is considered averse for money everyone expect something in return. Or you can say you will provide health cover for the same amount paid for the crops if crops are safe.
Ask university professors in all Agricultural universities in all states to submit report on their suggestions on why crop insurance has not been taken up by most farmers & avoided. Ask them for latest technologies.
  • Share with farmers through IVRS number of 4 digits maximum and register their mobile number once they call and send sms in regional languages and English and hindi based on choice or by default what mode they chose to talk, the ivrs must be configured to speak in regional language first when they call to help them understand. Local BPO must be created in all universities or near that campus to guide farmers
Steps to be taken to prevent farmers to go to private money lenders and why they are averse to go to banks. Money lenders must be arrested by police to prevent farmers from going to them. Use intel and local info. if a money lender can give money in 10 minutes cant a bank give same.
  • RBI panel was wrong about interest subvention scheme the 4% interest rates must be maintained. It was fault of big corporates who failed to repay loans and the NPA affected banks for that farmers cannot suffer by taking loans at higher rates. RBI is never worried about farmers

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